Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Death to Flash: 3 Great HTML 5 Demos

    This morning ReadWriteWeb accompanied The Great Wall Club (a group of Chinese mobile executives) to Google for a look at some of the company's development tools. While Developer Relations Manager Patrick Chanezon was unable to comment on yesterday's news of Google's threat to cease operations in China, he did show...

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    Internet Rallies to Help Haiti: Here’s What You Can Do Right Now

    As you probably know, Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake last night. According to the latest estimates, over 100,000 people may have died and large parts of the island's infrastructure have been destroyed.Here is a short list of things you can do right now to get help to Haiti....

  • Mobile
    Nexus One, Week 1: Outsold by iPhone 3Gs 80-to-1

    Just one week after Google launched the Nexus One, its entry into the smartphone field, the numbers are in and it doesn't look to be keeping up with the competition. We reviewed the iPhone-competitor the other day and see it as a formidable challenger, but sales numbers from its first...

  • Web
    Voice-Activated Internet: Text-Free Tweeting, Blogging & More

    As some of our readers know, I was clumsy enough to hack off a chunk of my finger while making dinner a couple nights ago. This incident has severely curtailed my blogging activity, but it's led to a fortunate inspiration, as well!For those of you who are differently-abled - temporarily...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Boston

    With tourists flocking to the Boston to walk the cobblestone streets of the Freedom Trail and visit various historical landmarks, Boston is often thought of for its ties to the American Revolution. But Boston is also the birthplace of a revolution of a different sort.In 1946, Georges Doriot, a professor...

  • Web
    iPhone as RFID Tag & Reader: Coming Soon

    We began our Mobile Web Meets Internet of Things series yesterday with a look at barcode scanning. We wrote that smartphones are increasingly being deployed as readers for barcodes - in particular via apps available on iPhone and Android. These applications, such as RedLaser on iPhone and ShopSavvy on Android,...

  • Web
    MoveIdiot: Use the Web to Manage Your Move, Track Your Stuff

    The Internet is becoming more and more a part of the world around us: our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities.Services such as BuildingBulletin and Neighborgoods allow us to be efficient and productive neighbors and homeowners. A new service we just found takes that one step further, allowing users to put...

  • Web
    Always Be Testing: 8 Services For Usability Feedback

    Over the weekend we had a chance to highlight - a company that opted to release early (and imperfectly) in exchange for valuable user feedback. As companies look to their peers and audiences to help define product features, there's a greater need for scalable testing platforms. Here's a summary...

  • Web
    How the Cathedral and the Bazaar Is Shaping the Future of Comics

    Today's startups, entrepreneurs and investors live and die by what seem like a series of holy proverbs. "Release early, release often" is perhaps one of the most poignant phrases when considering product launch and feature scope. On this cold Saturday, we're paying homage to the origins of the concept by...

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 9 January 2010

    We've been in a globe-trotting mood for the past two weeks here at the ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, adding new conferences and seminars in London and Australia. As always, you can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Nexus One, CES Coverage, Online Finance, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we report on a new "superphone" launched by Google, take a look at how the Web is transforming personal finance, give you 5 reasons why RSS Readers still rock, get a first...

  • Web
    Open Thread: Should Tech Get a Turn-Off?

    Being a technology blogger is like having a license for an around-the-clock gadget and Web addiction.No one expects you to leave your house during the day. You're allowed to spend the majority of your life in front of a glowing screen, and flipping out over WiFi issues is par for...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Los Angeles

    Best known for its movie stars, sun and surf, Los Angeles probably isn't the first place you'd think to breed technology. But when you consider the influence of investors like Jason Calacanis and Mark Suster, in addition to the fact that companies like Demand Media and Docstoc call Southern California...

  • Mobile
    Google’s Near Me Now is Live & Good Enough to Replace Yelp

    One month ago Google unveiled five big new technologies in one day - and then launched real-time search that afternoon. One of those five was something called Near Me Now, and it just went live moments ago.The feature lets Google grab your geographic location and display restaurants, coffee shops, bars,...

  • Web
    TVs, Cars, AR – Oh My! Hot Tech Trends For Entrepreneurs At CES

    Today marks the official start to the 2010 Consumer Electronics Showcase in Las Vegas where all of the biggest electronics manufacturers show off their coolest and newest products. While CES is mainly a gadget show, entrepreneurs looking for the next big thing should pay close attention to the innovative ideas...

  • Work
    “Smart Phone” is a Misnomer: It’s a Computer, not a Phone

    The smart phone is not a phone. It's a computer. It's like your desktop or laptop. It stores data. It connects to the Internet. It runs applications. It's a computer, not a phone. The real challenge for the enterprise is to shift its thinking about how it will move beyond...

  • Web
    How The Web is Transforming Personal Finance

    Not too long ago, personal finance tools like Quicken and Microsoft Money used to be bound to the desktop. Exchanging information with your banks used to be a hassle. Keeping track of credit card purchases was often a question of waiting for statements to arrive by mail and then entering...

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    TXT.IO Takes Minimalist Microblogging to the Extreme

    Once upon a time, microblogging was all about simplicity. Today, even services like Posterous that started out as very simple and easy-to-use tools have begun to add more and more features. Microblogging, however, can't get much simpler than The service offers nothing more than a simple text interface. No...

  • Work
    2 Million Downloads and Counting: Why Such Loyalty for Microsoft Office?

    In the past seven weeks, more than 2 million people have downloaded the beta for Microsoft Office 2010. That's a whopping 40,000 downloads per day. It's a record breaking pace, surpassing the beta release for Microsoft Office 2007. It begs the question: In the face of so many free options,...

  • Web
    5 Web Apps To Keep Your Startup Organized

    In a world where emails, phone calls, texts, and Tweets constantly bombard us, it is getting harder and harder to manage the firehose of data and information being thrust our way. For young companies to succeed this environment, it is imparitive they become organized and efficient lest they fall behind...

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