Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Mossberg Says Innovation is the Key to Success During the Econaclypse

    Walter Mossberg, who has been reviewing technology since 1991 for the Wall Street Journal in his weekly "Personal Technology" column, is convinced the companies that succeed in this type of econaclypse, as AllThingsD has dubbed the economy, will be those that focus on innovation. "It has been my observation that...

  • Web
    10 More Semantic Apps to Watch

    In November 2007, we listed 10 Semantic apps to watch and yesterday we published an update on what each had achieved over the past year. All of them are still alive and well - a couple are thriving, some are experimenting and a few are still finding their way.Now we're...

  • Web
    IT Must Learn to Bend or Business Will Break

    The current economic climate is having a devastating effect on almost every business around. In order to adapt to changing conditions and opportunities, businesses will need to use flexible, adaptable systems to survive. The days of expensive year-long implementations of behind-the-firewall software look to be behind us.I recently attended a...

  • Web
    How Much Traffic Can a Link on Drive? The Case of the G1

    Can you imagine getting a link to your website highlighted just below the search box on How much traffic do you think that would drive? According to one estimate published today by traffic analysts, the link on Google for the G1 Android phone by T-Mobile delivered an estimated...

  • Social
    A New Backchannel For Live Events: The Brightkite Wall

    Whenever there is a conference or event, there's a secondary bit of action taking place behind the scenes: the backchannel. Here, the attendees are live blogging, twittering, posting photos, and streaming live video about what they're seeing on stage or in and around the venue. Twitter has always been the...

  • Web
    5 Tips for Startups and Entrepreneurs

    Startups - want to be innovative? Go back to the garage. That's the message venture capitalists at the Dow Jones VentureWire Technology Showcase in Redwood City CA today, are offering to entrepreneurs and startups.In the midst of one of the worst economic crises the world has seen, investors are in...

  • Web
    Report: Millennials Will Route Around IT Departments

    According to a new report by Accenture, a large number of Millennials (those born between 1977 and 1997), expect their companies to accommodate their IT preferences, including their preferred computers and applications. More than a third of Millennials also indicated that they were dissatisfied with the technologies their employers currently...

  • Web
    Simple, Social Friend Finder Shizzow Opens to California

    Where is that friend of mine? Who else likes to go there? Where is that place on the map? It's simple, useful questions like this that location based social network Shizzow aims to answer and the service just opened up today to users outside of beta location Portland, Oregon to...

  • Web
    Murdoch: The Future Of Newspapers Goes Beyond Dead Trees

    Rupert Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corp., gave a speech on Sunday titled "The Future of Newspapers: Moving Beyond Dead Trees." In the speech, he made the bold statement that newspapers would always be around in some form or other. "Too many journalists seem to take a...

  • Entertainment
    National Geographic Society To Do Video Games

    The successful science and educational organization The National Geographic Society, best known for their long-running magazine, has just made an interesting announcement. Their next venture in their for-profit operations is video games. This month, National Geographic Games, a newly formed division within the company, will launch three gaming products to...

  • Web
    10 Semantic Apps to Watch – One Year Later

    In November 2007, we listed and reviewed 10 promising Semantic Web apps. A lot can happen in one year on the Internet, so we thought we'd check back in with each of the 10 products and see how they're progressing. What's changed over the past year and what are these...

  • Mobile
    Don’t Leave Home Without a Charged Cell Phone

    If you're flying out of Los Angeles or Orange County airports next week, make sure your mobile phone is charged and ready to go - especially if you've purchased a new mobile boarding pass from American Airlines.AA, following in the footsteps of Continental and Delta Airlines, last week announced the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: MySpace Profiles, IBM Blue Spruce, Windows Live, And More…

    It's time for our weekly summary of Web Technology news, products and trends. On the trends side, we analyzed the significance of MySpace's new profiles, looked at how Google is tracking flu trends, explored a partnership between an online finance tool and a newspaper, and more. On the product side,...

  • Web
    When The Browser Doesn’t Cut it: Basecamp’s Lack of Mobility

    We at ReadWriteWeb are huge Basecamp fans. It raises the productivity of small, physically dispersed teams (like ours) to a level that enables new virtual companies to be be viable. Basecamp changes the traditional answer to the question: "can we operate virtually from around the world, or do we all...

  • Web
    Visualize Your Bookmarks With Tidy Favorites

    Web 2.0 applications like delicious, diigo, Ma.gnolia, and others changed bookmarking forever. What used to be a private activity isolated to your computer became a social experience where friends could easily share, search, blog, and tag each other's favorite links. But personal, private bookmarking never really went away because, face...

  • Web
    Microsoft Releases Major Update to Windows Live: New Applications and Third-Party Integration

    Microsoft just announced the availability of a number of new and updated online applications in its Windows Live suite: Windows Live Photos, Profiles, People, and Groups. In addition, Microsoft also announced that it will allow its users to integrate content from a large number third-party services, including Flickr, LinkedIn, Pandora,...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Could Pay More to Be on More Phones

    Deals are in the works to make Microsoft the default search and advertising provider for Verizon mobile phones, one of the biggest carrier networks in the US. That would mean Redmond replacing Google, something that many users may not be happy about. A related deal could put Windows Mobile in...

  • Web
    New Version Of OrbLive iPhone App Streams Live TV Over 3G

    In the past, any iPhone apps that streamed live video were restricted by Apple. The apps could only use Wi-Fi or EDGE, and not AT&T's 3G network, if they wanted App Store approval. Yesterday, though, Apple approved an app that streams live TV over Wi-Fi, AT&T's EDGE and 3G connections....

  • Mobile
    Google Maps Now Available For Blackberry Enterprise Server Distribution

    The iPhone may have outsold RIM's Blackberry devices here in the U.S., but Google knows that getting their software in the hands of business execs still means building Blackberry apps. The company's recent offering in this arena is a new, deployable package of Google Maps for Mobile which IT admins...

  • Web
    Coming Soon To Chrome: Google Bookmarks?

    Is Google finally going to do something with their bookmarking tool, Google Bookmarks? It's possible. In the latest builds of the Chromium project, the open source implementation of the Google Chrome web browser which is the testing ground for new features, a new and improved bookmark manager has been spotted...

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