Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Prepare Yourselves: Augmented Reality Hype on the Rise

    Augmented reality -- or the addition of a layer to the world before your eyes (aka the "real world") using technology -- is the next big tech trend. Already making its debut in everything from mobile apps to kids toys, "AR" will clearly soon be talked about by everyone the...

  • Web
    Practice Fusion Partners With Salesforce – But Is Cloud Computing Suitable For Healthcare?

    One year ago we reviewed a new health app called Practice Fusion, a free, web-based EMR (electronic medical record) system for physicians. This week Practice Fusion announced an investment, amount not disclosed, by They also announced the upcoming launch of their patient health record (PHR) application on,'s...

  • Web
    More Developers Start Working on Android Apps

    By the end of this year, Apple's App Store will carry more than 100,000 apps. According to Flurry, which specializes in providing real-time analytics to mobile app developers on the iPhone, Android, JavaME, and Blackberry, new project starts among iPhone developers show no sign of slowing down. Flurry, however, also...

  • Mobile
    Livestation Brings Live TV to the iPhone

    Content delivery network Akamai announced today that their partner and live TV provider Livestation has officially launched its streaming video solution which allows any broadcaster to deliver live TV to the iPhone. To demonstrate the capabilities of this technology, Livestation has also launched two applications which stream live TV news...

  • Mobile
    EFF Calls on Companies to Encrypt Location-Based Data

    The reason why Steven Seagal's 80's movies lack relevance for modern day audiences is because if a group of creepy, rogue mercenaries were to abduct us now, we'd be able to ping 10 nearby friends for backup. If you're like us, you're using one or more location-based services that rely...

  • Web
    Google Acquires Video Compression Specialists On2

    Google today announced that it plans to acquire On2, a Clifton Park, NY-based video compression developer in a stock-for-stock transaction valued at $106.5 million. In its announcement, Google argues that this acquisition will help the company to "make the overall web experience better for users" and that "video compression technology...

  • Web
    Web Squared: When Web 2.0 Meets Internet of Things

    Recently Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle released a white paper entitled Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On. It focuses squarely, pardon the pun, on the intersection of social web technologies with the emerging Internet of Things (real world objects connected to the Internet). The 'web squared' moniker is, commercially...

  • Social
    One Year On: Imeem Hype Falls Flat

    One year ago we reported that music-based social networking site Imeem was experiencing strong growth and making key deals with record labels. Our conclusion at the time was that "Imeem's growth rate and buzz is reminiscent of that of YouTube just before it got huge."Big words indeed. To see if...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify to Close Up to $50M Round Before US Launch

    Spotify CEO Daniel Ek has the Midas touch. In anticipation of the company's US launch, the on-demand music streaming site is finalizing what is rumored to be a $50 million dollar round of investments. According to the Financial Times, if Spotify closes the round with Wellington Partners and Li Ka...

  • Mobile
    Breaking News Online: The iPhone App is Live & Worth Buying

    News junkies rejoice, the much anticipated iPhone app from Dutch 19 year old Michael van Poppel's scrappy and wildly popular international reporting network Breaking News Online (BNO) has been released (iTunes link). The app uses the iPhone's new push notification service to deliver important news updates from around the world...

  • Work
    Microsoft Actually Makes Something Intuitive: Dynamics POS 2009

    Moan and groan all you like about SharePoint, Outlook and other Microsoft products. We'll happily listen to your troubles and agree. But this time around we have to say it: Microsoft Dynamics POS is pretty slick. The 2009 version of the software was released today and is an easy-to-navigate resource...

  • Web
    iPhone App Trends: Music, Health and Augmented Reality

    This weekend, developers, UI designers and testers combined forces to share ideas and collaborate at the third annual iPhone Dev Camp. The event encourages individuals at all levels to continue to stretch the development boundaries of the iPhone and iPod touch. The event's Hackathon competition offers an exhibition of attendee...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 1 August 2009

    Don't forget, we've put all of our events into a calendar so that you can keep track of them using your scheduling app of choice. So, go ahead and download the entire calendar in iCal format. You can also use this link to import it into your Google Calendar, or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Microsoft-Yahoo Deal, Twitter Re-Design, Internet Fridges, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze the deal to bring Microsoft's Bing search engine to Yahoo, check out the latest social media and Twitter statistics, investigate the state of RFID tags and Internet fridges, look at...

  • Work A Remember The Milk Alternative

    It might not have a Gmail gadget and an iPhone app, but reminder service is a good alternative to popular productivity tool Remember The Milk. If you don't need all the other bells and whistles, is a good choice. The user experience is clean and simple, and the...

  • Web
    BakeSpace: An Unlikely Startup Success Story from Twiistup

    BakeSpace might not be the sexiest concept on the startup block. A recipe swap community, said founder Babette Pepaj, strikes many in the tech community as "touchy feely" or "a chick site."Nevertheless, the site was named a 2009 Webby Award Nominee for Best Social Network and continues to drive traffic...

  • Web
    Newsgator Shuts Down Its Online Feed Reader

    NewsGator, the company behind the popular FeedDemon and NetNewsWire feed readers, just announced that it will shut down the NewsGator Online Reader on August 31, 2009. The company will provide users with instructions on how to migrate to Google Reader. NewsGator's desktop and mobile feed readers already support synchronization with...

  • Web
    My6Sense: A Smarter Feed Reader for the iPhone

    Google Reader offers a nifty mobile interface, and apps like Byline (iTunes link) and NetNewsWire (iTunes link) are well-designed native apps that allow iPhone users to keep up with their feeds. But slogging through a few hundred subscriptions on the iPhone's small screen can quickly turn into a frustrating experience....

  • Web
    All Your Messages Belong to Us: Silentale Prepares to Launch

    Silentale is a soon-to-launch startup whose goal is to consolidate your conversations and contacts from all the platforms you use including webmail, social networks, and even your mobile phone. Running as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform on top of Amazon Web Services, the oddly named Silentale will function not just as...

  • Web
    Seriously, What is Going on with the App Store? Blocks, Delays, and Awful Apps Slipping Through

    Apple has never been one to be overly communicative with their developer community and the iTunes App Store is no exception. There is often little communication between Apple and developers when it comes to why an app is rejected or why its launch in the store is delayed. Now with...

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