Results for "mobile"

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  • Social
    Hot, Hot, Hot! A Twitter Augmented Reality App for iPhone

    There's a fascinating new Twitter app in development called TwittARound, an augmented reality Twitter viewer for the iPhone 3GS. With the app, you can see live tweets around your location and you can even see how far away they are. To accomplish this, TwittARound uses a combination of the iPhone's...

  • Transportation
    Transportation Apps: Are We There Yet?

    There are sites devoted to regional public transportation route planning, sites devoted to rail transportation, and city-wide sites for light rail, bus and ferry planning. But if you're looking for something across cities, states or even countries, you're not likely to find it. Why is it that with GPS applications...

  • Mobile
    2009: The Year of LBS (Location-Based Services)

    Where's the nearest Starbucks? Where did my children go today after school? How do I get to that new Thai restaurant downtown? What are my friends saying about this new club? If you've ever asked yourself any of these questions or something similar, you were probably able to get the...

  • Web
    6 Travel Trends for the Weary Wanderer

    There's only so much we can learn from the comfort of our computer screens. At some point, we've got to venture into the unknown, embark on something new and explore the world around us. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, below are a few different tools to aid you...

  • Mobile
    reQall for iPhone 3.0: This is What Push Notifications Were Made For

    Earlier this year, we reviewedreQall, a very smart task manager, organizer, and 'memory tool' for the iPhone and BlackBerry. It combines a calendar, integration with Outlook and Google Calendar (in the paid version for $2.99 a month), and to-do list functions with a surprisingly useful 'Memory Jogger' feature that brings...

  • Web
    6 Great Tools for LSAT, SAT and GMAT Test Prep

    Thousands of intelligent students seize up during standardized test season. They're the ones in the back of the gymnasium, frantically writing to the last minute and choking under the pressure of an egg timer. I am that student. Perhaps test anxiety doesn't come from the actual questions sitting in front...

  • Web
    Beyond the Box: The “Televisual Experience”

    Editor's note: we offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write 'Sponsor Posts' and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 4 July 2009

    Time for this week's events guide, a regular feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend, as good a time as any to review your conference plans.Know of an event taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.21 July 2009: Palo...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Facebook Privacy, FriendFeed Trolls, iPhone Push, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we analyze the latest changes to Facebook's privacy controls, investigate trolling on FriendFeed, explore the impact of push notifications on the iPhone, review Firefox 3.5, check out Google's update to Blog Search, and more....

  • Web
    Ten Companies Twitter Should Consider Acquiring Next

    If you were a little blue bird, with a good pile of money and a whole lot of hype, what would you buy to spice up your nest? There are so many little services being built on top of Twitter that we wouldn't be surprised to see some more of...

  • Web
    Google Updates Blog Search – Where’s the Innovation?

    Google just announced a number of changes to its blog search engine, Google Blog Search, but none of them will knock your socks off. RSS feeds for search queries were added, something that no self-respecting search engine of dynamic content would be without. Hot search queries and recent posts from...

  • Mobile
    Where’s My Bus? D.C. Gov’t Says There’s an App for That

    During the city of Washington, D.C.'s crowdsourced Apps for Democracy 2 project, one of the top requested apps was a GPS notification system for public transportation.For those of you who've not had the pleasure of residing in our nation's capital and the outlying cities and suburbs of Virginia and Maryland,...

  • Social
    UPDATED: Sometimes, You Get What You Need: Twitter Improves UI on Follower/Following Pages

    Twitter has announced some changes to their follower and following pages interface design and functions.Now, when web users click to see lists of the people they follow or who follow them, they will see more information than just avatars and usernames. The new, improved pages contain full names, locations, most...

  • Social
    Look Out, Twitpic: Flickr Now Tweeting Images

    According to an announcement today on the Flickr blog, it's open season for image-sharing via Twitter on the gargantuan photo site.Users can now share posted content on their Twitter accounts using a simple web-based sharing button or via email/mobile using a unique "2Twitter" email address. Although all uploaded content is...

  • Web
    So Far, Push Notifications on the iPhone are a Letdown

    When Apple launched the iPhone 3.0 update, we were pretty excited about a number of the new features in the OS, but push notifications, which Apple billed as an alternative to battery-draining background processes, were on the top of our list. After a few weeks with the iPhone 3.0 OS,...

  • Web
    A Closer Look at Facebook’s New Privacy Options

    Chances are you wouldn't tell grandma about the wild party you went to last Saturday night. Likewise, you might have spent Sunday evening at home knittin' a mitten and only feel secure enough in your manhood to share pictures of your fiber craft with family. While real life communication lets...

  • Mobile
    Google Launches SMS-Based Services for Africa

    Google today announced a number of SMS-based services for the African market. Google SMS provides access to information by SMS (news, local weather, sports, agriculture tips, etc.), while Google Trader is an SMS-based marketplace where buyers and sellers can connect. Google SMS Tips is a query-and-answer service that can take...

  • Web
    Firefox May Come to Android – Too Little Too Late?

    Last week, Google announced a change in how software can run on Android, the company's mobile operating system which powers such devices as T-Mobile's G1 and the upcoming MyTouch 3G. Instead of just allowing Java applications that run on Google's Dalvik virtual machine, Android will now allow software that runs...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 27 June 2009

    We've added a few good events to our schedule this week. So, pull up your calendars and block off days for the ones that match your interests. This events guide is a regular feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend, as good a time as any to review...

  • Web
    So Much for Video Conversations: Seesmic Puts Its Video Service on Hold

    When you hear the name Seesmic today, chances are that you are thinking about a Twitter client, but once upon a time, Seesmic was a much-hyped online "video conversation" service. Now, however, after a recent redesign, the Seesmic homepage basically doesn't mention the video service anymore and the video service...

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