Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Cashnxt: Low-Cost Banking for the Rural Poor

    A couple of entrepreneurs out of Kerala, India, are re-envisioning the way that banking is done. Anish Achuthan (26) and Rameena Rabeedin (28), have developed a branchless network consisting of low-cost ATMs, Smart Teller Machines, E-POS terminals, and a mobile banking gateway that lets you perform transactions using your cell...

  • Work
    Evolution of Tools for Sales

    Revenue growth is priority #1 for most businesses today. So, good salespeople are in demand, and management wants to give them the best possible tools to make them productive. Selling is a numbers game. As long as you do reasonably sensible things, the time invested tends to corelate to revenue...

  • Work
    Adobe’s LiveCycle Powered by Amazon

    When we put Amazon Web Services (AWS) in our list of top 10 enterprise products of 2008, a few readers were skeptical that AWS was enterprise ready. This is a perception issue that Amazon faces. Amazon needs more partners that build apps for the enterprise. Adobe, meanwhile, wants to convince...

  • Work
    R.I.P. Enterprise RSS

    It's with a heavy heart and a sense of bewilderment that we conclude that the market for enterprise-specific RSS readers appears to be dead. Two years ago there were three major players offering software that delivered information to the computers of business users via RSS. Today it looks to us...

  • Web
    Why You Have To Jailbreak the iPhone

    If you own an iPhone and you're fairly technical, then you've no doubt gone through the steps necessary to "jailbreak" your iPhone - the process that opens up the phone to allow for the installation of unapproved third-party applications. However, for the non-technical consumers who are now purchasing the iPhone...

  • Web
    Explore the Smart Companies That Sponsor ReadWriteWeb

    At ReadWriteWeb our mission is to explore the very latest web technology products and trends. We like to test out all the new web apps and spot the trends before others, and we're fortunate to have a great group of sponsors who support this goal. So once a week we...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: 2009 Web Predictions, iTunes Drops DRM, Twitter Security Scare, And More…

    Welcome to the first Weekly Wrapup of 2009 - and a very happy new year to all of our readers! First up we look back at our top web products of 2008, then we look forward to 2009 with our annual Web Predictions. In product news this week, Apple announced...

  • Web
    Google, Facebook, MySpace and More Meet to Talk Activity Streams

    Last night at the offices of blogging software company Six Apart, engineers and social media specialists from a number of companies large and small met to discuss proposed standards for the future of "activity streams" - the system of displaying recent activities of your friends online. Think Facebook Newsfeed, the...

  • Web
    Return of the Cheap Decade

    In March 2003, Rich Kaarlgaard wrote a great article in Forbes detailing how the coming decade was all about massive reductions in costs and prices, driven by technology. We had grown accustomed to Moore's Law driving down PC costs. Kaarlgaard pointed out that this was happening across the spectrum of...

  • Web
    Semantic Web Wish List 2009

    At the end of last year we presented our list of the top 10 Semantic Web Apps of 2008. ReadWriteWeb reader Zoltán Andrejkovics wrote in to us afterwards, suggesting that we do a post looking at what Semantic Web apps we'd like to see emerge in 2009. Zoltán gave us...

  • Web
    Opera: One Web Across Multiple Devices

    Opera plans to unveil a new version of its SDK today that will allow Opera's partners to create a more uniform browsing experience across multiple devices and platforms. The new version of the Opera Devices SDK now gives developers access to Opera Link, the company's bookmark synchronization service. Once device...

  • Work
    Report: Cloud-Based Email Cheapest Option for Most Companies

    A new report from Forrester presents a cost analysis of cloud-based email systems in enterprises, such as Google Apps or Yahoo!'s Zimbra. In the report, Forrester argues that cloud-based email services are cheaper than running email on-premise for all companies with less than 15,000 employees. What's more, Google Apps is...

  • Web
    iTunes Goes DRM Free – But No Social Network Just Yet

    At the Macworld 2009 keynote today, Apple announced that by the end of this quarter, all 10 million songs available on iTunes will be DRM free [Digital Rights Management]. As of today, 8 million songs will be DRM free, with the other 2 million done by end of Q1 09....

  • Web
    What iPhone Apps are Hot in Japan?

    Have you ever wondered what iPhone apps are hot in Japan? If you're attending this year's MacWorld conference in San Francisco, you'll have a chance to find out. There, Nobuyuki Hayashi, a Japanese Mac and iPhone tech journalist and blogger, is hosting an event called "Japan iPhone Apps: State of...

  • Mobile
    Hyperlinking the Real World

    European researchers working on the MOBVIS project have developed a new system that will allow camera phone users to hyperlink the real world. After taking a picture of a streetscape in an urban area, the MOBVIS technology identifies objects like buildings, infrastructure, monuments, cars, and even logos and banners. It...

  • Web
    What’s Next After Web 2.0

    As the world financial crisis has gotten gradually worse over the past few weeks, I've been pondering what this means for the web. ReadWriteWeb as a publication focuses on technology - web products and trends - rather than business and VC happenings. So with the exception of one of our...

  • Web
    Rumor: Will Apple Release an Online Version of iWork?

    According to some rumors today, Apple might be working on an online version of its iWork productivity suite. 9to5Mac reports that they have received information about this from credible sources, though as with all Apple rumors around this time of year, it is hard to discern truth from wishful thinking....

  • Web
    Google Product Ideas: In 2009, You Could Be Working with Google R&D

    Any number of companies - like computer giant Dell for example - have taken to "crowdsourcing" their R&D, asking customers what features they'd like to see and then letting the public vote the best ideas to the top. Now, it seems that Google is taking the opportunity to include its...

  • Web
    2009 Web Predictions

    It's time for our annual predictions post, in which the ReadWriteWeb authors look forward to what 2009 might bring in the world of Web technology and new media. Looking back at our 2008 Web predictions, we got some of them right! "The big Internet companies will [embrace] open standards" (Google,...

  • Web
    Beyond the API: Why Companies Should Have a Presence on All Major Platforms

    Much has been written lately about the rise of the API. Offering a programming interface to an online service is now standard practice amongst this generation of web companies. Through APIs, we get to enjoy a range of innovative Twitter clients, wide availability of maps and location information, custom search...

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