Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Social
    Find The Hottest Events in Major Cities with Buzzd

    Most mobile social networks are quite alike. They're all competing for a host of information from you and your circle of friends. This information ranges from various messages to the most embarrassing photos of your friends that you can find. Here is where NYC based start-up Buzzd differentiates itself. Interested...

  • Web
    Confirmed: Chrome Is Coming To Android

    Are you sick of Google Chrome news yet? We can't blame you, but you'll have to bear with us. It's not everyday that Google releases a brand-new web browser. The latest news regarding the much-hyped browser? It's coming to Android. According to Google Co-founder Sergey Brin, "a subsequent version of...

  • Web
    Nail an API, Get a Sweet Job: FriendFeed Hire/Acquires FFToGo, RSSMeme

    There are a lot of great reasons for a company online to offer an Application Programming Interface (API) for outside developers to build on, but one we're starting to see more of is an API as the ultimate recruitment tool.Red hot lifestreaming service FriendFeed announced this afternoon that the company...

  • Web
    Twitter Novels: Not Big Success Stories Yet

    In Japan, mobile phone novels called "keitai shousetus" have become so successful that they accounted for half of the ten best-selling novels in 2007. Here in the Western world several would-be novelists are attempting to use Twitter to create the same phenomenon.Some of the novels tweeted so far have been...

  • Web
    Hurricane Gustav on the Web: A Reference Guide for Our Readers

    On the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, we watch as Hurricane Gustav once again batters the Gulf Shore. Today, many of us are glued to both the TV and the web to keep track of the ongoing coverage of the storm. Beyond just traditional media outlets, there are also a...

  • Web
    Comparing Web Platforms

    It's great to hear that Marc Canter is writing a book, called 'How to build the Open Mesh'. He's been working for years on this vision with his product PeopleAggregator. He's just posted the four Appendices that conclude the book in his blog. It's a great overview of the major...

  • Web
    10 Android Apps We Will Actually Use

    Yesterday, Google announced the winners of the Android Developer Challenge I, a contest that awarded cash prizes to the most innovative and promising applications designed for the upcoming mobile OS, Android. The ten top teams received $275,000 and 10 other teams received $100,000. The ADC Gallery lists all the winners...

  • Web
    How to Rock Flickr Like a Champ

    Yahoo's wildly popular photo sharing site Flickr is a lot of fun to use, but it really helps to take some time and learn how to use it well. We've recently engaged more seriously with Flickr and wanted to share some quick tips that we think will help you get...

  • Web
    The Case for an Apple iNetwork: Welcome to the Social

    There has been a lot of speculation recently about an impending update to iTunes. Version 8.0, among other things, is supposed to finally bring a recommendation engine to the digital media player application. While that's interesting from a music discovery perspective, it is even more interesting to consider what this...

  • Web
    A Bad Day for Apple: Banned iPhone Ads, Embarrassing Security Hole, and a Censored Comic

    For most companies, having to deal with one piece of bad publicity in a day is already bad enough. Apple, however, has to deal with three pieces of bad publicity today. In England, the Advertising Standards Authority, moved to ban one of Apple's ads for the iPhone because of misleading...

  • Web
    Back to School: 10 Great Web Apps for College Students

    For a lot of college students, the new semester is just around the corner. Last year, we created a long list of great Web 2.0 tools that we thought would be helpful for college students.But given how fast things develop on the web, we thought we would revisit this topic...

  • Web
    Opening Asia’s Web: Inaugural Event in October

    Open Web Asia '08, the first pan-Asia web technology event bringing together executives, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists from throughout Asia, will be staged on October 14, 2008 in Seoul, Korea.  This event was organized by the OpenWeb.Asia Workgroup and prominent entrepreneurs and bloggers within Asia's web industry. Asia needs Open...

  • Web
    RWW Live: Online Music (Special Guests From Imeem, Yahoo Music, Rhapsody)

    The latest episode of RWW Live, our live podcast show, is set to begin shortly at 3.30pm PST (6.30pm EST). This week's topic is online music and we have 3 very special guests on the show to discuss this: Dalton Caldwell, founder and CEO of Imeem; Lucas Gonze, whose startup...

  • Social
    Mixi Brings Sophisticated OpenID to Millions of Japanese Users

    Mixi, the giant Japanese social network, announced last week that it is now acting as an OpenID provider. The implementation is particularly sophisticated, Six Apart's David Recordon says they are the first major provider to support the exchange of user profile data via OpenID. The service is also providing a...

  • Web
    Four Ad-Free Ways that Mined Data Can Make Money

    Machines can do wonderful things. Side by side with the rise of a new world of publishers, the computer scientists of the world are cranking it up as well - building new ways to create value from the sea of data being published by people. And then they take their...

  • Web
    Yahoo Search Comes to the iPhone

    Google has long been offering iPhone-optimized sites for most of its services, as well as a dedicated search application for the iPhone. Yahoo, however, had mostly been lagging behind with respect to dedicated iPhone offerings. Now, Yahoo has unveiled a dedicated iPhone version of its search service, which, among other...

  • Web
    6 Emerging Trends CIOs Should Care About

    According to Forrester Research, we're in the initial phases of a new 16-year cycle of technology innovation and growth called "IT Everywhere." This shift comes on the heels of the previous cycle which brought us networked computing technologies for our enterprise applications and the Internet. During this transitional period, CIOs...

  • Web
    10 Promising Web Platforms

    In this post we review 10 promising developer platforms for the Web. We're not talking about the obvious ones either, like Facebook, iPhone, OpenSocial or even Twitter. Those have been covered extensively already. The list below features some of our favorite 'lesser known' web developer platforms. There are bound to...

  • Web
    Most Popular Websites For Kids

    Continuing our coverage of the mainstream web, in this post we look at some of the most popular websites for kids. We've gathered information from a recent report (pdf) from Nielsen Online, via Marketingvox, which studied the online habits of Britons under the age of 23. We also polled friends...

  • Web
    Sponsor Announcement: DEMOfall 08 Agenda

    The conference agenda for DEMOfall 08 has been announced. ReadWriteWeb is one of the media partners for DEMOfall 08, which is on September 7-9 in San Diego. There are 70 companies presenting and they fall into the following broad categories: Moving the Chains ("smart incrementation" of innovation); Television Meets the...

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