This morning ReadWriteWeb accompanied The Great Wall Club (a group of Chinese mobile executives) to Google for a look at some of the company’s development tools. While Developer Relations Manager Patrick Chanezon was unable to comment on yesterday’s news of Google’s threat to cease operations in China, he did show off some impressive demos utilizing HTML 5.
In late December 2008, ReadWriteWeb ran a story entitled, 5 Exciting Things to Look Forward to in HTML 5. At the time we were excited that HTML 5’s canvas element would allow for scripting on the fly. In addition to the canvas API, HTML 5’s audio/video tags and the O3D API (3D rendering) provide developers with powerful tools for rendering graphics and applications in the browser. Chanezon explained how real-time processing on the client side would dramatically increase the speed of cloud-based applications – a particularly important point for mobile developers. Additionally, unlike Adobe’s Flash and Microsoft’s Silverlight, HTML 5 is plug-in free and non-proprietary. With little more than a few lines of javascript and the HTML 5 APIs, Chanezon showed us the potential of the new specification.
1. O3D Beach Demo: The enclosed demo shows how fast it is to change whole portions of an application when editing in-browser.
2. Flash-like Demo: 9elements created a project that resembles a flash application but encompasses a variety of HTML 5-related tools. For more information on the experiment, check out the company’s blog post.
3. Drum Kit Demo: Brian Arnold’s HTML 5 Drum Kit is an open source Web-based sequencer that records your sample options and reflects your loop in the browser. (Works best in Firefox.)