Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    Get an RSS Feed or iCal of Your Favorite Bands’ New Releases With Roadie

    Every now and then, we come across cool apps that allow geeks to conveniently manage their musical tastes in a way that encourages more real-world fun.Last year, we met up with Livekick's founders in New York to talk about their very thorough site for helping web geeks get out to...

  • Mobile
    AT&T Comes Over to the Android Side

    AT&T has announced a new line of Android-based smartphones for 2010. Dell, HTC and Motorola will make the five new devices, which are scheduled to be released during the first half of 2010.Endgadget is predicting that AT&T will be using the Motorola Backflip, while Slashgear has confirmed that the Mini...

  • Web
    Keep All Those Resolutions You Just Made: Try mySomeday

    So, this year, you've resolved to lose weight, take a class, learn a new language and buy a better mobile device. Good for you - but we all know how well most new year's resolutions go.If you want to strike while the iron is hot, we've found mySomeday, a new...

  • Web
    One More Thing: Multitouch on Nexus One Is Just a Hack Away (VIDEO)

    The only thing preventing Google's Nexus One phone from supporting multitouch features might be Apple's patents.Allow me to explain: There is nothing in the hardware of this device to prevent multitouch as evinced by Google's comment this morning at their press conference. When asked if the Nexus One would one...

  • Web
    Welcome to the Age of Robot Reporters

    One hour ago, three emergency vehicles responded to a report of an unconscious person at the world headquarters of Nike Inc. in Portland, Oregon. How do I know? An automated form-pumping robot from startup company Nozzl Media told me.Nozzl Media today unveiled a demonstration of its first product, a widget...

  • Web
    1 Month Into New FTC Rules: Who’s Disclosing Their Free Google Phones?

    New rules from the Federal Trade Commission, requiring bloggers to disclose free gifts from companies whose products they review, came into effect on December 1st and the first major announcement of 2010 just occurred today. The Google Nexus One mobile phone was unveiled this afternoon and all the members of...

  • Web
    Live Blog: Google’s Android Press Gathering

    Google is holding a press event to showcase the new Nexus One and possibly some other mobile innovations today. We already know quite a few details about the phone itself, but hopefully Google will also have a few surprises up its sleeve. The press conference should get under way at...

  • Web
    5 Reasons Why RSS Readers Still Rock

    Recently I wrote about the decline of RSS Readers as a way for people to keep up with news. I noted that while many people still use RSS Readers, usage has decreased due to the emergence of real-time and social flows of information via Twitter, Facebook and other such services....

  • Mobile
    Droid’s December Boom: Metrics Show Device Use Doubled in One Month

    The Android platform has grown exponentially since mid-2009, but December's stats show a particular factor that might help catapult the platform to greater heights of user adoption.In figures just released from mobile advertising company AdMob, the Droid singlehandedly boosted calls to their network by nearly 300 million requests while stats...

  • Work
    FTC to Investigate Cloud Computing

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating the privacy and security implications of cloud computing. That could be quite an inquiry as the debate is still open about how to actually define cloud computing in the first place.The investigation should raise some concerns with the enterprise community. Such an investigation...

  • Web
    2 Cross-Publishing Services Get Acquired in 1 Day: Critical Path Buys ShoZu

    ShoZu Goes to Critical Path - Cross Network Publishing Doesn't Seem to Be a Stand-Alone BusinessHours after high-profile Silicon Valley social aggregation service Seesmic announced that it acquired angel-backed cross-network publishing service, a similar deal was announced in Europe. Identity management service Critical Path, maker of software called Memova,...

  • Web
    Flixster Acquires Rotten Tomatoes

    Flixster just announced that it has acquiredRotten Tomatoes, the popular movie review site, from IGN Entertainment. IGN is a division of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Flixster is one of the world's most popular movie communities and currently features about 2.3 billion ratings and reviews from its users. Rumors about this...

  • Mobile
    More Smartphone Users Now Use Their Phones to Shop Online

    Smartphone users are becoming increasingly comfortable with using their phones to shop online. According to new data from Compete, about 37% of smartphone users have purchased something with their handset in the last six months. Among the most popular items that these users bought were music, books, DVDs, video games...

  • Social
    Seesmic Looks Beyond Twitter – Acquires

    Seesmic has, a status update service that allows users to update posts on over 50 social networks through SMS, mobile apps, IM services and 3rd party apps that support the service. Seesmic plans to integrate into all of its applications in the near future. In addition, Seesmic's users...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 2 January 2010

    Welcome to the first ReadWriteWeb Event Guide of 2010. There's a new seminar in London later this month that we've added to this week's list. As always, you can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events...

  • Web
    Consumer Electronics 2.0: MIT’s Henry Holtzman on The Internet of Things

    During my visit to MIT earlier this year I met up with Henry Holtzman, Chief Knowledge Officer of the MIT Media Lab. We discussed the Internet of Things, which Holtzman has been actively involved in since the 90s. Holtzman said that consumer apps for Web-connected objects are becoming more common;...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s Top 5 Web Trends of 2009

    Over the last week we ran a series of posts outlining the five biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009. We've now compiled the main points into a single...

  • Web
    Open Thread: Mainstream Media Discovers Geekery, Is This a Good Thing?

    Facebook's getting its own movie, Ashton Kutcher is the social web's unpaid spokesman and now NBC is launching a show dedicated to mobile apps.What's the world coming to? Call me old fashioned, but where I come from, a geek is a geek and a mainstream actor with an iPhone is...

  • Web
    Vanity Apps: The Next Big Thing For the iPhone?

    Thanks to the recent proliferation of do-it-yourself iPhone app services, the next big thing in Apple's App Store might just be vanity apps. Take, for example, Appsfire's Ouriel Ohayon, who just announced the launch of his own iPhone app. Ohayon used Odiogo Apps to create this personalized app. Odiogo, which...

  • Web
    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Internet of Things

    This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we've explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality. The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real...

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