Results for "mobile"

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    InSTEDD: Enabling Collaboration in Third World Countries

    At ETech today members of the InSTEDD team spoke about how they have been building SMS and mapping applications, in the Mekong Delta in the jungles of South East Asia. InSTEDD (Innovative Support to Emergencies Diseases and Disasters) was organized in 2006-2007 and aims to harness technology to help with...

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    Photobucket Now Makes Sharing Easier

    Photobucket, the most popular photo sharing site in the U.S., just announced a number of new features that will give its users easier ways to share their photos and videos across multiple web services like MySpace, Facebook, or Blogger. Photobucket also introduced a new version of its mobile site, which...

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    How to Market iPhone Apps via Barcodes

    The latest news from a company called iCandy (previous coverage) is a tool that lets you easily create QR codes for iPhone applications. By simply dragging an app out of iTunes and into their iCandy widget, a QR code for that application will be automatically generated. With this code, which...

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    Sensors, Smart Content, and the Future of News

    Nick Bilton from The New York Times R&D Labs was at ETech today, talking about how NYT is preparing for the future of news delivery. His presentation explored how "sensors in every part of our lives [are] helping us aggregate smart content that is relevant to the device we are...

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    Cliqset Could Be The Web’s First Read-Write Identity Provider

    You can log in to comment here on ReadWriteWeb with an OpenID, via Facebook Connect or through various other methods. Imagine if you could make "friend" connections with other commenters on our site. That relationship wouldn't be reflected back into the OpenID or Facebook account that you then take to...

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    Verizon Unveils their Vision for the Web-Connected TV

    In the U.S., Verizon FiOS customers will soon receive an update to their set-top boxes that will connect their TVs to the web in an entirely new way. The company is preparing a major upgrade to their TV widgets platform which currently serves basic info like weather and traffic. The...

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    FoxIt PDF Reader Security Patches Now Available

    FoxIt Software, makers of the popular free alternative PDF reader, FoxIt Reader, announced patches for three public vulnerabilities that were discovered in the past few weeks. With all the press attention focused on Adobe's Acrobat PDF reader, it may have gone somewhat overlooked that FoxIt Reader also had some weaknesses....

  • Social
    Don’t Worry, Says Facebook, Your Photos are Safe

    Over the weekend, some Facebook users began to experience issues with their photos. Some photos weren't displaying at all while others only displayed a "question mark" graphic when you tried to view them. As it turns out, the issue was caused by a failure on the drive on which these...

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    Weekly Wrapup: New Facebook Homepages, Kindle for iPhone, DEMO Smarter Web, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarising the top stories of the week, we look into Facebook's homepages, check out Yahoo's answer to Facebook Connect, review the new iPhone version of Amazon's eReader Kindle, analyze the 'Smarter Web' trend that came out of the DEMO conference this...

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    Five Sites that Let You Experience the Real-Time Web Today

    One of the most interesting trends on the Internet right now is a move towards a more real-time experience. We have seen a lot of discussion lately about how Twitter is leading the charge by creating a search engine for the real-time web, for example. However, there are also a...

  • Web
    Netvibes Appears to Be Dying

    Popular start-page service Netvibes may be in its final days as a viable product. The service has been suffering frequent, extended downtime, hasn't been fully functioning even when up and can't possibly be making as much money as its backers hoped it would.Update: Please see our follow up post on...

  • Social
    Government 2.0: The Midlife Crisis

    Excitement about the government's use of Web 2.0 technology has swept Washington, DC. One of President Obama's first acts in office was to issue a directive calling for a more transparent, collaborative, and participatory government. Websites like have launched new Web 2.0 features, such as RSS news services. And...

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    Putting e-Business Cards to a Real World Test

    Part One: "Here's My Card" This past week, I had the opportunity to put e-business cards to a real-world test thanks to a recent trip to the DEMO 09 conference in Palm Desert, California. You would think that if any group of people would have adopted the electronic business card...

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    Amazon’s Kindle Comes to the iPhone

    Amazon just released a free application for the iPhone and iPod touch (iTunes link) that allows users to download and read any eBook from Amazon's Kindle store on Apple's popular mobile devices. This move comes just a few days after Amazon's Kindle 2 eBook reader arrived in users' hands, but...

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    StatCounter Launches Global Stats Tool: Tracks OS, Browser, and Search Engine Market Share

    StatCounter, one of the larger free online stats services, just released a new online research tool that monitors the market share of search engines, browsers, and operating systems. StatCounter Global Stats' focus is different from other services like Compete, Alexa, Google Trends, or Quantcast, as it doesn't break out data...

  • Social
    TweetMeme Finds a Revenue Stream

    TweetMeme is simple in concept: aggregate the number of times a certain blog URL, picture, video, or sound file is linked to on Twitter and rank them in order. The site is clean, fast and easy to use. But what it didn't have before was a way to make any...

  • Social
    MySpace Continues to Play Catch-up but Is It Too Late?

    While it used to be a bit of a media darling, it's not often that we write about MySpace anymore, but they continue to plug along - as one of the most popular sites on the Web. And, they continue to roll out new features for their user base. For...

  • Mobile Comes to the iPhone

    Thanks to the new application from CBS, you can now stream clips and full episodes of popular TV shows like 'CSI:Miami' or the original 'Star Trek' right to your iPhone or iPod Touch. You can even watch full episodes of Beverly Hills 90210, if you are so inclined. Besides...

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    One Picture a Day: Momentile Reinvents the Photo Diary

    Momentile is a new photo sharing service with some very cool twists. There is, of course, no dearth of photo sharing services online, but momentile has come up with an interesting way to combine photo sharing and lifestreaming with the spirit of micro-blogging services like Twitter. The basic idea behind...

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    eBay: Good in Parts

    At the Accel Symposium, we heard John Donahoe, eBay CEO, admit that there was little synergy between core eBay, PayPal, and Skype. He lauded PayPal, showed some false modesty around Skype, and talked about core eBay in a way that indicated a clear understanding of its limitations and challenges. If...

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