Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    3 New Forms of Search That Google is Working on Now

    Google amazed us last week with 5 fantastic demos of innovations like Google Goggles and near instant speech-to-text mobile translation. That was before the company showed off its new real-time search, a key problem it solved with grace while its competitors floundered.Now we're told of a whole new batch of...

  • Work
    Dell Increases its Crowdsourcing Efforts – Will it Work?

    Dell is increasing its crowdsourcing efforts on IdeaStorm, by giving hardware manufacturers more feedback on products and services. "Storm Sessions" are designed to attract a larger business community to the IdeaStorm site, by providing a more focused, structured approach.Storm Sessions provide a way for Dell to listen to its community,...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 12 December 2009

    Welcome to this week's events guide. As always, you can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it...

  • Mobile
    Draw Your Own iPhone Game With Pencil and Paper

    Sketch Nation is a forthcoming iPhone app that takes iPhone photos of drawn images and uses them as avatars, obstacles and enemies in a customized fly-and-shoot mobile game. It's pretty sweet and was the winner of the recent AppsFire AppStar Awards for unlaunched iPhone apps. I was one of 20...

  • Work
    5 Enterprise Trends to Watch in 2010: Part 1

    Who does not love to make predictions? Tis' the season, right?We posted our Top 10 Enterprise Products for 2009 and so it feels like a good time to provide some perspective on what the enterprise can expect in the year ahead.MashupsMashups are going through a renaissance thanks to the incredible...

  • Mobile
    iBARCODE: Real-Time Price Search Engine Launches

    German company has today launched what it claims is the world's first mobile price search engine with integrated barcode scanner. It's an iPhone app called iBARCODE, which enables users to scan product barcodes and find the best prices. It currently only works in the U.S., U.K, Germany and France.To...

  • Work
    Smart Phones Show How the Times are a Changing

    Look at how smart phones are reaching into the enterprise and it's clear a cultural shift is taking place that is transforming the relationship between IT and business users.Smart phones in the enterprise are a user-driven phenomena. People buy smart phones to do work, but also for personal use. IDC...

  • Web
    Top 10 Startup Products of 2009

    There were a ton of great products launched in 2009 by big companies and startups alike, but in this post we focus on the best products released by startups.The easiest way to become a leading product in your industry is to meet a need better than anyone else. The following...

  • Web
    10 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2010

    This time last year, I wrote about the 10 ways social media will change 2009, and while all predictions have materialized or are on their way, it has only become clear in recent months how significant of a change we've seen this year. 2009 will go down as the year...

  • Web
    Top 10 Real-Time Technologies of 2009

    The real-time web was hot this year and it's likely to become a standard expectation on sites all around the world next year. We've tracked this trend extensively with a face-to-face summit of industry leaders and an 84-page research report on The Real-Time Web and Its Future.Who were the big...

  • Web
    New Google App Approved for iPhones

    We've just heard from our friends at Google that their mobile app is now available in the App Store for iPhone users everywhere.In the new version of Google Mobile, everyone's favorite search company has redesigned their results display to show more results at one time. Also, users will be able...

  • Web
    Google’s Marissa Mayer Talks About Wave, Music Search and the Future of News

    In an interview with TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington at LeWeb today, Google's Marissa Mayer discussed some of the new product that Google announced over the last year, including the recent integration of real-time news streams into the default search pages, Google Music Search and Google Wave. Talking about the future...

  • Web
    Chad Hurley: YouTube Needs to Improve Search – More Live Programming Coming Soon

    Chad Hurley and Loic Le Meur just talked about the past and future of YouTube at LeWeb. According to Hurley, YouTube's users now upload over 24 hours of content per minute. Hurley refused to talk about YouTube's revenue, though he did mention that revenue at YouTube is up, and the...

  • Web
    PayPal Partnering with Philips for NetTV Monetization

    It's been a month since PayPal released its global payment APIs and the company is already primed to make some new announcements at today's Le Web Conference. ReadWriteWeb caught up with VP of Product Development Osama Bedier for an early look at the company's latest announcements. We've already seen some...

  • Entertainment
    MySpace Kills Streaming Music Apps Powered by iMeem’s API

    In a move of ninja swiftness, MySpace has acquired and subsequently shuttered iMeem in its entirety, even trashing the streaming/sharing music startup's API, which had heretofore supplied much-needed resources to a small but vibrant ecosystem of apps.The acquisition was announced just yesterday, and developers were given no warning that their...

  • Web
    The Green Watch: Crowdsourcing Air Quality Measurements

    Yesterday, during a meeting with a number of startups in Paris, we met up with the team behind the Green Watch project. Just like Google collects data from cell phones with GPS chips to aggregate real-time traffic information, this watch measures ozone levels and noise pollution. The watch connects wirelessly...

  • Web
    Beyond the Web Page: Google, NY Times and Washington Post Launch News Experiment

    "The lock- in that we've had around pages has held us back in terms of innovation and how to use this medium. When we got here [to the Web] there was nothing, and we flopped a 500-year-old metaphor of pages on top of it, a browser that by its name...

  • Web
    Top 10 Internet of Things Products of 2009

    2009 has been a turning point for the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as lights, cars and packages) get connected to the Internet. This trend has added a significant amount of new data to the Web, so for that reason alone it is an important development. Having...

  • Web
    Jack Dorsey Talks About Square at LeWeb: Wants Dongle to be Available for Free

    At the annual LeWeb conference in Paris today, Loic Le Meur interviewed Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey about Square, the mobile payment system he launched in limited beta in November. While the demo didn't quite work as expected - the Square dongle wasn't able to read Loic's credit card at first...

  • Work
    Top 10 Enterprise Products of 2009

    2009 may be remembered as the year that enterprises truly understood the importance of social software. This was manifested by the rise of enterprise collaboration services, cloud computing technologies and the growing importance of mobile technologies for the enterprise.Web-based services are moving fast into the enterprise, raising questions about document-based...

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