Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
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    Flixwagon Launches New Platform

    Flixwagon, one of the top providers of live video broadcasting applications for consumers, has just announced the launch of a new telco-grade platform targeting both mobile carriers and media organizations. The platform is designed for integration with carriers' handsets so that their users will be able to stream live video...

  • Web
    The Digital Office Part 1: Hardware & Gadgets

    If you had a 'clean sheet' opportunity to create the ideal digital office environment for you and/or your business, what would you buy? What hardware and software would give you a productivity advantage, while being fun and affordable? Here is what we did in our London based marketing agency. This...

  • Entertainment
    Best Buy Acquires Napster: But Why?

    Electronics retailer Best Buy today announced that it plans to acquire music retailer Napster for $121 Million. According to the Wall Street Journal, the deal values Napster at $2.65 a share, almost double its closing price on Friday. However, while Napster was a major success story when its name was...

  • Web
    New Tool Lets Indie Filmmakers Compete With Big Hollywood Studios

    Having owned Xcreative, a web development company that specialized in websites and marketing for the movie industry, the founders of MeDeploy (Christian Taylor, Joelle Musante, and Abe Lettelleir) were very familiar with the film industry. But for every filmmaker they helped, several more were turned away. Why? Cost. So many...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 8-12 September 2008

    Join us now for our weekly review of Web Technology news and reviews. This week we reported on the launch of Apple's iTunes 8, analyzed AOL's move to bring RSS and lifestreaming to the mainstream, and covered some of the best web apps to come out of DEMOfall08. On the...

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    Reflections on DEMO: Tech Innovation Alive and Well

    Not too long ago, there were some grumblings about the state of the tech blogosphere and the industry in general. By spending so much time reading Techmeme, Twitter, FriendFeed, and the like it's easy to get the impression that some of the most influential people in our industry today were...

  • Mobile
    Google Local Search Now Finds Where You Are

    For travelers, mobile applications that allow you to search for local places can be a pain to deal with. You constantly have to go back into the app to update your location. Sometimes it's easy to forget to do this, which can make your local search process become tedious and...

  • Web
    MySpace Partners With RIM To Create New MySpace App For Blackberry

    Today, MySpace announced a global partnership with Research in Motion (RIM), makers of Blackberry smartphones. The two companies have come together to create a new version of the MySpace Mobile application designed specifically for Blackberry devices. MySpace Mobile, which officially launched in March of this year, lets users interact with...

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    OtherInbox: A Mailbox For Spam (Invites)

    OtherInbox wants to help you keep spam out of your regular email inbox. The company gives you a virtually unlimited amount of disposable email addresses to use whenever you think somebody might start sending you spam or sell your address to spammers. Unlike other disposable email services, OtherInbox doesn't just...

  • Web
    AdMob: iPhone Internet Use Sees Major Growth Spurt in August

    According to the latest data from mobile advertising company AdMob, traffic from Apple's iPhone on AdMob's advertising network almost doubled in August. Apple's iPhone saw the fastest growth of all smartphones worldwide, closely followed by the Samsung Instinct. It is also noteworthy that the top 5 smartphones in the U.S....

  • Web
    Apple Introduces iTunes 8 and New iPods

    At Apple's "Let's Rock" special event today, Steve Jobs introduced a new version of iTunes, the availability of HD TV shows for the American market, a new design for the iPod Nano and iPod touch, as well as a major update for the iPhone/iPod touch firmware. According to Jobs, Apple...

  • Web
    SkyData Integrates Everything, Puts It On Your Smartphone

    At first glance, it seems like SkyData is trying to do too much. This mobile app mashes up data from your email contacts, your social network contacts, your business contacts, as well as business data from CRM applications like, location-based info from sites like Yelp, travel info, news and...

  • Web
    Qtask: Web-Based Team Collaboration

    The new surge in Enterprise 2.0 technologies is giving companies, especially small-to-medium sized businesses, more alternatives when it comes to company intranet portals for team collaboration and project management. In fact, it has taken those portals, once only available behind the firewall, and put them online as a software-as-a-service (SaaS)...

  • Web
    Top 10 Apps Worth Jailbreaking Your iPhone to Get

    The iTunes App Store is becoming a trendsetter for other companies in the mobile market. With thousands of apps to choose from and over 60 million downloads total, what more could you ask for? Apparently a lot. Users still aren't satisfied with the selection of apps that Apple is letting...

  • Entertainment
    Browser Wars: A Disturbance in The Force

    So Google has released Chrome, its entry in the browser wars (bonus points, Google, for promoting it with a Scott McCloud comic).I know, I know, it uses the same rendering engine as Safari... but even still, Murphy's Law of Browsers dictates that weird little quirks and idiosyncrasies will somehow find...

  • Web
    NBC Drops Silverlight, Runs Back to Adobe for Flash

    NBC seems to be having a change of heart this week. The network recently wrapped up their streaming of the Olympics using Microsoft's Silverlight technology. However if you tuned in for this week's NFL season opener, NBC was using Adobe's Flash technology instead of Silverlight. Making some do a double...

  • Web
    Businesses Can’t Hide From 2.0: A Look At 2.0’s Impact Across Industries

    If you were interviewing someone for a position with your company and they admitted that they didn't know anything about the new trends and innovations taking place in their field, what would you think? Likely, what you would think is "next candidate, please." In today's business world, job-seekers are expected...

  • Web
    Yoono: The Social Media Tool for Mainstream and Early Adopters

    Social media tools are some of the latest crazes these days. We happen to be huge fans of a ton of them here on ReadWriteWeb. Yet the biggest problem with most social media tools is that they aren't for everyone. There's a constant debate on how early adopters can persuade...

  • Web
    Sponsor Announcement: DEMOfall 08

    ReadWriteWeb is one of the media partners for DEMOfall 08, which starts this weekend September 7-9 in San Diego. Sarah Perez will be there to cover the event for RWW.ReadWriteWeb readers can receive a discount rate of $2,395 ($600 off the standard rate of $2,995 and $400 lower than the...

  • Web
    The Seinfeld Ad Microsoft Paid Millions For: Pro and Con Opinions

    Microsoft ran its first commercial with Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld on NBC this afternoon, to mixed reviews. Seinfeld will reportedly take home $10 million for his part of the $300 million "Windows Not Walls" ad campaign. Does that seem like money well spent so far? Below you'll find the...

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