Results for "mobile"

We found 14376 results for your search.
  • Web
    Looking for the Next Big Idea? Unleash the Beast!

    So you want to be the next big shot entrepreneur to come up with an idea that will change the world, but can't seem to come up with that golden ticket of an idea? Well perhaps you need to look no further than the world of art for inspiration. While...

  • Entertainment
    Brightcove’s New Tool Helps Build “Flashless,” iPad-Ready Web

    Video platform provider Brightcove just announced the launch of a new tool for website publishers called the "Brightcove Experience Framework for HTML5." The framework allows the company's 1,300 customers create HTML5-compatible websites for delivering video content to Apple mobile devices, including the upcoming slate computer known as the iPad, as...

  • Mobile
    Opera Says “Mini Is Money” (Hint, Hint AT&T)

    In what seems like a bit of round about pressure on Apple to let Opera Mini into the App Store for the iPhone, Opera is announcing today that "Opera Mini is money". The company said in its blog this morning that its mobile browser, Opera Mini, has generated more than...

  • Social
    Want to Test the Official Blackberry Twitter Client? Join the Blackberry Beta Zone

    Blackberry smartphone maker Research in Motion (RIM) has just launched a public beta testing site called the Blackberry Beta Zone. Here users can sign up to test pre-lease versions of official RIM products and services and provide feedback to the developers. At launch time, the available downloads include OS 5.0...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: Dial ‘M’ for ‘My God, You’re All Over the Road’

    I live in a place where they've recently banned the use of mobile phones while driving, with additional penalties for texting. And I have a lot of company: Six U.S. states have prohibited handheld mobile use by drivers, and 20 won't be happy with you if you SMS from behind...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 27 March 2010

    There are six different events on the calendar this week that are offering you, yes you dear ReadWriteWeb reader, a discount. Social media, music, cloud - six different conferences giving you another enticing reason to get up from behind your desk and do some real-world learning and networking.How do you...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Digg’s App, Who Retweets,Twitter Hacker, And More…

    Our top story this week was "Digg's iPhone App Might Be Better Than the Website." The review? The app is a little buggy, lacks features, but is still quite good. Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify is Getting Ready for U.S. Launch in Q3

    While Spotify CEO Daniel Ek didn't say much about his company's timeline for launching in the U.S. during his SXSW keynote interview, it definitely looks like the popular streaming music services is putting all the pieces for a U.S. launch together. In an interview with Bloomberg earlier today, Spotify's senior...

  • Web
    Why Jailbreak an iPad?

    Noted iPhone hacker George Hotz is teasing the web with a video that displays a new jailbreak for all iPhone and iPod Touch models, and maybe even the iPad, too, he says. This supposedly improved process (there's no code to examine yet) aims to solve a problem that came into...

  • Web
    What Social Needs Does Chatroulette Fill?

    I believe you have already heard of Chatroulette, the new video chat platform that has attracted the attention of millions. In February there were 30 million unique visitors to the site. That's 1 million new users each day. The site made quite a buzz on the news media, blogs, and...

  • Entertainment
    China’s Social Gaming Landscape: What’s Coming Next

    It's no longer a secret that China's online gaming industry is booming, and growth is set to continue with companies such as Shanda Games, Netease and The9 leading the way. In 2009, China's online gaming industry earned nearly $4 billion, growing 39.5% from 2008.Each day, millions of high school students...

  • Mobile
    WordPress iPhone App Gets Geotagging

    WordPress' iPhone app (iTunes link) just got a nice update and now allows you to geotag your mobile blog posts. WordPress launched official support for geotagging posts through the web interface on blogs last November, though bloggers with self-hosted WordPress installations have long been able to geotag their posts...

  • Web
    Digg’s iPhone App Might Be Better Than the Website

    Digg released its official iPhone app this morning and in many ways it's more usable than the website itself. The app is a little buggy, doesn't allow you to post comments and doesn't include the video or images section of the site - but it's still quite good. The best...

  • Web
    Sweden is the World’s Most Networked Country – U.S. Drops to Fifth Place

    In 2005, the U.S. still ranked as the most networked country in the world according to the World Economic Forum's Global Information Technology Report. This report, which provides an extensive analysis of the economies and network infrastructures of 133 countries, has now demoted the U.S. to fifth place, and ranks...

  • Web Testing HTML5 in Advance of iPad Release is apparently adding itself to the lineup of big-name media properties scrambling to get their websites ready for the upcoming Apple iPad, due out on April 3. Recently, both the Wall St. Journal and confirmed that they were revamping their sites using HTML5 markup language, the upcoming Web...

  • Mobile
    Verizon’s VCast App Store: Good for Consumers, Better for Verizon

    Verizon Wireless prepares to take on the big names in mobile application stores, including Apple and Google, with the launch of its own carrier-specific "Vcast App Store" next week. Here, customers will be able to purchase mobile apps and pay for them on their monthly wireless bill. The store's launch...

  • Mobile
    Test Shows: iPhone Touchscreen Still the Best

    If the future is all about touchscreen interfaces, then performance of the screen in registering where it's been touched is pretty important. International design firm Moto ran a robotic finger test on 6 leading touchscreen smart phones to see how well they registered a robot's loving touch.Some of the phones...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s App Store Still Ranks Highest in Customer Satisfaction, Android Close Second

    The arrival of Apple's App Store in 2008 changed the marketplace for mobile developers and mobile carriers alike. The App Store changed the perception of what an app store for mobile devices should look like and started a new arms race among mobile carriers and handset manufacturers. According to a...

  • Web
    Healthcare Reform is a Cloud: Interview with Matthew Holt & Richard MacManus

    It's a sunny afternoon in San Francisco and health care is in the air. I'm sitting at the the Peet's in the SF Ferry Building eating a vegan ginger cookie and waiting for Matthew Holt, founder of The Health Care Blog and the leader of Health 2.0 conference to show...

  • Mobile
    Google Voice Goes Real-Time (Well, Almost)

    Google is touting a new feature for their mobile VoIP application, Google Voice: instant notification of new SMS text messages and voicemails. You may have thought an app meant to replace your phone's functions would already be doing that, but in reality, Google Voice delayed notifications for 15 minutes by...

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