Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    LikeMe Brings Social Recommendations to Pre, but Can You Trust their Reviews?

    LikeMe, a social recommendation site similar to lets users rate and review local businesses, attractions, restaurants, and clubs. After you join the service, you can upload info about yourself, your favorite places, and your favorite things to do in order to kick start the service's personalized social recommendation engine....

  • Work To Have A Native Palm Pre App By Year’s End

    Om Malik reports that, the San Francisco-based provider of a SaaS CRM and the platform, will have a native Palm Pre app of its very own. The news comes from a conversation between Malik and CEO Marc Benioff earlier today. The Pre app in the works for later...

  • Mobile
    Urban Airship to Provide Push and Sales Infrastructure for iPhone Developers

    Portland, Oregon based startup Urban Airship demonstrated a beta service at today's Apple developers conference that will handle the heavy lifting for small iPhone app shops seeking to utilize the new push notification functionality and the ability to sell goods in-app instead of sending customers to Apple's store.The service uses...

  • Work
    In the Wake of the Pre, Sprint Offers a New Enterprise Plan

    Now that the Palm Pre has seen its first days in the sun, Sprint is offering a new mobile broadband plan for business users, offering 500 MB of data per month for $40. Called the Connection Plan for Corporate Liable accounts, it appears that Sprint's enterprise plan is more data...

  • Mobile
    When Did You Buy Your Last App? Survey Says It was Over the Weekend

    It's no surprise that people spend their weekends goofing off, relaxing, and entertaining themselves, but our weekly downtime activities also have major implications for mobile application marketing, as it turns out. According to new data from Flurry, a mobile analytics company, consumers are over 30% more likely to download an...

  • Web
    NYC Waterfalls: How Real-Time Cellphone Data Can Impact Local Economies

    Last week we looked at the emerging world of real-time cellphone data, via the projects of the MIT SENSEeable City Lab. This lab has been producing interesting analysis and visualizations of cellphone data in urban centers, a.k.a. "digital footprints." We also spoke to Andrea Vaccari, a research associate at SENSEable...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 6 June 2009

    The weather is heating up (at least in the northern hemisphere) and so is our roundup of upcoming social Web events, a regular feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend, as good a time as any to review your conference plans.Know of an event taking place that should...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Wave Hands-On, Microsoft Bing Goes Live, Real-Time Cellphone Data, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we have one of the very first hands-on reviews of Google Wave, we check out the new Microsoft Bing search engine, analyze another new Google product called Squared, look at what applications will be...

  • Work
    Drinking The Kool-Aid on Liquid Planner’s New Project Portals

    Liquid Planner, the online project manager we first profiled last year while it was in beta, has just released a new feature called Project Portals. Similar to the project edition recently released by PBworks, these Portals allows for secure access to selected projects for clients and stakeholders. In addition to...

  • Web Digg for Fashion Insiders

    Only four years after he quit his job and started The Sartorialist, fashion blogger Scott Schuman writes a monthly column for GQ, has been honored by Time Magazine, and more importantly, has gained the adoration and respect of millions of bleeding edge hipsters. Schuman's photography has inspired legions of salivating...

  • Web
    Sipgate Launches Gmail-Style VoIP features in US

    We hate to burst your bubble, but the ReadWriteWeb newsroom is not the luxuriant, mahogany den of intellectualism that you envision. Instead, we discuss the greater points of start ups, enterprise and the tech world via conference chat in the comfort of our pajamas. When you've got a virtual team,...

  • Web
    Study: 99% of Video is Still Seen on TV

    A new report (PDF) from the Council for Research Excellence functions as a good reminder to those of us who spend a lot of time on the web that we can often have a rather skewed view of how the rest of the world consumes media. If you are reading...

  • Mobile
    The Emerging World of Real-Time Cellphone Data

    At ReadWriteWeb we've been following with interest the projects of the MIT SENSEeable City Lab, which is producing some excellent analysis and visualizations of cellphone data in urban centers. MIT refers to this data as "digital footprints," because it essentially tracks the movement and sometimes actions of people in an...

  • Mobile
    AdMob Releases Richer Ads for iPhone

    Today, mobile ad network AdMob announced social, search, and dynamic rich media ad units for the iPhone."Mobile advertising is rapidly maturing, and we believe the iPhone is leading the industry forward. Advertisers are excited to connect with consumers in new ways on the iPhone through social and rich media ad...

  • Web
    Babbel Launches EU Election Tutorials

    In anticipation of the upcoming European Union elections, Berlin-based language site Babbel just launched a "Politics and Voting" section to their Vocabulary Trainer. Co-founder Markus Witte believes the training package will help his 330,000 members exchange opinions despite their language barriers. Between June 4-7, an estimated 375 million Europeans will...

  • Web
    Brightkite for Blackberry Released Open Source

    According to the Brightkite blog, yesterday evening 3rd party developer Chris Hallgrenopened the source code for his Brightkite BlackBerry application (Brightberry). Denver-based Brightkite is best known as the mobile social application that integrates with Facebook and Twitter to let users check in, find friends and discover the history of the...

  • Mobile
    Turn iPhone Photos into Postcards – No Stamps Required!

    Are you an iPhone-equipped world traveler? If so, then you're going to love Postino, the latest app from AnguriaLab. This mobile application lets you take iPhone photos and turn them into postcards which you can send to your family and friends. And no, they don't mean "e-cards" (although Postino supports...

  • Work
    ThinkFree Set to Launch The First Complete Android Office Suite

    Come July, ThinkFree, the web office provider which first added mobile access in 2008, will unveil the only completeOffice suite for the Android OS. To date, the official Android Market has had slim pickings when it comes to document editing, with the majority of apps being simple notepads. For enterprise...

  • Web
    Report: EReader and EBook Market Ready for Growth

    According to a new report from Forrester, the eBook and eReader market has now hit a point where it is ready to break out of its niche and become a mainstream phenomenon. In the report, Forrester's Sarah Rotman Epps argues that while early readers like the Rocket eBook in 1998...

  • Web
    Is Google Getting Ready to Enter the eBook Market?

    According to a report in the New York Times this morning, Google is getting ready to enter the eBook market by providing publishers with an infrastructure for direct-to-consumer sales. The Times reports that Google discussed this initiative with publishers at last weekend's BookExpo in New York. According to the times,...

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