Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 20 September 2009

    This is an exciting week for us here at ReadWriteWeb. We just recently announced the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit, which is gearing up to be an excellent event on the state of the real-time Web and the challenges ahead. See the details on it and all of the other great...

  • Web They’re Watching the Social Web in Real Time – But Will It Pay?

    Particle, the Justin Timberlake-funded microapp development shop, is dedicated to creating "massively small" products that provide simple, creative solutions to real problems.When we first reviewed their application, we weren't sure whether to be confused or delighted - but we knew there was more to the app than met the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we announce our first event: The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit on October 15th in Mountain View, California. It's a 1-day event that will bring together some of the smartest minds doing real-time...

  • Mobile
    Mint’s iPhone App: Now With Budgets, Push Notifications, and an Extra Layer of Security

    Mint, the popular personal finance site that was just acquired by Intuit, just released a major update to its iPhone application (iTunes link). While Mint's iPhone app was always quite good, this new version brings a number of new features to the app that make it more useful and, most...

  • Work
    Alfresco Wants Enterprise Content Management in the Cloud

    Alfresco, the open source enterprise content management company, has unveiled a developer program for those looking to host both the community and enterprise versions of its software on the Amazon EC2 cloud computing platform. Alfresco is a leading open source alternative for document and Web content management, competing strongly with...

  • Web
    Could the eBook Version of ‘The Lost Symbol’ Outsell the Hardcover Edition?

    Even though some people are seriouslyasking this question today, the answer is obviously a resounding "no." There can be no doubt that The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown's sequel to the immensely popular Da Vinci Code, will sell extremely well on the Kindle and may easily turn out to be the...

  • Social
    5 Easy Steps to Stay Safe (and Private!) on Facebook

    When the President of the United States warns schoolchildren to watch what they say and do on Facebook, you know that we've got a problem...and it's not one limited to the U.S.'s borders, either. People everywhere are mindlessly over-sharing on the world's largest social network, without a second thought as...

  • Web
    Apple Explains How to Use iPhone’s New Anti-Phishing Feature

    Amid the hubbub over new iPods and iTunes' LPs announced at last week's annual Apple event, one feature that was a little under-hyped was the new "anti-phishing" protection built into the iPhone's Safari web browser. The added feature, available via an iPhone software update, warns users when visiting fraudulent websites...

  • Web
    AIM Debuts Lifestream Twitter Client

    AOL just announced AIM Lifestream. The service allows AIM users to check and update their Facebook, Twitter and AIM lifestreams from an AIM mobile and desktop dashboard. Users can send SMS and IM messages directly from the desktop and connect with friends across multiple platforms and using multiple mediums. While...

  • Work
    Socialwok is a FriendFeed for Google Apps

    Google Apps is an impressive productivity suite. But however good Docs and Gmail are, organizations using Apps are left without the kinds of social software they're used to having outside of work. Singapore-based startup Socialwok is attempting to fix that by offering a social app that lives on top of...

  • Web
    Is Fast Flip Really the Best Google Can Do to Save the News?

    Yesterday, Google launchedFast Flip - a Google Labs product that wants to give users a new way to browse newspaper sites and blogs on their desktops and mobile devices. The big business news here is that Google will share ad revenue from this product with the publishers. The relationship between...

  • Web
    VC Series A Web Tech Deals in August

    Today is the anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse, which triggered the financial meltdown. That was when ReadWriteWeb started tracking Series A deals in Web technology. Thanks to our partner ChubbyBrain, we can now do this reliably and easily. Executive summary for August: down from July, with seed deals very...

  • Web
    Want Unlimited Cloud Storage? Dazzboard and MySites Team Up

    Dazzboard describes their service as a "universal media manager," but we like to think of it more as a mobile device manager which lets you move your media files from your phone to your PC and up to the web. The innovative software is only a few months old, but...

  • Web
    Personal Relationship Manager Gist Launches to Public

    When we first looked at the personal relationship manager Gistback in October of last year, we were intrigued. Here was an online service that had a real purpose: to help you make sense out of your email's data. Gist does this by analyzing the relationships in the hidden social network...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Top 5 Web Trends of 2009, New iTunes Features, Real-Time Blogs, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze the 5 biggest trends of 2009 on the Web, review the iTunes and iPhone announcements made by Apple during the week, tell you about a new Wordpress feature that makes...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 12 September 2009

    Here we go with this week's ReadWriteWeb events guide. Remember to download the calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify May Go the “Freemium” Route in the U.S.

    European music service Spotify is one of the most highly anticipated applications coming to the U.S. The service, best described as a streaming music version of iTunes, consists of both desktop software as well as complementary mobile applications for Apple's iPhone and the Google Android platform. Already, the service is...

  • Mobile
    Survey Says Most iPhone Owners Download 10+ Apps

    In the mobile world, it's been long established that applications are the key selling point for Apple's iPhone. At the end of June the company reported a record 5.2 million iPhones sold in its third quarter - a 600% increase over the same time frame a year earlier. Steve Jobs...

  • Web
    Seedcamp Finalists Announced for Third Annual European Startup Event

    Twenty-one entrepreneurial teams have been selected to participate in Seedcamp Week 2009, a London-based, startup-focused event now in its third year. Seedcamp also selectively funds (and subsequently accelerates) around 5 startups each year; to date, 14 teams have received funding.Read on for a full list of the finalist startups and...

  • Work Open Up to iPhone Apps with a New API

    Cloud storage and collaboration company has opened up its platform to iPhone apps today through a new mobile API. The API lets independent iPhone developers join its OpenBox program, and several apps have already added support in advance. The new service will let users access their files...

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