Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Cloud Computing Panel at Web 2.0 Summit

    Yesterday, an all-star panel at the TechWeb/O'Reilly's Web 2.0 Summit took a closer look at the implications of the current shift towards cloud computing and discussed the possible business models around it. The panel featured Adobe's CTO Kevin Lynch,'s CEO Marc Benioff, Google's Dave Girouard, and VMware's CEO Paul...

  • Mobile
    Meebo Takes Advantage of Android Multitasking for IM App

    If you have a Web-based service that's accessible by any browser, then you've had the luxury of being able to deliver your service to Apple iPhone and Google Android G1 users from day one. Why then are so many developers choosing to go to the trouble of creating an iPhone...

  • Web
    Number of US Health 2.0 Consumers Now at 60 Million

    A report was released today by pharmaceutical and healthcare market research company Manhattan Research, stating that the number of U.S. adults who are Health 2.0 consumers has risen to over 60 million. Manhattan Research defined Health 2.0 consumers as those who have conducted one of the following activities in the...

  • Web
    Mary Meeker at Web 2.0 Summit: There is Hope

    One of our favorite parts of the annual Web 2.0 Summit is Mary Meeker's rapid fire data deluge about the Internet economy. You can view her PDF slides here. She started off by discussing the recession, which she said was "a long time coming" - but wondered "how long will...

  • Social
    Your Election Day Web Toolkit

    Everything you need to find voter information, report on your experience, and track election results using social media and the web. Over the past few weeks, we've heard of several different ways we can use the web to keep track of the U.S. Election coverage. We can use Google to...

  • Mobile
    Turn Your Smartphone Into a Modem with PdaNet

    If you own a laptop and a smartphone coupled with an unlimited data plan, then you could be in for a nice treat today. Anyone that's bound to the internet can tell you that being stranded without internet access is not much fun. It could drive anyone crazy! When all...

  • Mobile
    AT&T Hotspots Now Free for iPhone Owners

    That's right folks! After months of speculation and rumors, iPhone owners can now use the Wi-Fi available at their local AT&T Hotspot at no additional charge. We thought it was ridiculous that this didn't come pre-packaged with the iPhone considering that most iPhone owners are using the web more than...

  • Mobile Partners with Qik and Flixwagon

    We introduced you to in late July. provides a quick and fun way to send out a video message that's 12 seconds long. It's a great service for hosting mini video contests and we suggested our own tongue-twisting contest. Since then, has incorporated 12 second video challenges...

  • Web
    Android Market Shows Steady Growth

    It's been a week since the Android Market - the primary location for downloading applications for the Google G1 Android mobile handset - opened its doors for business. And while the noise surrounding the opening of a marketplace for Android applications hasn't met with the same cacophonous reverberations of the...

  • Web
    Validas May Have The Perfect Recession Pitch

    Start-ups should have a simple value proposition that is easy to understand. In a recession, that proposition should be "we save you money, NOW". Or maybe, a tad harder, "we bring you new revenue, NOW". With the emphasis on urgency. You can always save money by making sacrifices. But if...

  • Web
    Microsoft Document Editor Coming To The iPhone

    DataViz, makers of Documents To Go, a Microsoft Office editor app for mobile devices, has confirmed that they are developing an application for the iPhone. The application would allow for editing of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files on your iPhone, or, presumably, your iPod Touch. According to a company...

  • Web
    Seven Must-Have Offline Apps For Your iPhone/iPod Touch

    If you have an iPod Touch, then you know the benefit of finding apps that work offline. But some iPhone owners, too, need offline access from time-to-time. Maybe you spend your commute in an underground subway or perhaps your office building has shoddy cell coverage, or maybe you just want...

  • Web
    Some of The Smartest Companies on The Internet Sponsor ReadWriteWeb

    Here at ReadWriteWeb, we work hard to provide you with the smartest Internet news and reviews each and every day. The sponsors that give us the opportunity to spend our time writing are companies that appreciate the thoughtfulness of the whole community here, including our readers. Once a week we...

  • Mobile
    Qik Teases BlackBerry Users with Alpha for Pearl and Bold

    Qik, the service that turns mobile phones into handheld streaming video cameras, is pushing to make mobile streaming video accessible to the masses - no matter what handset they're carrying. Earlier this month, Qik announced that it had added support for consumer-focused phones - generally falling outside the "smart phone"...

  • Social
    BrightKite iPhone App Goes Live (Finally)

    Brightkite is one of the hottest mobile social networks on the scene. With a vast array of offerings and an active network of users to boot, you're bound to find someone near you or something new to check out. Recently this promising mobile social network released an official iPhone app...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Platform Blues, Web 3.0, Android Apps, And More…

    It's time for our weekly summary of Web Technology news, products and trends. On the trends side this week, we analyzed why platforms such as Facebook and Open Social have been a let-down, we looked at a new (perhaps under-appreciated) platform from AOL, reported on the latest 'web 3.0' moves...

  • Web
    Three Places To Shop For Android Apps? How Confusing!

    Yesterday, T-Mobile stocked their stores with G1 handset, the first smartphone to feature Google's mobile operating system "Android." Along with the device itself, the Google Android Market also went live. There, developers are offering a number of applications for installation on the new phone. However, the Android Market isn't the...

  • Web
    Pelotonics Integrates Evernote into Project Management

    Three weeks ago we wrote about the release of the new Application Programming Interface (API) of sophisticated note taking system Evernote. We said we were excited to see what outside developers were going to do with it. Today we saw our first Evernote integration and it is awesome.Group collaboration startup...

  • Mobile
    Android Goes Open-Source

    When Google announced Android, its software platform for mobile devices, it released an SDK for developers to work with, but it also promised to eventually release the code under an open-source license. Today, Google and its partners in the Open Handset Alliance did exactly that. You can now download the...

  • Web
    Three Hot G1 Android Apps Already Out

    In June 2007, the world was eagerly awaiting a product that would turn mobile computing on its proverbial ear, the Apple iPhone. Comparisons between the days leading up to that launch and this week are inevitable, as we once again find ourselves anxiously awaiting a groundbreaking mobile product, the first...

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