Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    The Man on Your iPhone: 3 Government Apps Done Right

    It was a few years ago that the World Internet Project stated that "broadband changes everything." The next evolution of the Web no doubt is largely being driven by the amazing user experience and functionality delivered by the iPhone and other smartphones. iPhone applications are no longer just toys for...

  • Entertainment
    Bitspace Launches HTML5-Based Streaming Music Player and Backup Service

    There is no dearth of streaming music services on the web today, so it takes quite a bit for a new service to stand out from other popular services like Spotify, MOG and Lala. Today, we came across Bitspace, an online music player and backup service for your music files...

  • Web
    Everyware: Interview with Adam Greenfield, Part 1

    Last week I had the privilege of meeting Adam Greenfield, author of Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing. It's one of my favorite books about the Internet of Things and is still ahead of the curve, even though it was written in 2005 and published in 2006. Greenfield was...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 20 February 2010

    This week's calendar spans three continents, three countries, and who knows how many time zones. Looking for stuff to do in the next seven days? Miami is your best bet, with events on the future of Web apps and on early-stage funding.How do you like your events calendar? As a...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: The Week in Web Technology

    The big news of the week came out of the annual Mobile World Congress, from companies such as Adobe, Facebook, Google and Skype - read on for our extensive coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and...

  • Work
    Will Windows Phone 7 Be Better Than the iPhone for the Enterprise?

    The Windows Phone 7 news kind of threw us a bit this week. It had almost no mention about how it would serve the enterprise. It almost seemed like Microsoft had given up.Now we are starting to see some reports about how Windows Phone 7 would fit for the mobile...

  • Web
    Location Data and Privacy Subject of Congressional Hearing Next Week: Today’s Top Stories on Geolocation

    Geolocation is quickly emerging as a big new platform to build all kinds of cool services on top of. While there's a whole lot of potential - there's also growing concern about the privacy implications of this flush of data about where we are. Thus it's timely that a committee...

  • Cloud
    Rulers of the Cloud: Will Cloud Computing Be the Second Coming of Cisco?

    Cisco is betting heavily on the network as the platform. We took a look at the role of the network in the emerging landscape of cloud computing as part one of analysis of "Will One Company be Dominant in Cloud Computing". We started with Cisco, since the cloud implies the...

  • Web
    Why No Love for the Universal Inbox?

    A couple of years ago, the new launch from Webwalks, a universal inbox, news aggregator, password manager and kitchen sink-type application would have caught my eye. I'd rush out to try it, merging my multiple accounts under its one roof then wait to see how well my life improved, how...

  • Entertainment
    Google Goggles, Metaio, Bing AR: Today’s Top Stories in Augmented Reality

    Your phone can translate foreign language text just by looking at it through Google Goggles. A South Korean telecom has released a product similar to Google Goggles. The social content Augmented Reality mobile browser junaio will have a new version released at SXSW next month and there's now an 8...

  • Web
    Beyond the Call Center – Crowdsourced Customer Support in the Cloud

    Customer Service operations have undergone some heavy changes in the last few years. To save money, many call centers have been moved offshore and self-service Websites allow users to tackle mundane tasks like ordering, paying bills and checking statements.CrowdEngineering believe that the Social Web is bringing a new wave of...

  • Web
    Google Maps Adds Businesses in 30 African Countries

    Google Maps is a great program, but it's always been disappointing to see where in the world it doesn't offer much coverage. Today the Google Africa blog announced that local business data has been added for 30 countries in Africa."As well as searching online Maps for towns, highways, or roads,"...

  • Mobile
    ABC Green With Envy After Wired Debuts iPad App [Update]

    The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is said to be "leading the charge" in trying to get content on tablet devices, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, including, of course, Apple's iPad, which is set to hit the market sometime next month. The ABC currently uses Flash, a software infamously not supported...

  • Web
    Google Certification Program: Building Cloud Approved Developers

    In an effort to court enterprises, Google is moving full steam ahead with its developer certification program. This includes a directory of talent that is certified with Google's APIs and have successfully launched projects into production.Opening its APIs to the world has been a big boon for Google's ambitions to...

  • Web
    Hacking the iPhone App Store’s Ranking Algorithm

    If you're a mobile app developer, one of your biggest concerns is getting noticed. Companies like Smule and Tapulous already have recognized brands; however, for the independent app designer, the promotion process requires a fair amount of strategy. One proven method of increasing downloads is becoming listed as one of...

  • Entertainment
    Unlaunched Comic Company Buys 10 Year Old Comic Fan Community

    Boulder, CO based has put some of its venture capital to work and rolled up 10-year old comics community iFanboy. is developing an as-yet unlaunched comic and graphic novel reading application for Windows, Adobe AIR and mobile phones. The company has raised just over $1 million in backing....

  • Mobile
    SXSW Gets Seat-Level Check-Ins With SitBy.Us

    Thousands upon thousands of people will be in Austin, Texas next month for the South By Southwest Interactive festival - and several different services will be competing to show you where you can find your friends at the big event. Only one app, though, is focused on displaying your location...

  • Social
    PleaseRobMe and the Dangers of Location-Based Social Networks

    Location-based social networks like Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite and Google Buzz are currently among the fastest growing new mobile services. All of these apps have one thing in common: they encourage you to share your current location with the rest of the world. By doing this, though, you are also telling...

  • Web
    Finalists Announced for SXSW’s 2010 Accelerator Competition

    Last month we brought you information about a promotional package available to startups at this years South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) event, a popular place each year to launch new products. This year SXSWi will be holding their second annual Microsoft BizSpark Accelerator competition where a recently released list of...

  • Web
    Alcatel-Lucent And The Rising Star Status For Application Developers

    Alcatel-Lucent is launching a cloud-based ecosystem where developers build applications on enterprise API's that are distributed by service providers. The platform builds on the company's application suite announced in December.The news points to the almost unstoppable wave of new development for the mobile market and the growing importance for enterprises...

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