Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Work
    Will Apple and Microsoft Join Forces To Fight Google?

    With Apple, you never know who is going to be evil next. Microsoft usually gets the grand prize, but as of late it appears that Google may be getting the cold shoulder for its forays into the mobile word.Apple and Google have historically been very friendly. But in recent months,...

  • Web
    Kynetx: Powerful Cross-Platform Tool for Creating Firefox, IE & Chrome Extensions

    Kynetx offers developers a single platform for building extensions for multiple browsers. Developers write their code in Kynetx's own rule-based language and the service builds the actual extensions. Originally, Kynetx only supported Firefox and Internet Explorer, but a few days ago, the company also announced support for Google Chrome. Thanks...

  • Mobile
    Location-Based Ads Come to Augmented Reality in the US

    Location-based social network Brightkite announced this morning that it has added what it calls the first mobile Augmented Reality advertising for U.S. markets to its AR layer in the Layar augmented reality browser. Augmented Reality (AR) is a class of technologies that place data from the web on top of...

  • Mobile
    YouTube Competitor Dailymotion Comes to the iPhone

    Dailymotion, the Paris-based video sharing portal that is extremely popular in Europe, just launched its first set of iPhone applications. Dailymotion launched two apps: a free, ad-supported version (iTunes link), and a paid version for $5.99 (iTunes link) that does not feature any ads. The apps allow iPhone users to...

  • Web
    Best LittleCo of 2009 & Most Promising for 2010

    Don't worry, it's not Twitter! For our Best LittleCo of 2009, we've chosen a small company whose product launched in 2009 and quickly became a leading example of one of the year's big trends: the real-time web.Our pick for Most Promising is something that could change the way people search...

  • Web
    Put Your Startup on Holiday Autopilot with Twilio

    Holidays can be a tough time for those of us with startup companies. While the rest of the world is carving turkeys, lighting Menorahs and singing carols, we're sneaking moments away from family to check our messages. You've created your vacation responses, forwarded your phone to voice mail and emailed...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup Special: Best Products & BigCo of 2009

    In this special edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our weekly newsletter, we summarize our end-of-year series profiling the best web products of 2009. We also carried out a Reader Poll this week, asking our readers to select their favorite products of the year. We present the results of that poll...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 19 December 2009

    As the year winds to a close, it's time to start looking ahead to 2010's conferences and events. As always, you can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This...

  • Work
    Nomadesk: Cloud-Based Backup Providers Doing Quite Well

    Demand for cloud-based storage and backup is creating some lucrative opportunities for companies servicing large telecommunications providers.We are seeing a number of carriers offering cloud-based services. Orange Business Services announced today that it will be offering cloud storage and other cloud-based services for its customers.Verizon announced earlier this month that...

  • Entertainment
    Layar Pulled From App Store, Bad News for Augmented Reality

    The company behind the much-hyped Layar Augmented Reality browser has decided to withdraw its iPhone app from the iTunes App Store due to repeated crashes reported by users. Layar had been the most eagerly anticipated entrant yet into the field of AR, a class of technologies that place data from...

  • Social
    5 Features From Third-Party Apps Twitter Should Integrate

    When I called Twitter out in my post of the top 10 failures of 2009 for "failing to innovate," what I probably should have said was this: Twitter has done a decent job of implementing features that we first saw being used by third-party apps.The concept of user lists? Sawhorse...

  • Mobile
    Android Developers: Here’s Some Sample Code And Tutorials

    Ever since finding myself the happy owner of a Droid (+1 for early Christmas presents), I've found myself increasingly interested in the app market for Android-powered devices.As has been noted in many iPhone/Droid sudden-death-round comparisons, the latter languishes in quality and quantity of available applications. Perhaps in an effort to...

  • Work
    Another Blackberry Outage: A Historical Look

    Blackberry users had a bit of a surprise this morning. Email was down. It came back up around 11 a.m. PST but in comparison to prior outages, this was a big one.The Blackberry email outage spared most business users as enterprise servers were not affected. First problems were reported around...

  • Web
    Best BigCo of 2009

    In one of ReadWriteWeb's longest-running traditions, every year we review the top Internet companies and their impact over the past 12 months. Today we're announcing the 6th annual Best BigCo, a.k.a. big Internet company. Next week we'll announce Best LittleCo and Most Promising Company.In 2008 the Best BigCo went to...

  • Mobile
    Lonely Planet Launches Augmented Reality Apps

    Popular travel book publisher Lonely Planet has begun selling Augmented Reality apps for 10 US cities for $5 each in the Android Marketplace. The apps were built in conjunction with Mobilizy, the company behind user generated content AR app Wikitude.In addition to offering Lonely Planet content overlayed on top of...

  • Mobile
    Appify: A City-by-City App Store

    If you live in a city of reasonable size, there are probably developers who have already built mobile applications that make it easy and fun to interact with information about the place where you live. But how do you find them?Community project DIY City has announced that it will relaunch...

  • Web
    Jay Rosen Interviews Demand Media: Are Content Farms “Demonic”?

    I first became aware of Demand Media by reading this feature by Daniel Roth in the November 2009 issue of Wired [Ed: ReadWriteWeb wrote an article about it in August]. In fact, Roth alerted me by email that his piece was about to come online, because he thought I would...

  • Web
    Google Adds Place-Ranking System, Should Yelp Be Afraid?

    A few months ago, Google rolled out Place Pages with the lofty vision of creating a Web page for every place in the world. In addition to a map-view of local businesses, users can access hours, transit stops, reviews and geo-tagged photos. As of today, the company is offering a...

  • Web
    Top 10 Web Platforms of 2009

    2009 has been a big year for mobile and real-time technologies, which is reflected in our selection of the top 10 Web platforms of the year. It's the final instalment of our series of top products of 2009.As we noted in last year's round-up, a web platform can be as...

  • Work
    Texting at Work? Supreme Court to Decide About Your Privacy

    The U.S. Supreme Court is planning to hear a case that will determine if an employer may view those text messages you post from your mobile.The ruling could have huge implications for workers and the use of applications in the enterprise.The case stems from a decision from the 9th U.S....

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