Results for "mobile"

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    Social Media in Africa, Part 1

    Contrary to popular belief, Africa is not completely absent from the Internet. In fact, the continent at large is undergoing a connectivity revolution unlike anything it has ever seen. Mobile phones in particular are propagating at an incredible rate, with penetration ranging from 30% to 100%. The average is 30.4%...

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    Interview With Founder Richard Jones: Part 1, The Competition

    This week we interviewed one of the founders of online music service, Richard "Mr Scrobble" Jones. We wanted to find out's reaction to the launch of MySpace Music and the rise of Imeem, discuss business models in online music, and find out what's new at We're running...

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    Poll: Adobe Confirms Flash For iPhone – Do You Care?

    At the Flash on the Beach 08 conference being held in Brighton, England, Adobe's Senior Director of Engineering, Paul Betlem, confirmed that a Flash Player is in development for the iPhone. The information was provided in answer to a direct question from an audience member during the Town Hall meeting...

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    E Wants To Be The Future of Networking

    In this web-enabled world of ours, you have to wonder why business cards are still so popular. Shouldn't there be a better way? A number of startups have attempted to address this problem with ingenious solutions that range from iPhone apps to custom URLs. Others are calling for the use...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Phone, MySpace Music, and More!

    It's time for our weekly summary of Web Technology news, products and trends. This week we had two big product launches: the Google Phone and MySpace Music. We also looked at Favtape, a new startup aiming to shake up the online music market. On the trends side, we had another...

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    Blogging Dream Team Joins Forces to Challenge Engadget, TreeHugger and More

    A team of leading bloggers from the early days of AOL-acquired Weblogs Inc. has come together again to build their ideal blogging software and raise a new network of blogs to challenge top sites in personal electronics, eco-awareness and other niches yet to be announced. Calling themselves Crowd Fusion, the...

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    Into the Cloud: Our 5 Favorite Online Storage Services

    Being able to access your files from anywhere and from any computer is one of the great conveniences of the always-on Internet. Online file storage has been around for quite a while, but the latest generation of services are so cheap and easy to use that there is almost no...

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    The Scannable World, Part 2: Scanning Your Web Printouts

    This is the second post in a multi-part series about integrating the internet with the real world. In "The Scannable World: Mobile Phones As Barcode Scanners," we introduced the concept of using your phone to scan barcoded objects in the real world. We also touched on some of the history...

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    RWW Interviews David Tosh of Elgg, The Open Source Social Networking Platform

    When we first introduced you to Elgg two years ago, it was a new social networking platform whose focus was on e-learning. Since that time, the software has been rewritten and it has moved away from being strictly for educational use only. Today, the award-winning Elgg is one of the...

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    The Scannable World, Part 3: Barcode Scanning In The Real World

    This is the third part in a multi-part series about integrating the internet with the real world through barcode scanning technology. In the firsttwo articles we looked at the history of scanning barcodes with your mobile phone, newspaper print ads, and a new effort to bring barcodes to web printouts....

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    Automattic Acquires Comment Plugin IntenseDebate

    Automattic, the company behind the popular blogging platform Wordpress, has acquiredIntenseDebate, a blog commenting plugin that works on almost every blogging platform. The price of the acquisition was not disclosed. This is the third major acquisition for Automattic after buying Gravatar in 2007 and BuddyPress in early 2008. Automattic promises...

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    Google Phone Unveiled, Can it Beat the iPhone?

    Today, Google, T-Mobile, and HTC came together to introduce the first phone running the Google mobile OS, Android, at a press conference held this morning in New York City. The overall message was one that focused on openness. But will the future of the mobile internet be driven by open...

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    Building For Android and iPhone? New Analytics Tool From Medialets Lets You Track Apps On Both

    From Medialets, the company that was first to launch with an ad platform that was like "doubeclick for iPhone apps," has just announced a new version of their analytics tool for mobile apps. Previously available only to iPhone developers, the company is now bringing their analytics program to Android developers,...

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    RWW Predictions: Google’s Android vs. Apple’s iPhone

    The tech and mobile industries are buzzing about the impending release of the first Google Android handset. We've been waiting since February to find out whether an official Android handset will see the light of day. But after numerous setbacks, a device that will carry Android is finally here. Better...

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    Thanks RWW Sponsors; Email Us For Media Kit

    Thank you to our sponsors, for supporting our mission to provide in-depth coverage of Web apps and trends. To enquire about sponsor slots on ReadWriteWeb, email us for a Media Kit.Why sponsor ReadWriteWeb? It is one of the 10 most popular blogs in the world, according to Technorati, and reaches...

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    A Better Way To Collaborate: OpenACircle

    OpenACircle is a new collaboration tool for teams which includes innovative screen-sharing and video conferencing features for instant collaboration with co-workers. This makes OpenACircle somewhat unique in the web-based project/task management space where most competitors have just designed a lightweight version of SharePoint and offer it up as a service....

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    Sponsor Announcement: Web 3.0 Conference

    The Web 3.0 Conference & Expo is happening October 16-17, Santa Clara, CA. ReadWriteWeb is a media sponsor of the event.Web 3.0 Conference and Expo will explore the strategies, tools, technologies and the big ideas necessary for building impactful, socially relevant, and profitable Web 3.0 products, services and companies. So...

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    Smart Phone Apps: Gaming & Entertainment Most Popular

    A new report from Handango - a distribution network for smartphone applications across the BlackBerry, Palm, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, and Linux platforms - states that gaming apps have jumped in popularity this year. In a report entitled First Half 2008 Handango Yardstick, Handango's regular review of the global smartphone...

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    Banking 2.0: Money Management Moves to The Cloud

    There was a time when managing finances from your computer meant you had to use desktop software. Today, that's no longer the case. There are now a number of applications that let you do your banking in the cloud, a trend we've dubbed "banking 2.0."These sites aren't just simplified versions...

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    Twittering from Web 2.0 New York

    Web 2.0 New York starts today and I'm here at the event. I will be Twittering my instant takes (@bernardlunn), summarizing here on ReadWriteWeb when I have time. I plan to be a total mobile Blackberry Twitter-head all week, leaving my laptop at home and making my notes on Twitter....

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