Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    Want to Help Haiti? Use This App to Match Photos of Missing Persons

    Yesterday, I opined that not enough social media actions aside from donations actually benefit disaster relief or other humanitarian efforts.However, it seems that at least one organization is helping Web users make their time and clicks count for a good cause, and I've never been happier to eat my words....

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Austin

    Settled in the 1830s along the banks of the Colorado River and named for the Father of Texas Stephen F. Austin, the city of Austin is known for its thriving music scene and as the home of the University of Texas (UT) Longhorns. But in the past few decades, the...

  • Mobile
    U.S. Government in Your Pocket: White House Launches iPhone App

    ...Before the Mobile Website! The White House announced the release of a new White House iPhone app via a late-night blog post on Included in the mobile application are features like news items, photos, blog posts, videos, and even live video streaming. That's right - live video. According to...

  • Mobile
    App Stores Are Big Business: $7 Billion in 2010

    According to the analysts at research firm Gartner, mobile application stores are expected to generate revenues of nearly $7 billion over the course of this year. That figure is a combination of the $6.2 billion spent purchasing the mobile applications themselves combined with an additional $.6 billion generated through advertising...

  • Web
    Top 10 Online Small Business Collaboration Tools

    With the growing number of online services, it's becoming more economical for small business to rely on web-based tools rather than expensive enterprise software. Not too long ago we brought you 5 Web Apps To Keep Your Startup Organized, and now the website Business Pundit has released their top 10...

  • Social
    More Details on AT&T’s “Network Glitch” that Caused Compromised Facebook Security

    On Saturday, an exclusive AP report told a story of an AT&T network glitch which allowed some mobile users the ability to login to other people's Facebook accounts. Although according to the story only a handful of people were affected by this glitch, the security flaw could have "far reaching...

  • Work
    RIM and IBM Load up the Blackberry with Lotus Collaboration Applications

    IBM and Research in Motion announced a partnership today to sell Blackberry devices fully loaded with IBM's collaboration software. This is the first time IBM has sold Blackberry devices into its business channel. Lotus Quickr, a document sharing application, and Lotus Connections, a social-software technology that helps users find people...

  • Mobile
    Android Usage Increased 200% Over Past 3 Months

    According to new data from ChangeWave Research, both usage and consumer sentiment towards Google's mobile operating system Android has increased over the past several months. As of December 2009, the research firm's survey shows that 4% of all smartphone owners now use a phone running some version of the Android...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Facebook Privacy, RFID in iPhone, Nexus Review, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze and challenge Facebook's sweeping new privacy policies, explore what would happen if RFID chips are integrated into the next generation iPhone, present our hands-on review of Google's new smartphone the...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 16 January 2010

    January is half over but there's still plenty of events to catch. In the next two weeks, London, San Francisco and Amsterdam will be home to a variety of tech-related seminars and conferences. Keep up to date with ReadWriteWeb's weekly events guide by downloading the entire calendar in iCal format...

  • Mobile
    Yelp Check-Ins: Totally Awesome or Super Annoying?

    Business review service Yelp will update its mobile apps soon to include a feature called "check-ins," a feature similar to one that several smaller location-based social networks have built their businesses around. This according to severalotherblogs that were given early access to the feature - blogs that, co-incidentally, are less...

  • Web
    Google, Skype Offer Free Haiti Calls – Can Anybody Answer? [Updated]

    Google announced today that it will offer free calls to Haiti through Google Voice to help connect Haitians with their families in other locations. The company's announcement follows on the heels of Skype's announcement yesterday that it would be emailing vouchers for $2 of Skype credit to its users in...

  • Mobile
    PowerOne: This iPhone App Builds iPhone Apps

    Elia Freedman used to have it made. He was a mobile app developer in the days of the Palm Pilot and he scored bundling deals that got his sophisticated calculator software into the hands of more than 15 million people. Differentiating his product from competitors "wasn't something we had to...

  • Mobile
    Nike Launches Impressive Hyper-Local iPhone App

    Nike launched a new iPhone app yesterday called True City (iTunes link) with the slogan "Make the hidden visible." The app provides hyper-local, real-time information for 6 European cities. It combines expert curation of news and events info, crowdsourced information discovery (with a chance to become an official guide), push...

  • Web
    U.S. Government Says Overcharging for Text Messages is A-OK

    If you're still paying a per-text message fee, we can only figure one of two things. Either you haven't opened up your phone bill and taken a look at how much you're being charged compared to a monthly plan, or you're one of the remaining troglodytes that doesn't really use...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Portland

    When asked what shapes Portland's startup culture, Silicon Florist blogger Rick Turoczy named 3 defining aspects of the industry - hardware roots, open source projects and iPhone development. Turoczy has been in Oregon for the past 15-years and started Silicon Florist as a way to cover the region's early stage...

  • Web
    Google to Cater Search Results Using Location

    Google is trying to come just one step closer to answering any question you might have before you even ask it. This time around, the increasingly omniscient search engine will now cater its search suggestion list on Android-powered devices and iPhones according to your location. The search suggestion list is...

  • Work
    Will Google Apps Make The Nexus One Enterprise Ready?

    At CES this past week, Google executive Andy Rubin said that the next version of the Nexus One phone will be for the enterprise. It could have a physical keyboard.Our bet is that Google Apps will be tightly integrated into the Nexus One enterprise phone. Google syncs every Android phone...

  • Web
    Open Thread: Since When Is “Hacker” a Bad Word?

    I was distressed a few days ago when someone in a comment thread mockingly referred to recommendations made by a fairly notorious hacker, suggesting that a gray hat wouldn't give sound advice about personal Internet security.I shook my head for the world of end users to whom hacker is a...

  • Web
    iPhone App Piracy Reaches $450 Million? Doubtful

    According to an independent analysis performed by investment-watching blog 24/7 Wall St., Apple's iTunes App Store has lost $450 million due to iPhone app piracy since it opened for business back in July of 2008. Although that number sounds high, they note it is small in comparison to the overall...

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