Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Could FeedBurner Be Replaced by

    RSS analystics service is putting out a call to feed publishers for feature requests for a new service that will aim to replace the near-dead FeedBurner. The company's initial proposal looks far, far cooler than anything FeedBurner ever did - but after a Google acquisition turned Feedburner from every...

  • Web
    Google’s “Open” Phone, Open to Attack?

    In recent days, an application designed for Google's mobile operating system "Android" was accused of wiping data from user's phones. It's not known whether or not the rumors are true, but once again questions are being raised about the safety and security of Google's open platform versus more controlled and...

  • Web
    CoolFlick: Flickr Embedding Cooliris Style

    Cooliris is one of the best ways to flip through photos, enabling you to scroll through hundreds of photos effortlessly. Flickr is one of the best sites to search for photos. Combine the two and you've got CoolFlick, a service that lays Cooliris' thumbnail scrolling on top of Flickr -...

  • Web
    Apple’s App Store Comes to the Web

    Apple's App Store within the iTunes store has revolutionized the way users expect to find and install applications on their mobile phones, but it is also a bit of a resource hog and it often takes quite a while before pages finally load. Now, however, thanks to an online version...

  • Web
    LetMeKnow Launches “Alerts-as-a-Service”

    From branchnext, the same company that delivered the personal web scout service Yotify (our coverage), there comes a new B2B alerts service called LetMeKnow. As with Yotify, LetMeKnow lets you track any number of changes that happen on the web - from price changes to new blog posts or comments...

  • Web
    Did Twitter Just Pass Digg in Traffic? No Way.

    Widely respected web traffic analyst firm Hitwise has just issued a report that we find, frankly, impossible to believe. Hitwise says that last week Twitter saw more web traffic than Digg for the first time.We've posted the numbers and charts below, along with some thoughts on how this may or...

  • Mobile
    Do You Want This Activity Stream on Your Phone?

    Open web enthusiast Todd Ronin has published a cool mock-up animation of what an "activity stream" might look like on an Android phone. The design is simple but is something we can imagine enjoying on our phones, a lot.Android is Google's super-open mobile operating system that hasn't moved the needle...

  • Mobile
    Skydeck Puts Your Cell Phone Online

    Cell phone providers hold a wealth of information about your real-world social network in their records that you can theoretically access through their cumbersome web interfaces. None of the cell phone companies we are aware of do a good job at presenting this information in a meaningful way, however. This...

  • Mobile
    The Next Android Smartphone

    Here in the U.S., your choices in phones running Google's new Android operating system have been limited. If you weren't a fan of the T-Mobile G1 form factor - a design best for heavy texters thanks to its slide-out keyboard - you were pretty much out of luck. No more....

  • Web
    2008 New Media M&A & Investment Round Up

    New York-based Peachtree Media Advisors has just released its annual report summarizing mergers, acquisitions and amounts of capital raised in the online media market last year. The report is available as a PDF download (2MB). In 2008 there were were 707 merger, acquisition and capital raise transactions in the online...

  • Web
    State of Innovation in India: 2009

    A year ago, I wrote about the State of Innovation in India, keying off an article I had written 10 years previously. Rather than wait another 10 years, ReadWriteWeb has decided to make this an annual review. This time, we have restricted ourselves to web technology. We are looking for...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Guide to Celebrating Inauguration Day

    On Tuesday millions of people will flock to Washington DC to see President-elect Barack Obama sworn in as our 44th President. But what if you can't get there? Well, turns out in this digital age it's not a problem; as Obama recently pointed out "you don't have to brave the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Product Purge, Jailbroken iPhones, Enterprise RSS, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we look at Google's product line adjustments, explain why you should jailbreak your iPhone, analyze the world of Enterprise RSS, and tell you how to build a Social Media 'cheat sheet' for virtually any...

  • Web
    Obama in 3D: Photosynth to Crowdsource Synth of the 44th Presidential Inauguration

    Next Tuesday, the eyes of the United States - and likely the world - will be on Washington, DC, as Barack Obama takes the oath of office to become the 44th President of the United States. Attendance is likely to dwarf any presidential inauguration in history - with estimates currently...

  • Social
    Pixelpipe: Post Anything, Anywhere

    Given the constantly growing number of micro-blogging, photo sharing, and video hosting sites, it is getting harder and harder to keep all these accounts updated. One of our favorite application to post media files to a variety of services is Pixelpipe. Pixelpipe takes care of the distribution of your files,...

  • Entertainment
    iCandy: Make QR Codes That Play Music

    From the R&D Labs at Ricoh, there comes a new QR code creation tool called iCandy. With this application, you can easily create QR codes that automatically launch and begin playing your music in iTunes. If you don't already own the song, scanning the QR code will prompt you to...

  • Web
    Wikipedia Celebrates 8th Birthday With New Tech for the Future

    Few websites have made a bigger impact on the world than Wikipedia has and today the organization is celebrating its 8th birthday. Not content to rest on its laurels, Wikipedia is gearing up for the future with new a new structured data search integration with Yahoo!, 24 times as much...

  • Mobile
    Hey Companies, Where Are Your iPhone Apps?

    A funny thing happened on the way to the airport. I searched through the iTunes App Store on my iPhone for a Southwest app that allowed for flight check-ins, only to find that it didn't exist. I don't know why I expected it to be there, but I did. Southwest...

  • Mobile
    Six New Blackberry Apps Keep RIM’s Platform Fresh

    The Blackberry isn't dead yet. Although tech blogs and other news sites have given heavy coverage to arguably hotter smartphones like the iPhone, Android, and now Palm's new Pre, the Blackberry is still a staple phone across much of the corporate world. If you don't use a Blackberry or have...

  • Mobile
    SMS to Kwiry: TiVo Flight of the Conchords kthxbai!

    As the mobile handset continues to move from being one of our many computing platforms to becoming our primary platform, we want to be able to do more and more with it. We want to send messages with it, carry music on it, record video with it, and use it...

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