Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    The Technology Generation Gap at Work is Oh So Wide

    Recently, business information solutions provider LexisNexis released the results of a study that examined how technology was used in the American workplace. The focus of the study was on the differing opinions between generational groups. Their findings? The generation gap at work is really wide with vast discrepancies when it...

  • Social
    Tweetmeme Live: See What’s Big on Twitter Right Now

    Tweetmeme, a memetracker that tracks popular retweets on Twitter, just launched a real-time version of its service that displays tweets that are currently in heavy rotation on the popular microblogging service. In order to filter this constant stream of messages, Tweetmeme users can choose to only see messages that have...

  • Web
    Google Analytics Gets an API

    Google Analytics, Google's tool for generating detailed visitor stats for web sites, just launched an API, which will finally allow developers to create desktop and online tools that can use and mash up data from Google Analytics with other data on the Internet. This API will also allow developers to...

  • Web
    3deep Makes Your Smartphone a Personal Assistant

    As a technology news writer, you get pretty good at sizing up the potential of a new project or product pretty quickly. It is easy to get a little jaded, quickly cubby-holing something new just because it acts like something already out there. I admit to doing just that when...

  • Web
    Open Thread: Is Web 2.0 Dead? Answer to Win Our Web 2.0 Swag

    You've heard the grumblings. Web 2.0 is declining, it's so last wait, maybeWeb 2.0 is just dead. But is it really? Or has it just become so ubiquitous that it no longer needs a special label anymore? Former Forrester analyst and Groundswell author Charlene Li predicted that social networking...

  • Web
    Scientists Break Brain/Twitter Barrier

    University of Wisconsin-Madison biomedical engineering doctoral student Adam Wilson has successfully tested a "brain wave monitor" to Twitter publishing interface, allowing him to compose a message merely by thinking and publish it to the arguably too-popular microblogging service.Either the gates of Hell have begun to open or this is a...

  • Mobile
    The State of the Smartphone: iPhone is Way, Way Ahead

    A new industry report from mobile analytics firm Flurry reveals some unique insights into the smartphone industry as of right now. Because their firm focuses not just on iPhone, but also on Android, RIM Blackberry, and JavaME, they have the ability to see platform-spanning trends, instead of just those tied...

  • Mobile
    This iPhone App Helps You Make iPhone Apps

    Do you have a great idea for an iPhone app but not the coding skills to actually build it? Well, there's an app for that. The AppIncubator iPhone App from MEDL Mobile lets you submit your ideas which the company's development team will then build into apps for you. Of...

  • Mobile
    Should Governments Build iPhone Apps During a Recession?

    The State of Utah has released the first iPhone app by a state government and it is pretty impressive. In addition to the directory of departments and services available through the app (iTunes link) there's also a second app available called the Utah Professional License Lookup.Would you like your...

  • Mobile
    Skype Says “No” to Jailbroken iPhones

    The latest update to the Skype iPhone application delivered some minor improvements and fixes, but the biggest update involves a new warning message directed at the owners of jailbroken iPhones. After launching the updated version of Skype (v 1.0.2), you'll see a message that reads "this version of Skype is...

  • Web
    Report: Men Spend More Time Online, Put Up With More Ads

    Market research firm eMarketerreleased a new report today that examines how men behave differently than women online. Despite being a minority both in US population and online, men are still a large and often (according to the report) 'overlooked' segment of Internet users. The report stresses that gender informs online...

  • Web
    Cooliris Comes to Linux, Becomes More Awesome

    The Cooliris browser add-on was just updated to a new version that now offers something many users have been clamoring for: Linux support. With the 1.10 release of this 3D photo and video viewing plugin, Linux users running Firefox 3 can now also take advantage of this visually impressive software...

  • Web
    Qik Makes Choppy Live Announcement: Qik Roam

    Today, streaming-video startup Qikannounced a new global service called Qik Roam with Irish Deputy Prime Minister (or Tánaiste) Mary Coughlan and Irish telecom company Cubic Telecom CEO Pat Phelan on hand to kick it off. The service sounds pretty interesting - leveraging Cubic Telecom's mobile SIM technology MAXRoam to allow...

  • Web
    Should the Government Control Internet Standards?

    One role of the government is to protect the country and make its citizens feel safe through policy and regulation. But in today's digital era, policy making is moving to the people, and we are witnessing individual corporations - be they for profit or not - getting more involved in...

  • Work
    WorkLight Brings Social Security to the Enterprise

    Enterprises are hamstrung by regulations and governance policies. It's just a fact of life. As enterprises struggle with the need to remain compliant, the exploding popularity of web 2.0 tools and social applications are forcing conversations about trying to strike a happy compromise. Although the notion of "command and control"...

  • Social
    Commercials Come to Twitter Courtesy of

    What do you get when you combine a platform for creating user-generated video content with the micro-blogging sensation that is Twitter? According to, you get a viable business model for your company, a platform that allows brands to leverage Twitter for communication, and a way for everyday Twitter users...

  • Web
    Microsoft Europe: Internet Usage Will Overtake Traditional TV In 2010

    Microsoft, in a new report about Internet usage in Europe, predicts that the Internet will overtake TV as the most consumed form of media in Europe by the middle of next year. Broadband connections in Europe have grown by 95% in the last five years and the average European now...

  • Social
    Is Facebook a Cult?

    Facebook announced that it hit 200 million users today and Chief Operating Officer Cheryl Sandberg made a blog post describing some of the data mining that the company is doing of those connections. It's going to be great for advertisers, she says, it should also be very good for the...

  • Web
    Adobe Teams Up With Stanza to Create Open EBook Catalog Standard

    Adobe and Lexcycle, the company behind the popular Stanza eBook application, announced today that they are working together with the Internet Archive on turning the Stanza online catalog system into an open standard for distributing free and commercial eBooks. This new standard, the Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS), will be...

  • Social
    When Sensors and Social Networks Mix

    The integration of sensors with social networks will lead to real-time data and more useful web apps.In recent posts we reviewed an MIT experiment called WikiCity, that gathered real-time location data from mobile phones in Rome and graphically mapped trends from it. We then looked at a more commercial product...

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