Results for "mobile"

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    Thoora Launches Real-Time News Aggregator

    News aggregation startup Thoora is celebrating its public release just one day after ReadWriteWeb's Real-Time Summit. In June, we wrote about the fact that CNN was hours behind Twitter in reporting news from Tehran. As real-time services continue to trump traditional media outlets, companies like Thoora have jumped on the...

  • Work
    Applying the Real-Time Web in the Enterprise

    Microblogging represents the first wave in the enterprise. Now the questions is what represents the second wave and how adoption will occur.The issue of the second wave came back up again and again in "Applying The Real-Time Web in the Enterprise," at the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit today.But though the...

  • Web
    Who’s Ignoring Those iPhone Ads? Women.

    According to mobile marketing firm Brand in Hand, female iPhone users are the worst demographic in terms of interacting with mobile ads on the iPhone. The company, whose high-profile clients include Procter & Gamble, General Mills and American Express, has run 60+ mobile ad campaigns over the past two years....

  • Entertainment
    Is Apple Going to Support Augmented Reality, After All?

    The cranky elves that run the iPhone App Store may be warming up after all to the emerging field of Augmented Reality (AR). AR app makers, who are building sci-fi-like interfaces for viewing data about the physical world on top of the mobile phone's camera, were beginning to feel spurned....

  • Web
    AlphaLab Demo Day Showcases Pittsburgh’s Finest

    Pittsburgh-based startup incubator AlphaLab hosted its Fall demo day earlier this morning. Created by seed funding group Innovations Works, AlphaLab provides 6 promising startups with funding, office space and business advice over a 20-week mentorship program. Today's event showcased half of those companies and was similar in format to YCombinator,...

  • Web
    New iPhone App Piracy Statistics Reveal “Try Before You Buy” Mentality is a Myth

    Jailbreaking, the act of hacking your iPhone or iPod Touch so that it allows for the installation of unapproved third-party applications, is a popular activity among the tech community. But in addition to allowing you greater control over your mobile device, there's another - ahem - benefit, if you will....

  • Web
    Recent Cloud Outages May Give Opera Unite a Second Chance

    Back in June of this year, Opera revealed their ambitious plan to "reinvent the web" with the release of Opera Unite, a new feature of their desktop web browser that effectively turns your computer into a server. With tools like a chat application, a photo sharing app, a file sharing...

  • Web
    MOG Launching Five Dollar All-You-Can-Hear Music Service

    Just when you thought media darling Spotify was going to be the sexiest music service of the year, music blogging platform MOG is announcing plans to offer a $5 dollar per month, all-you-can-hear music service. In an interview with MOG CEO David Hyman, ReadWriteWeb learned that tomorrow morning the company...

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    Just 18 Hours Left to Buy Real-Time Web Summit Tickets At Current Prices

    We're very excited to see that hundreds of you have already bought tickets to join us on Thursday for the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit in Mountain View, California. The event is fast approaching and we're getting everything in order. ReadWriteWeb staff are boarding planes from all around the world to...

  • Web
    Yahoo Releases YQL-Powered Meme API

    Yahoo Meme, a rich-media microblog that originally started as a Portuguese-only web app and has since expanded to Spanish and English language versions, is often mistakenly called a Twitter clone.However, in stark contrast to the 140-character wunder-app, Meme has proven in the months since its release to be a much...

  • Web
    Hey Chicken Little, the Cloud Is Not Falling

    We sure are hearing the chickens running around in a panic about the dangers of cloud computing following the massive data loss involving T-Mobile Sidekick customers. And as usual, the cacophony sounds more like a bunch of pundits ruminating about the great dangers that may be ahead instead of the...

  • Web
    200 People Working on the Real-Time Web: RWW Summit Participants and Their Affiliations

    We're in the final days leading up to the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit. People are coming from around the world to Mountain View, California this Thursday to talk about building and leveraging the diverse set of technologies referred-to as the real-time web.You should join us! If you can't, though, please...

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 10 October 2009

    We've added a bunch of great events to our guide this week. The one we're most excited about (of course) is our own ReadWrite Read-Time Web Summit, which takes place this coming Thursday in Mountain View. You can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into...

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    Weekly Wrapup: Countdown to The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we continue the build-up to our first event: The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit on October 15th in Mountain View, California. You can register here for the low price of $270. Also this...

  • Web
    WhereMark: More AR Discovery for the Outernet

    Virginia-based company WhereMark has just released a preview of its upcoming app for the iPhone 3GS. By now we're all familiar with augmented reality applications that place data above a real-time mobile camera view. Companies like Wikitude, RobotVision and Layar have wowed us with their ability to color what is...

  • Web
    Notable: Closing the Feedback Loop for Web Designers

    ZURB, a well-known Bay Area design and consulting firm that has worked with the likes of Facebook, eBay and Britney Spears, decided to release one of the tools it built internally to annotate web designs to the public a short while ago. Notable is completely web based and works best...

  • Web
    Is App Addiction a Real Thing?

    Do you jokingly refer to yourself as an "app addict?" That is, are you someone so obsessed with your mobile phone applications that you've filled numerous screens full of apps, play with them anytime you have 5 minutes to spare and sleep next to your phone just so it can...

  • Web
    JuicePitcher: Democratizing Access to Venture Capital

    Rather than creating an advisory board to decide who would address top tier VC firms, TheFunded and tech TV group VatorNews looked to the public to choose presenters. In anticipation of yesterday's JuicePitcher event, hundreds of companies uploaded profiles to VatorTV. The companies who received the most votes landed a...

  • Web
    London Gets Foursquare, Paris Waitlisted: Take That, France!

    According to late-breaking news we saw on The Next Web, Foursquare is coming to London by the end of this week.Other European rollouts, including a Paris debut, are expected soon. We also saw on the Foursquare Twitter account that the service is expanding to college town Chapel Hill, NC. Currently,...

  • Web
    Monetizing Speed: AP May Charge for 30 Min Lead

    After a summer of establishing blogger guidelines and fair use, the Associated Press is considering charging online customers for a 20-30 minute head start on breaking news stories. According to a report by the AP's Jeremiah Marquez, the AP's chief executive Tom Curley made the announcement at the Hong Kong...

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