Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Plancast iPhone App is Live & It is Good

    Plancast, the plan-sharing startup with big-name angel investors and "future as platform" aspirations, has just had its iPhone app accepted into the iTunes store. The app was built by contracted star developer Leah Culver. It's simple, functional, attractive and useful. It's going to be very good for SXSW and probably...

  • Web
    Why Google Releases New Apps: They’re Desperate for Content

    It seems like in the past few months Google has relentlessly released new applications, some of which perhaps could have used some more baking in the oven before they were unleashed on the general public. To some it's becoming a tiresome exercise simply to try to keep up with everything...

  • Mobile
    Is the iPhone Still More Personal than Professional?

    According to recent data analysis from mobile analytics firm Localytics, iPhone application usage peaks in the evenings and on weekends and is much lower during the hours of a typical business day. From this, the firm concludes that the iPhone is still primarily a personal gadget as opposed to one...

  • Web
    Hulu on the iPad? Not as Easy as it Sounds

    In a recent interview, Hulu CEO Jason Kilar told technology reporter Om Malik that his company was "very bullish" on mobile, even going so far as to say "we will embrace every device." That's a funny statement, considering that the company has been touting that same sentiment for years but...

  • Web
    Expensify: Easy, Paperless Expense Tracking and Reporting

    Tuesday night Google announced the creation of the Google Apps Marketplace, a place for third-party applications developers to share their work with the community of Google Apps users. Currently, businesses can use enterprise versions of Google's popular suite of web apps, and with the new Apps Marketplace, they can integrate...

  • Web
    Phonebooth Launches Free Google Voice Alternative for Startups and Small Businesses, a VOIP service for individuals and small businesses, just launched a free version of its service. Phonebooth, just like Google Voice and Ribbit Mobile, provides its users with a free local phone number that can be forwarded to any cell phone and landline. Phonebooth also offers voicemail transcriptions. What...

  • Mobile
    Stickybits: Portal to Another Dimension or Graffiti for Nerds?

    Seth Goldstein comes up with a lot of ideas. Some of them work and some of them don't. He was one of the original backers of (bought by Yahoo), Etherpad (bought by Google) and (huge via Twitter). He was also President of the short-lived Attention Trust and built...

  • Web Turns Torrents Into Streams [Invites]

    It's services like that are behind why Google executives argue desktops will be irrelevant in three years, why Steve Ballmer says Microsoft is betting the bank on the cloud, and why storage stats for the newest gadget are becoming less and less important.Everything is going to the cloud.Does it...

  • Web
    For European Startups, New €6 Million Seed Fund Is A Step In the Right Direction

    Early stage startups in Europe will be the primary beneficiaries of a new €6 million seed fund just announced by Berlin-based Team Europe Ventures. In the past we've talked about Europe's entrepreneurial woes, most notably a dearth of seed funding due to having a culture largely averse to taking risks...

  • Social
    Report: Location Sharing Is Coming to Facebook

    Soon, you will be able to share your location with your Facebook friends. According to the New York Times' Nick Bilton, Facebook plans to reveal this new feature during its f8 developer conference at the end of April. As Bilton notes, Facebook updated its privacy policy last year to incorporate...

  • Work
    International Blackberry Outage Goes Into Day 2

    The Blackberry outage that RIM does not want to talk about continues to affect people on both sides of the Atlantic with outages reported in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Some people have been without service for more than 24 hours.The outage is a peculiar one, Data...

  • Web
    Cisco in the Core: Preparing for the Next Generation Internet

    Today, Cisco announced the CSR-3 product, a game-changing system to managing the network core. But for CEO John Chambers, the news is about market transition forces and being ready for the next generation of the Internet. The company invested $1.6 billion research and development in CRS-3 to be ready for...

  • Mobile
    Japan’s Largest Telco Goes OpenID

    NTT docomo, the telephone provider patronized by approximately half the population of Japan, today linked its mobile identity layer with a general web identity for users through OpenID, according to the OpenID Foundation. NTT docomo users will now be able to quickly and easily log-in to any OpenID supporting website...

  • Mobile
    Miso: A Foursquare-Like App for Homebodies

    If your Foursquare check-ins could be limited to backyard outings and trips to the mailbox, you may be interested in a new mobile application called Miso. With this service, a startup from Bazaar Labs, also the makers of a social network called Flixup! for movie chatter, you can perform Foursquare-like...

  • Mobile
    Springpad Takes on Evernote with Semantic Technology, Barcode Scanner

    Springpad, a rival to Evernote's popular cross-platform note-taking service, has just bumped the competition up a notch with a new release that integrates semantic technology to automatically enhance the notes you save with relevant info. What this means is that if you save a movie, Springpad is smart enough to...

  • Mobile
    Does HTML5 Really Beat Flash? The Surprising Results of New Tests

    With the impending launch of the Apple iPad, the Cupertino-based company's shunning of Adobe Flash technology has been brought to the forefront of technological discussions. While it was one thing to forgo Flash on a small, mobile device such as the iPhone or iPod Touch, some are questioning whether lack...

  • Social
    CheapTweet Wades Through the Sea of Tweet Deals

    Whether a website sells off your email address or forces you to install some pop-up plagued toolbar just to get 10% off your next online purchase, searching for online coupons can involve treading in dangerous waters. Enter CheapTweet, which uses both algorithms and crowdsourcing to verify its content, and suddenly...

  • Web
    Location Privacy Goes to Washington

    Testifying before a congressional hearing in late February, Mike Altschul with the Wireless Association was blunt: Federal mobile phone privacy policy is undefined and the privacy guidelines for location-based services written in 2008 are obsolete.The hearing on consumer privacy was the fifth in a series that seeks to evaluate and...

  • Work
    Another Nationwide Outage For The Blackberry

    The Blackberry just doesn't seem to have the luster it once did. Today, it had another nationwide outage.According to Data Outage News:"A number of users are reporting and an escalated RIM tech support call has confirmed data issues affecting WiFi devices NOT connected to a WiFi network. The outage is...

  • Web
    All the Small Things: Facebook Demonstrates How to Get Big Results From Little Changes

    We've talked about design a lot recently, highlighting the nuances of thoughtful placement and treatment of various elements of a web page. Today I stumbled onto an interesting blog post by Ryan Spoon of Polaris Venture Partners about how small changes or additions, specifically in design, can at times make...

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