Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Coming Soon: AppDowner, a BitTorrent-Powered App Store Replacement

    If you've been looking for a reason to jailbreak your iPhone, look no further. Yesterday, iPhone developer Alec Renolds announced on multipleonline forums that his long-awaited BitTorrent-powered application called "appDowner" is about to be released. When he first announced this project last year, the idea was to create a simple...

  • Web
    Augmented Reality: Here’s Our Wishlist of Apps, What’s On Yours?

    There's another dimension present, everywhere we go, that a growing number of technologists are working to uncover. These people aren't talking about theoretical physics or a magical world of fairies and gnomes - they're talking about information that could offer more context to traditionally physical lived experience. Augmented Reality (AR)...

  • Work
    Book’d: Fewer Vowels, Better Booking

    There's a new online booking service on the block, and it's called Book'd. While there are several other SaaS outlets for small enterprise to do this sort of thing, two simple characteristics make Book'd standout. First, it's the only booking service ReadWriteWeb could find that also allows your enterprise to...

  • Web
    iPhone 3.0 JavaScript Performance is Even Better Than Apple Claims

    Apple has always had a tendency to hype up its statements about the speed of its devices by using just the right benchmarks and just the right products to compare them to. When it comes to the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 3.0 update, however, it looks like Apple might...

  • Web
    Posterous Acquires DIY Digg Site Slinkset

    Posterous co-founder Gary Tan just announced that they've acquired fellow Y-Combinator company Slinkset - a Digg / Reddit-style news site with voting capabilities. Says Tan in his blog post, "Slinkset will remain online, and we'll be working on some crazy awesome stuff to bring the power of Slinkset's technology and...

  • Mobile
    Read It Later Launches New iPhone App (But if You Don’t Like It, You Can Build Your Own!)

    Read It Later, a cross-platform browser extension for saving online articles for later reading, has just debuted their newly updated iPhone application. This latest version introduces a number of useful features for voracious mobile readers including support for articles spanning multiple pages, support for sites requiring logins (like WSJ or...

  • Web
    Google Wants to Make the Web Faster, Debuts Speed (Not the Drug, the Developer Site)

    The Google Code blog announced today the debut of yet another developer resource, this one focused entirely on making Internet browsing "as fast as turning the pages of a magazine."The new site will be all about performance, "from Internet protocols to the browser to website development." When the Web is...

  • Web
    As The Sun Sets on MySpace – Who Will Beat Facebook?

    The year was 2013. Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg was still the social network's public persona, but he had a young family and new-found loves of world travel, exotic regional cocktails and faux-native art. Facebook had become overgrown with spammy apps and awkwardly targeted advertisements. The company quietly gave Zuckerberg a...

  • Social
    BotKiller to Target Twitter Spam

    According to spam-filtration service BotKiller, Twitter spam comprises up to 3.69 percent of all tweets.They've been working on a solution to cleanse the stream of Twitter spam; their new product tags and blocks computer-generated tweets with a minimal margin of false positives. BotKiller is a product of Rarefied Technologies, an...

  • Web
    XG Ventures: Leave Google and Start a VC Fund

    In our latest VC interview, we spoke with three of the four partners of XG Ventures: David Lee, Greg Lee, and Andrea Zurek (the other partner, Pietro Dova, could not make the call).Yes, the G in "XG" stands for Google. The partners were early hires for strategic roles at Google...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: Tweet Liberty

    The aftermath of Iran's election last week was startling. From the eyebrow-raising lopsided vote tally, to the surge of protesters into the streets, to the pivotal role of tools like mobile phones, Twitter, and YouTube in getting the story out, it's hard to say what's been the most remarkable.Those of...

  • Mobile
    Was Apple Not Ready for Push Notifications?

    If you're wondering where all the Push Notification-enabled iPhone apps are, you're not alone. Many of the most highly anticipated applications designed to work in iPhone's OS 3.0 have not yet had their updated versions approved. On the list of overdue apps are AIM, IM+, Beejive IM, and ESPN ScoreCenter...

  • Web
    Best Party Trick Ever: Multi-Device Wireless Broadband from Sprint MiFi

    It's the length and width of a credit card. It's the thickness of a couple nickels. It'll let you and a few friends get an Internet connection just about anywhere with no wires whatsoever.It's a MiFi, Sprint's new wireless broadband device, and it's geek gadget magic that'll realistically fit in...

  • Mobile
    What Are Bloggers, Tweeters and Forum-Posters Saying About the New iPhone 48 Hours After Launch?

    48 hours after the release of the much-anticipated iPhone 3GS and its new 3.0 software, people are just beginning to put it through its paces and report on their reactions. Norwegian consumer generated media (CGM) analysis firm Integrasco has been monitoring several social media outlets including Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and...

  • Web
    One Million Numbers Strong, Google Voice Prepares for Takeoff

    Earlier this year RWW reported that Google had made plans for the telephony service it acquired in July, 2007 called GrandCentral. GrandCentral was reborn as Google Voice, which includes all of GrandCentral's features and much more. Google Voice's free service will allow users to unify all of their phone numbers...

  • Web
    ZenDesk Offers iPhone App Customer Support

    Don't you hate it when someone attractive asks you for an imaginary light, and your iPhone Zippo crashes? ZenDesk is offering a new embeddable drop box solution to give iPhone and Android developers customer support directly in their apps. With the current influx of application development, and the need to...

  • Web
    How Urban Airship Saved Tapulous’s Bacon on iPhone 3.0 Day

    Three weeks ago M.T. Richardson's job disappeared, his employer ran so far out of money that it said no one was getting paid and offered computers from the office as compensation instead. Yesterday, M.T. had one of the best days of his life. He's the junior-most developer in a still...

  • Web
    The Push is On: Apple Turns on Push Notifications

    Even though the iPhone 3.0 OS update went out successfully yesterday, the #1 feature many users were still waiting for was the ability to receive push notifications. While a couple of apps had already been updated with this functionality over the last few days (Zillow, AP Mobile, Weather Alert, etc.),...

  • Mobile
    Sirius XM Launches iPhone App without Stern, NFL, MLB

    After all that waiting, today should have been a day of rejoicing for SIRIUS XM subscribers. That's because today, the satellite radio company finally launched their much-anticipated iPhone application (iTunes link). However, instead of being pleased, subscribers are sorely disappointed. It seems the app is more notable for what it...

  • Web
    DocumentCloud Gets Funding to Create Research Memory Bank in the Sky

    A team of journalist-engineers from ProPublica and The New York Times has been awarded the Grand Prize in this year's Knight News Challenge and will receive $700k to build DocumentCloud, a new online knowledge-bank filled with documents unearthed in journalists' and bloggers' research and commented on by the public. "While...

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