Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Location is Hot: Foursquare Traffic up 3X in 2 Months

    Location sharing social network Foursquare saw traffic to its site triple in the last two months since November, according to new numbers from traffic analyst firm Hitwise today. The service has seen unprecedented media coverage lately and is no doubt sending more updates to Facebook and Twitter, prompting the growth...

  • Entertainment
    Augmented Reality Coming to Video Conferencing

    "The hologram of a DNA spiral that I'm holding in my hand," your professor might say, "can be turned, twisted or expanded at-will and everyone on this video call will be able to see me do it." Is that the distant future of education, sales and casual communication online? Not...

  • Web
    Is Google Planning to Take Street View into Stores? (Updated)

    According to a new rumor, Google could soon take Street View indoors and allow its users to walk into virtual stores. Barry Schwartz from Search Engine Land just received information from a retailer in New York that Google came to their store to take pictures of the inside of the...

  • Web
    Apple Gets a Patent for Sharing Location Data During Calls

    Apple just received a very interesting patent for a method of sharing location data during a phone call. Assuming that Apple implements this idea in its phones, you could soon press a button during a phone call on your iPhone and request location data from the person you are talking...

  • Web
    Researcher Claims iPhone Apps Could Spy on You

    Swiss researcher Nicolas Seriot claims it's possible for "rogue" applications to make their way into the iTunes App Store where they could then be used to steal personal data from victims' iPhones. According to Seriot's research, the problem has to with Apple's lax approval process for applications as well as...

  • Work
    Ironic? New Google Apps Security Features For All Devices Except the Nexus One

    The Google Enterprise blog has a post tonight about some new features being unveiled that should assuage some of the critics who discount the security of using Google Apps on a mobile device.The new features permit corporate IT policies to be enforced from the customer's Google Apps console across different...

  • Web
    Send Help: Disaster Response From The Cloud

    Relief agencies, companies and volunteers came together and built a global network of systems and people to coordinate emergency aid operations for the Haiti earthquake victims.This piecing together of a jigsaw of different organizations and technologies with one common goal serves as a testament to what is possible using cloud...

  • Mobile
    Mozilla Shows Off First Screenshots of Firefox for Android

    Just a few days after releasing Firefox for the Nokia N900 handset, Mozilla just announced that it is also making good progress on an Android version of Firefox. According to Firefox developer Vladimir Vuki?evi?, development of Android for Firefox is progressing quickly. While there are no plans for the release...

  • Web
    Some Pros and Cons of a Google Tablet with a Chrome OS

    The Chrome OS is a bit different than most operating systems. Scheduled to be unveiled late this year, the Chrome OS is entirely cloud-based.It's still speculative to say if Google is really working on a tablet computer. But let's assume for a minute that Google is developing such a device...

  • Mobile
    Yahoo! Files for Patent on Geo-Located, Social, Augmented Reality (Update)

    You're walking down the street. Your phone buzzes, a map or a screen overlay pops up and you're shown a note left in that location by one of your friends - along with an ad for your favorite pizza. Walk into the pizza place and your phone buzzes again -...

  • Web Post-It Notes for the Twitter Generation

    While furiously trying to organize my digital life this past weekend, I found myself as I often do - with an obscene number of tabs open at the same time while hopping from thought to thought. It was in the middle of this confusing mess that I came across,...

  • Web
    Nexus One Gets Official Multitouch Support (Updated)

    When Google launched the Nexus One Android phone a few weeks ago, support for multitouch gestures like pinch-to-zoom was mysteriously missing from the phone's feature set in the United States. Starting today, however, Google will begin to ship an over-the-air software update to all Nexus One phones in the U.S....

  • Web
    Google’s Tablet versus Apple’s iPad: Open versus Closed?

    Officially, Google won't confirm any solid plans to release a tablet device when their new netbook-ready operating system, Chrome OS, debuts later this year. However, documentation appearing recently on the Chromium project website, the home of the open source code on top of which Chrome is built, shows that a...

  • Work
    The Nirvana Phone: Citrix and OK Labs Extend The Convenience of the Smart Phone

    Today's smartphones are useful for messaging and some collaboration applications.But connecting to applications on a desktop with a smartphone is impractical. It's far easier to see your desktop using a laptop with virtualization software. Citrix Systems and Open Kernel Labs (OK Labs) are teaming up so the smartphone has its...

  • Web
    Will The Cloud Deliver A ‘Computer’ to Every Person and Education to Every Child?

    These days, having computer skills is an important part of a person's resume. Likewise, it is important for a country's ability to navigate through economic opportunities of our world. In recent years, countries like India have changed their position in the world based on their population's ability to deliver computer...

  • Social
    Why Your Boss Hates Facebook

    Are you goofing off on Facebook at work? As it turns out, this sort of "time theft" may be no longer be your company's top concern when it comes to social networking in the workplace. According to a new study from security firm Sophos, the real problem with social networks...

  • Web
    Will Foursquare’s Users Say ‘Bravo’ for Bravo?

    Foursquare and Bravo announced a partnership today that will attempt to link Foursquare's users with viewers of Bravo. New features will offer badges and special prizes when Foursquare users check in at locations featured in Bravo TV shows. The partnership is likely an attempt by Foursquare to fend off competitors...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 30 January 2010

    There are 15 events in five countries and on three continents in February. Lucky for you, four of them have discounts for ReadWriteWeb readers. Conferences, roundtables, and if you're in San Francisco, free tacos from the famous El Toynaense Taco Truck - it's gonna be a busy month.How do you...

  • Web
    Open Thread: What’s Your Favorite Tech Nonprofit/Philanthropic Company?

    A while ago, I wrote a rather condemning post on how most "social media for social good" efforts were heavy on social media activities but came up short on actual social good.Still, there are organizations such as Kiva, The Extraordinaires or SocialVibe and many others that do turn user microactions...

  • Web
    Weave Goes 1.0: Firefox Gets an Official Bookmark Syncing Tool

    Mozilla just announced that Weave, its official synchronization tool for Firefox, has just hit version 1.0 and is now generally available. Weave is a free browser add-on that can seamlessly sync bookmarks, saved passwords, browsing history and open browser tabs between different computers that run Firefox. Weave also runs on...

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