Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    How to Secure Your Jailbroken iPhone

    Earlier this week, the news of the first iPhone worm made its way around the net. Since the worm only targeted jailbroken devices and then only those which had the SSH program installed, there wasn't a need for concern on the part of most iPhone users. However, a second hacker...

  • Web
    iPhone Game Maker Apologizes for Stealing Phone Numbers, Calls Lawsuit “Meritless”

    A federal lawsuit filed on Wednesday is charging an iPhone development firm with collecting users' cell phone numbers without their permission. The developer, a game-making firm by the name of Storm8, is the entity behind popular games like iMobsters, World War, Racing Live, Vampires Live, Kingdoms Live, Zombies Live and...

  • Web
    Books + Online Video = Vooks: Watchable, Readable, & Very Cool

    Vook is a new company that's come up with a method for blending text and premium video to create an interesting mobile multimedia experience around popular literature.It combines the (relatively) old skool readability of a Kindle with the engagement of a YouTube series, all wrapped in the delicious flavor of...

  • Mobile
    Waveboard 2.0 Will Offer Push Notifications for iPhone

    If you're not one of the fortunate few to have gotten your hands on a Google Wave invite, then you probably don't have too much use for Waveboard, an iPhone-ready interface for Google's new real-time collaboration system. However, if you've recently become a member of the Google Wave cult, you...

  • Web
    7 Apps We’re Falling in Love With

    We test a lot of software around here, on the web, on our desktop and on our phones. It's a great job to have, but only so much of what we test really sticks and becomes a part of our daily routines. Every once in awhile we like to compare...

  • Web
    Kindle Everywhere: Amazon Launches Windows Application

    Amazon just released a free e-book reader application for Windows PCs. The Kindle for PC application allows Amazon customers to read Kindle books on their Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines. A Mac version will follow soon. The application was clearly designed to work on a wide variety...

  • Mobile
    Blackberry Developer Conference: It’s All about the Apps

    At yesterday's Blackberry Developer Conference, several companies announced major updates to their applications and services designed for Blackberry smartphones. From Blackberry maker Research in Motion (RIM) came new geolocation, advertising and push services in addition to other developer tools. Meanwhile, companies like Loopt, eBay, Xobni, and others took the opportunity...

  • Web
    Good Bloggers Make Good Neighbors, New Survey Shows

    Back in the day, it was assumed that heavy Internet geeks were a bunch of basement-dwelling, trenchcoat-wearing, socially maladjusted introverts.However, a new study from the Pew Internet Project shows that geeks, including IM users and bloggers, are more likely to help neighbors, get out of the house, volunteer, and behave...

  • Web
    Happy Birthday to Firefox: Everybody Dance!

    Hey, Firefox, kids who were freshmen in college when you started now have pointless internships in big cities and colossal amounts of student debt. Congratulations! You're officially old by Internet standards. You've hit the one billion downloads mark and captured a truly significant percentage of Internet browser users. And you've...

  • Web
    Twitter, LinkedIn Cut Deal – We’re Still Waiting for the Big Announcement

    Twitter and LinkedIn are announcing a deal tonight that will allow LinkedIn users to publish status updates to their Twitter profiles and pull in some or all Twitter updates to their LinkedIn accounts. Wait a minute...the two social media companies with some of the most valuable, interesting data on the...

  • Web
    Rdio: First Screenshots Leaked of Skype Founders’ New Music Service

    We've been lucky enough to get our hands on leaked screenshots from one version of Rdio, the forthcoming music app from Skype, KaZaA and Joost creators Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis. Zennstrom and Friis were the original financiers behind peer-to-peer file sharing site KaZaA, but Rdio won't be following a...

  • Web
    Google Looks to Dominate iPhone and Android Advertising With AdMob Acquisition

    Google announced this morning that it has acquired 3-year old mobile display ad serving platform AdMob for $750 million, half the price it paid for YouTube in 2006. Why did Google make this move? Two reasons stand out.First, AdMob is a very strong company in a sector (mobile advertising) that...

  • Web
    40% of People “Friend” Brands on Facebook

    Digital marketing company Razorfish has just launched its third annual FEED survey of 1,000 "connected consumers." The survey is focused on online consumer behavior. This year Facebook and Twitter feature prominently. 40% of respondents "friended" brands on Facebook, while 25% reported following brands on Twitter. What's more, Razorfish found that...

  • Entertainment
    Shazam Now Doing Recommendations with Newly Launched App

    Shazam, the music discovery iPhone application which gained widespread adoption thanks to its appearance in an iPhone TV commercial, is now getting a ton of new features thanks to the launch of a premium application called Shazam Encore. This new application adds music recommendations, trend charts, music searches and more...

  • Web
    New iPhone Worm: How Worried Should We Be?

    Numerous reports have surfaced over the weekend regarding the first iPhone worm spotted in the wild. The worm, known as iKee, only affects modified handsets also known as "jailbroken" devices. These devices have been hacked by their owners to allow for the installation of unapproved, third-party programs that aren't allowed...

  • Web
    5 Years On: ReadWriteWeb’s 2004 Interview With Tim O’Reilly

    Five years ago I interviewed tech publisher Tim O'Reilly about a new term that his company had just coined: Web 2.0. The first Web 2.0 conference had been held the previous month, October 2004, and O'Reilly had graciously agreed to give an interview to yours truly - "an unknown blogger...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 7 November 2009

    Here is this week's events guide. You can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend,...

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    Lookery’s Scott Rafer: Advice in the Aftermath

    After successfully selling MyBlogLog to Yahoo, it was surprising to see Lookery founder Scott Rafer write a blog post announcing his company's "orderly shutdown". In heartbreaking detail he took full responsibility for the company's demise saying, "In chronological order, the sins Lookery committed under my leadership were continuing our dependency...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Mega Content Sites, Gen Y on Twitter, iPhone App Recommendation Services, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze a new breed of content site that is rapidly gaining momentum, look into recent statistics showing that Gen Y is using Twitter more, compare five recommendation services for iPhone apps,...

  • Entertainment
    Layar Tells CNN: Augmented Reality Will Be Second Only to Voice On Phones

    When you've got a global audience, maybe it's good to make sweeping, ambitious statements. Maarten Lens-Fitzgerald, co-founder of Augmented Reality browser company Layar, was interviewed by CNN today and took the opportunity to claim that AR on phones is going to be so big in the future that only voice...

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