Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Cloud
    Investing in the Cloud: Trending Topics for a New Fund

    Today we had the chance to get inside the head of one of the top entrepreneurs in cloud computing - a guy who also just happens to be an investor at one of the Valley's top firms. Satish Dharmaraj, former founder and CEO of Zimbra, spoke with us about the...

  • Mobile
    The Incredible Story of Scott Kveton: Linux, Firefox, Bacon & iPhones

    Geekdom may be a land of big personalities, but some peoples' stories are better known than others. One story you might not know yet is the tale of Scott Kveton's young, unusual, accelerated and admirable career. Not yet 40 years old, Scott Kveton built the organization that houses the Linux...

  • Web
    Scoop St: From Flash Mobs to Group Shopping Discounts

    Georgetown roommates David Ambrose and Justin Tsang never thought their time spent together in the dorms would amount to a joint business. The two recently launched Scoop St. - a group buying discount site for local deals on restaurants, spa packages, sporting events and concerts. Similar to other shopping sites...

  • Web
    Square’s On-the-Go iPhone Credit Card Scanner Will Cost $1

    The blog iPhone Alley reported Monday night that Square, the forthcoming mobile credit transaction service co-founded by Twitter's Jack Dorsey, will launch early this summer for the low price of $1. By plugging a small square card reading device into the iPhone's headphone jack, anybody with the device can instantly...

  • Mobile
    Skype Comes to Blackberry & Android With Verizon Partnership

    Skype has announced today at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona that it has joined with Verizon Wireless and will be availble on a number of the company's phones. The partnership brings Skype to both Blackberry and Android platforms on Verizon Wireless phones, which will be shipped beginning in March...

  • Web
    SimpleGeo Now Indexing 1m+ Locations Per Hour

    Location is going to be big, that seems to be the consensus among geeks, but just how big is it going to be? One metric to wrap your brain around came out over Twitter earlier today. According to SimpleGeo founder Joe Stump, the still-unlaunched but much anticipated service is now...

  • Mobile
    2010 Winter Olympics iPhone Apps

    iPhone applications are no longer just toys for techies. There are now thousands of iPhone apps in the App Store designed for mainstream usage. Yesterday we looked at examples of health and fitness iPhone apps, today we check out what's available for a current big sporting event: the 2010 Winter...

  • Work
    The New Windows Phone: How Does The Enterprise Fit In?

    The Windows Phone 7 received a lot of praise after its launch at the Mobile World Congress today for its elegant, minimalist interface. From what we've seen, it does look striking.What we also find to be crystal clear: Microsoft is putting far more emphasis on the consumer market than its...

  • Web
    How to Land an Event Panel Spot or Speaker’s Invite

    One of the best ways to become an industry influencer is to get involved in industry events. They're a great way to surround yourself with respected colleagues and they offer your the opportunity to network with others who share your interests. If you've got the guts to go toe-to-toe with...

  • Mobile
    Sling Updates to 3G – Will Skype Be Next?

    SlingBox released the most recent version of its iPhone app today. The app allows SlingBox users to view streaming video from their home television wherever they are, whether or not there is a wireless network available. Sling had already announced its return to the 3G network at the beginning of...

  • Mobile
    MeeGo: A New Linux OS to Fight iPhone, iPad and More

    Nokia and Intel have just announced the creation of MeeGo, a new Linux-based operating system designed for portable devices including netbooks and smartphones as well as other non-desktop platforms like connected TVs and vehicles. The new OS is a combination of Nokia's Maemo and Intel's Moblin, both Linux-based computing environments....

  • Mobile
    Carriers Connect to Rival Apple’s App Store

    The Apple App Store, the company's one-stop-shop for over 100,000 different mobile applications, is getting a new rival - the Wholesale Applications Community. Twenty four individual mobile companies are joining together to form the group, which will represent over three billion customers world-wide. While the applications will not be for...

  • Mobile
    iPhone Apps For The Masses: Health & Fitness

    As the Mobile World Congress kicks off in Barcelona this week, one major mobile phone manufacturer is conspicuously absent: Apple. As the New York Times reported today, Apple is now the world's third-largest maker of smartphones (behind Nokia and RIM). But Apple is growing the fastest, thanks in large part...

  • Mobile
    Adobe Prepares for a World without Apple’s Blessing

    Today at the Mobile World Congress 2010, Adobe announced several initiatives designed to cement their company's relevance in a world where Apple, one of the top smartphone players, has banned Adobe software from inclusion on all mobile devices including the iPhone, iPod Touch and the soon-to-launch iPad. Without Adobe's Flash...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 13 February 2010

    This week we added three new events to the ReadWriteWeb calendar - all of which are in San Francisco. That makes seven conferences in the Bay Area in the next three months. It also makes for a California events-plosion on our world map of Web tech events.You can download this...

  • Web
    The Cloud, Activity Streams and Applications That Cut Across the Home and the Office

    Recently, SAP showed us its new, cloud-based enterprise collaboration service called 12Sprints. It embraces consumer services and activity streams correlating to the context of the business use, in particular collaboration among teams and groups.Since that demo a few weeks ago, our views about the SAP service have changed a bit....

  • Entertainment
    Wikitude Brings Augmented “Worlds” to the iPhone

    In January, the Austria-based company Mobilizy updated the Android version of its mobile augmented reality browser Wikitude to include a new feature they dubbed "Worlds," which are similar to the layers found in the alternatively popular Layar AR browser. On Thursday Wikitude 2.0 for the iPhone (version 4 on Android)...

  • Web
    Cloud Security Using… Social Networks?

    The issues of cloud/SaaS security have been on my mind since the late 90s when I was working on my first global intranet/extranet project. Personally, I've never been terribly concerned with the more lower-level technical details of network architecture, transport protocols or with tedious policy writing; you need good security...

  • Web
    Gtriage: Escape from Gmail Overload

    Gtriage is a new service that aims to help Gmail users suffering from "information overload" due to an overcrowded inbox - a problem affecting the majority of email users today. The way the service works is that it scans all your email messages and to determine which ones are the...

  • Web
    Google Responds to Critics: Makes Small Changes to Buzz

    Google Buzz, which launched two days ago, has been widely criticized for making the lists of who you follow and who follows you public by default. Until now, the check box to turn this "feature" off was hidden in your Google Profile settings - which many people never even realized...

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