Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    Make Your Own iPhone/Android Apps With New App Generator

    Today AppLoop launched a mobile application generator which lets you turn any RSS feed into a mobile application for either iPhone (available today) or Android (coming soon). The company, who competes with the analytics and advertising solution MediaLets, wanted to provide everyone with the tools to make a mobile app,...

  • Web
    Bloglines Returns to Challenge Google Reader – Thank Goodness

    Popular RSS reader Bloglines says it's solved the much publicized recent problems with feed updating that lead smaller services to pursue its users and Google Reader triumphalists to declare the RSS reader market all zipped up. It's true that Bloglines has a lot of problems, but all software does and...

  • Web
    Study Confirms Our New “Connectedness” Is A Mixed Blessing

    To all those who feared that technology pulls people apart, a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project on the American family reveals the opposite is true: today's families are more connected than ever. However, this always-on interaction with technology has a darker side which leads...

  • Mobile
    Handango to Offer Paid Apps for Android

    The G1 is one of the most anticipated mobile phones to be released towards the end of this month. Everyone is waiting to see how it will stack up against the iPhone and how the Android Marketplace will do against Apple's App Store. Unfortunately, developers of Android apps will not...

  • Web
    Thanks RWW Sponsors; November Sponsor Packages Now Available!

    Thank you to our sponsors, for supporting our mission to provide in-depth coverage of Web apps and trends. To enquire about sponsor slots on ReadWriteWeb in November, email us for a Media Kit.NEW: we now include RSS advertising as part of our main Sponsor package.Why sponsor ReadWriteWeb? It is one...

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    5 Early Recommendation Technologies That Could Shake Up Their Niches

    International recommendation technology provider Strands has announced the five finalists in the Strands $100K Call for Recommender Start-Ups. From music to video to pharmaceutical drug development recommendations, these plucky startups from all around the world will now present at the Association for Computing Machinery's Recommender Systems 2008 conference in Switzerland...

  • Web
    Restaurant Review Site Boorah Launches API

    BooRah, a restaurant review site we first reviewed earlier this year, just announced the availability of an API that will allow other web sites and business to offer online reviews and ratings from BooRah to their customers. The API will surface most of BooRah's data about a given restaurant, including...

  • Web
    What’s Next After Web 2.0? Here’s What You Told Us…

    Over the weekend we editorialized that the world financial crisis will have a big impact on where Web Technology is headed. Has the world arrived at one of those giant inflexion points, we asked, where one Web era is usurped by another? We asked you to leave a comment in...

  • Web
    Download Firefox 3.1 beta 1: Get Geolocation API, @Font-Face, and More

    The latest beta build of Firefox - Firefox 3.1 beta 1 - is now available for download. With it, comes a whole new set of features designed with developers and designers in mind. The beta includes native support for the Geolocation API, CSS @font-face support, and audio and video tag...

  • Web
    Semantic Stealth Startup Siri Raises $8.5 Million

    We have met our share of secretive startups over the years, but few have been as secretive about their plans as Siri, which was founded in December 2007 and did not even have an official name until today. Siri was spun out of SRI International and its core technology is...

  • Web
    Social Media in Africa, Part 3: Democracy

    Traditionally, the greatest power that governments have held over their people has been information. The promise that connectivity brings to Africa is that people are now using that abundance of information for oversight of government and more interaction with administrations. To say that the propagation of internet and mobile connectivity...

  • Web
    10 Micro Trends to Bet on For Your Audacious Startup

    Credit crisis. Blah, blah. Cut costs. Blah, blah. Don't you just love it when you get an alarm call from your hotel at 9.15 when your meeting is at 9.00? At ReadWriteWeb we have been sounding alarms about the economy for a year (here, here, here and here...enough already), suggesting...

  • Web
    Google Apps Unseats Incumbent Microsoft Office in Washington, DC

    With a US presidential campaign in full swing and a current president at his term limit, the world is prepared for changes in Washington, DC. But abandoning Microsoft Office? Enter the dark horse Google Apps - the new platform for day-to-day business operations in DC - now that Vivek Kundra,...

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    Thanks RWW Sponsors; New Sponsor Package in October

    Thank you to our sponsors, for supporting our mission to provide in-depth coverage of Web apps and trends. To enquire about sponsor slots on ReadWriteWeb, email us for a Media Kit.NEW: we now include RSS advertising as part of our main Sponsor package.Why sponsor ReadWriteWeb? It is one of the...

  • Web
    How Safe Is That Web App? Researchers Want Online Privacy Policies Regulated

    Admit it. You don't always read the EULAs when you install software on your computer. You just click "I Agree." The same goes for the web. Most of us don't read the privacy policies that accompany our favorite web sites and services (myself included, apparently). But our failure to do...

  • Web
    Best Buy’s “Enterprise Twitter”

    IBM’s got BlueTwit. Oracle’s testing OraTweets. SAP’s experiments include ESME, SAP Talk (, ShoutIt and apparentlyothers. Yammer has an ad-hoc base at thousands of companies. But so far, no large corporation has rolled out microsharing company-wide.Enter Gary Koelling and Steve Bendt, Best Buy’s Senior Managers for Social Technology, and better...

  • Web
    Opera 9.6 Launches, Now Includes Magazine-Style RSS…Sort Of

    Today, Opera revealed the newest version of their web browser, Opera 9.6. As always, the latest update includes speed and performance increases, but the update delivers several new features, too. The one new feature that we were really excited to try out is how Opera 9.6 deals with RSS feeds....

  • Mobile
    Does Your Browser Know Where You Are? With Mozilla Geode, It Might

    Today, the old real estate adage 'location, location, location' could just as easily be applied to the Web, where it seems that "where you are" is becoming as important as the information you're seeking. Nowhere is that more apparent than with GPS-enabled mobile platforms that use location-specific information to simplify...

  • Web
    The Top 10 RWW Stories in September; Summaries and Follow Up

    Do you remember what was happening one month ago in web technology? On September 1st the only story on most of our minds was the news of a Goolge browser, Chrome, which would be released the next day. Chrome was a big story last month, but it wasn't the only...

  • Web
    Nokia Reveals iPhone Competitor And Goes to Battle With iTunes (UPDATED)

    At an analyst and media event in London today, Nokia unveiled their company's first touch-screen phone, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, otherwise known as the Nokia "Tube," a device designed to compete directly with Apple's iPhone.Along with the phone, Nokia also detailed plans for their new "Comes With Music" service, a...

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