Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Dear iPhone Users: Your Apps are Spying on You

    Recently, Palm came under fire when programmer Joey Hess discovered the Pre's smartphone OS was sending users' GPS locations back to Palm on a daily basis. Although this information was disclosed in the company's privacy policy, the majority of the phone's owners were unaware. The incident raised questions about consumer...

  • Web
    Kovio & The Search for Low Cost RFID Tags

    In our analysis of the RFID market, we noted that the cost of RFID tags was a major reason why the technology hasn't taken off as many had predicted. However various experiments are underway to produce a low-cost RFID chip. We mentioned MIT's bokodes in our analysis; others include Alien...

  • Web
    Dygest: Survey All The Hottest News Coverage in One Digest is a fascinating new service that looks over hundreds of topical sources online, finds out what the hot topics are and publishes excerpts of coverage that help tell the whole story succinctly on one page. It's like Cliffs Notes for meme-tracking and it appears to work quite well.At first...

  • Mobile
    Palm Pre Owners Like Their Phones, Take That Apple

    A new survey of Palm Pre and iPhone 3Gs owners found that Pre owners like their phones, though not as much as iPhone owners like theirs. It's no surprise that Apple has its fans, but if you've been thinking about getting a Pre - maybe you should.The survey was performed...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Facebook Buys FriendFeed, Distributed Social Networking, Google Caffeine, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we report on and analyze the acquisition of lifestreaming company FriendFeed by Facebook. We also explore a new trend that may route around both companies: distributed social networking. In other news this...

  • Web
    Federal Funds for Startup Incubator? Memphis Firm Takes a Shot at ARRA Half Million

    According to reports from local news sources, a Memphis startup incubator and business accelerator is taking aim at a grant from the federal government to fund its expansion and growth.EmergeMemphis, an incubator with 26 companies currently in its stable, is home to ventures of all stripes: A budding ISP, software...

  • Web
    Should Consumers Fear The Internet of Things?

    So far in this What The Internet of Things Means For You series we've looked at how the Internet of Things (when everyday objects are connected to the Web) will affect marketers and accountants. Some of the comments on those posts have requested that we look at the effect on...

  • Web
    Philly’s Freshest: DreamIt Ventures Graduates Class of Ten Startups

    Philadelphia-based early-stage investment outfit DreamIt Ventures is in the business of finding, funding, and accelerating great startups.Like many similar programs we've covered in the past, DreamIt, now in its second year, sees startup founders through the summer with seed funding and advisement, allowing them to demo their wares for media...

  • Entertainment
    Grooveshark Launches Subscription VIP Service

    Not to be outdone by recent announcements from streaming music site Spotify, Gainesville-based Grooveshark announced a $3 per month or $30 per year ad-free Grooveshark VIP service. Grooveshark VIP offers users early access to development pipeline releases including early testing on the upcoming Grooveshark iPhone application and early August 24th...

  • Web
    Augmented Reality: A Human Interface for Ambient Intelligence

    Augmented reality (or AR) is fast becoming as ubiquitous a term as "Web 2.0." The field is getting noisier by the day, and AR as a field of research now has to co-exist with its status as an industry buzzword. Knowing the difference between the two is important. To do...

  • Mobile
    Share Your Favorite iPhone Apps by Email; There’s An App (Submitted) for That

    Just 46% of iPhone users discover new apps via recommendations from friends, but that number could take a big jump if a new app just submitted to Apple gets approved for placement in the iTunes App Store.Israeli and French project AppsFire has submitted a new app that will allow anyone...

  • Web
    Gartner Hype Cycle 2009: Web 2.0 Trending Up, Twitter Down

    Analyst firm Gartner has just released its latest Hype Cycle white paper, detailing some of the biggest trends in technology this year. According to the report, cloud computing, e-books and Internet TV are at the "Peak of Inflated Expectations," while this year's biggest hit Twitter is said to have "tipped...

  • Web
    Tiny App Confuses, Delights: Check Out, Next-Gen Animated GIFs

    From "massively small products" shop Particle, itself a startup newly out of stealth mode, comes a new app:, pitched to us as a digital calling card.Although the app first struck us as a skinnier Retaggr with an animated GIF-esque Flash avatar slapped on the top, something quirky and cute...

  • Web
    Yahoo Deals: Woot and the New Coupon Clippers

    Yahoo has just launched Yahoo Deals, a site that offers coupons, deals and shopping related tips in a searchable format. According to the release, "web searches for "printable coupons" on Yahoo! are up 50 percent in 2009, compared to the same time in 2008, and up 135 percent compared to...

  • Web
    VC Series A Web Tech Deals in July

    We have been tracking Series A deals in Web technology since the market mayhem in October 2008, and since May we have been working with ChubbyBrain, which tracks this kind of data full-time. Early-stage funding is important for the whole economy, so we decided to report every month, not waiting...

  • Web
    Who Has the Right VC Numbers and Who Cares?

    We started tracking VC funding in October 2008, as the financial markets were melting. What caught our eye in those dark and gloomy days was True Ventures' announcement of its Series A investment in Syncplicity. The more we looked, the more we found that the headlines were wrong. It was...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Real Time Delicious, Read/Write Digg, Web Squared, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze the impact of real-time information on the Web, investigate 'web squared' (when web 2.0 meets Internet of Things), tell you why cloud computing is the future of mobile, look at...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 8 August 2009

    The summer is over halfway over now, but we've still got some exciting events in our schedule. Once again, we've put our events into a calendar for you to keep track. Download the calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events...

  • Work
    Nine Awesome iPhone Apps for Business

    Maybe it's odd to be recommending iPhone apps right now, with the house of cards that is the confused App Store policy falling down on Apple's head. But business users, we know you've got no time for listening to the woes of developers. You need to get things done. From...

  • Mobile
    Urbanspoon Is Now Taking Online Reservations: Takes on OpenTable

    Urbanspoon is getting ready to take on OpenTable, the popular and publicly traded restaurant reservation service. Urbanspoon just started a pilot program with four restaurants in Seattle. Chances are that the company will then slowly expand this service to the rest of the 90+ markets it currently serves. Compared to...

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