Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Social
    Seesmic Web Gets Lists and Geolocation

    Seesmic just announced the launch of Twitter lists in its browser-based Seesmic Web Twitter client. Earlier this week, Seesmic released the first desktop Twitter client with support for lists. Despite Seesmic's best efforts, Brizzly managed to become the first company to release a web client with support for lists earlier...

  • Entertainment
    At Last! Streaming Media App Orb Launches Mac Version

    We had almost forgotten about Orb, the media-sharing software that lets you stream video from your home computer to your iPhone or any other internet-connected device. In fact, the last time we had even looked at the application was November of 2008 when the company announced an update to their...

  • Web
    Sensors on Shipping Containers: IBM Launches New Tracking Software

    IBM has launched a new product called Returnable Container Management, which uses the Internet of Things to track and measure the usage of shipping containers. These containers are a large, dull but essential part of the supply chain for manufacturers - they are used to hold automobile parts, meat, pharmaceuticals...

  • Web
    iTunes App Store: 100k Apps, But Only 20% Are Being Used

    Apple today announced that the iTunes App Store now features over 100,000 applications for the iPhone and iPod touch. App Store users have downloaded over 2 billion applications. While Apple is obviously celebrating this as a success of its developer program, AppsFire reminds us that only a very small number...

  • Web
    New Study Paints iPhone Owners as Materialistic, Fickle Egomaniacs

    Are iPhone users really that bad? We're not buying it. It's odd that a consumer electronics shopping site would sponsor a study that paints such a lousy picture of iPhone owners, but that's exactly what has done. For whatever reason, the results of their recent report on smartphone owners...

  • Social
    Study Finds Social Media is Actually Social

    In our society, there's an image of a computer nerd as this sad, pale, and lonely guy sitting in the dark gazing at a glowing screen. As it turns out, that's just an image and it's far from the truth. The reality is that most technology users are perfectly well-adjusted...

  • Mobile
    Discovering Great iPhone Apps: 5 Recommendation Services Compared

    The iPhone App Store is a blessing and a curse. It's one of the best things about the mobile platform, but it's so popular that finding great new apps to download can be a real challenge. Where there's a monetizable pain-point, services will flower! Enter a variety of new iPhone...

  • Web
    The Future of Comics: Piecemeal or Cross-Platform?

    Before anime torrents, World of Warcraft and even before the internet itself, fantasy seeking geeks were fortunate enough to pour over the genius and inspiration of writers and artists like Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. With the exception of Ben Affleck's lackluster display in Daredevil, almost every classic Marvel title...

  • Web
    Shovelware: Developers Now Launch More E-Book Apps Than Games in iTunes Store

    According to a new survey conducted by mobile analytics company Flurry, developers now launch more e-book apps than games in Apple's iTunes App Store. Games now represent 13% of the new releases while 20% of all the new apps in the App Store are e-books. One of the reasons for...

  • Web
    Ribbit Launches Google Voice Challenger

    Ribbit just announced the launch of Ribbit Mobile. Ribbit Mobile is a cloud-based VoIP telephony service that brings together web-based calling, smart call routing and voicemail transcriptions.It is hard to look at Ribbit Mobile without comparing it to Google Voice. Just like Google Voice, Ribbit gives users a new phone...

  • Mobile
    Apple Will Soon Overtake RIM in Consumer Smartphone Market

    A new report by ChangeWave Research provides yet more evidence of the surge in consumer interest in smartphones; and of Apple's iPhone in particular. Last week we reported statistics from AdMob stating that smartphones are now edging out feature phones as the device of choice for consumers. In the race...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 31 October 2009

    Time for this week's events guide. You can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: The Web in 5 Years, Hulu’s Plans, Google Wave Use Cases, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze how Google CEO Eric Schmidt thinks the Web will evolve, review Hulu's latest plans to make money, investigate use cases for Google Wave, ask why VCs aren't investing in Augmented...

  • Social
    10 Twitter Lists You Should Follow

    Twitter Lists have rolled out to a majority of users on the site now and the uptake has been remarkable. Things will get truly interesting when lists can by turned into columns in 3rd party clients like Tweetdeck and Seesmic (one small client says it's shipped list support already and...

  • Work
    Jive SBS 4.0 Offers Office Integration and an iPhone App

    In its most significant update to date, Jive Software is following the evolution of the social web in the enterprise with features that allow users the flexibility to use the tools in multiple ways.Social Business 4.0 (SBS), is Jive's latest version of its enterprise collaboration technology. In this new release,...

  • Entertainment
    Why Aren’t VCs Backing Augmented Reality?

    Some people believe that Augmented Reality (AR), the class of technologies that place images or data on top of other views of the physical world, could be the web browser of the future. AR has rocketed out of the research labs and is catching mass market interest fast - from...

  • Web
    Amazon Speeds Checkout with New PayPhrase Technology

    Online retailer has just announced a new checkout system called "PayPhrase" which speeds up the process of making online purchases by allowing shoppers to enter a unique phrase and 4-digit PIN number to complete their transaction. Both the phrase and PIN are created in advance and are linked to...

  • Web
    Google Maps Navigation: The First Killer App for Android 2.0

    Android 2.0 just got its first killer app: Google Maps Navigation. Google Maps Navigation for Android 2.0 will be available for free and will be part of the default Google Maps app on Android 2.0 phones. The service offers all the features that users expect from a modern GPS app,...

  • Work
    Calendaring, Scheduling Meetings: Timebridge CEO Interview Reveals Strategic Importance of This Space

    We have looked at Calendaring many times (such as in our round-up of 10 players). In our own work, we have started working with both Tungle and Doodle. To understand more about why this market is strategically interesting, we recently spoke with Yori Nelken, CEO of Timebridge (see our previous...

  • Social
    Android Phones Get a Social Address Book

    Originally revealed at this spring's DEMO 09 conference, the Asurion Mobile address book stood out as one of the more memorable mobile products. Still called simply "AddressBook," this social media-infused contacts application is designed exclusively for Android handsets. From within the mobile application, you not only see the profile updates...

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