Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Want to Insert Ads Into Your iPad-Enabled, HTML5 Videos? There’s a Service for That

    mDialog, a four-year-old Canadian-based video platform company, is announcing the launch of their new Apple-focused service, an "HTML5 adaptive video streaming service with dynamic ad-insertion." In a nutshell: it lets you stick ads into videos that work on the iPad and iPhone. The ads can be pre-roll, post-roll, mid-roll and...

  • Web
    This Tweet is Priority 1:’s Chatter is Transactional Social Media

    Soon, Twitter users will be in a better position to get satisfaction with the companies that they do business with. This morning, is announcing that the Chatter beta developer preview has grown to 500 companies and is integrated with its popular Service Cloud offering. The company has shown its...

  • Web
    Verizon, AT&T & Cisco Talk Up Internet of Things

    You know that a trend is ramping up when big companies begin to namecheck it. It's happening now with the Internet of Things, a term for when real-world objects connect to the Internet. Senior executives from two major U.S. broadband and telecommunications companies - Verizon and AT&T - plus the...

  • Entertainment
    First Big Sale for Microvision’s Laser Projection Engine

    Redmond, Washington's Microvision, producers of miniaturized technologies, announced it has made its first big sale of its PicoP laser projection display engine. The unidentified customer "plans to embed the PicoP engine inside a high-end mobile media player for release in late 2010 and plans to announce its launch at that...

  • Web
    Founders & CEOs: Who Is More Expendable?

    Monday's sudden departure of Jay Adelson as CEO of social news aggregator Digg has raised a few eyebrows in the tech community as some rumors imply that it may have been a decision made by the company's board. Regardless of the nature of the breakup, it got me thinking about...

  • Web
    iPad Hits a Bump: Wi-Fi Woes Point to Apple Bug

    Some new owners of Apple's slate computer, the iPad, are having issues with the device's Wi-Fi connection. Multiple forum postings, both on Apple's own supportsite and elsewhere, have users reporting that they're experiencing weak signals in an area where their other Internet-connected devices have no issues. Another common complaint, which...

  • Mobile
    Android App Growth on the Rise: 9000+ New Apps in March Alone

    According to recent statistics from, the Android Marketplace saw 9,331 new mobile applications added to its app store during the month of March, 2010. This number is even more phenomenal when you look at the Android Marketplace's historical growth. In December of last year, for example, there were 3,807...

  • Mobile
    Farewell, Keyboard – Generation I Will Grow Up on Touchscreens

    The analysts at Gartner must have been fairly impressed with the Apple iPad because their latest research report predicts that over 50% of the computers purchased for children will have touchscreens by 2015. In this case, Gartner defines children as those under the age of 15 or, as we like...

  • Web
    Does the iPad App Give Rackspace An Advantage?

    Rackspace launched an iPad app to manage a cloud infrastructure, one of the first to offer such a service.Amazon Web Services (AWS) does not have apps for the iPhone nor the iPad platforms. It has historically not offered mobile apps for AWS.You can still access AWS on the iPad through...

  • Mobile
    Open Thread: Women in Leadership Roles Yet? No. But Why?

    Doing research to attract more women to our Mobile Summit on May 7, 2010, I revisited some of ReadWriteWeb's past articles on gender and tech. In January, we discussed "'Sexy Girls,' Smart Women and Tech" in an open thread where we asked for readers' opinions and had an open discussion...

  • Mobile
    iWork Pages for the iPad: Good for Casual Writing but Lacks a Few Essential Features

    During the iPad announcement, Apple stressed the face that the iPad was not just a fancy media player and web-browsing machine by highlighting the fact that it was porting its iWork office suite to the new tablet. After using Pages - the word processor in the iWork suite - for...

  • Web
    Weekly Poll: How Will the iPad Affect Cloud Computing?

    It is fairly evident that the iPad and cloud computing are deeply tied to each other. A selection of storage and cloud management apps now are available on the iPad. So, we want to know: "How will the iPad affect cloud computing?"But before we get to that question, let's take...

  • Entertainment
    iPad Mags: Amazing or Confusing?

    One of the iPad's biggest selling points is its potential as an e-Reader. The included iBooks application and the optional downloadable Amazon Kindle app, for example, provide hundreds of thousands of books to read, all in a relatively standard format: swipe horizontally to flip a page. iPad magazines, however, are...

  • Mobile
    Twitter Creator Has a Vision For the iPad (Photo)

    Twitter creator Jack Dorsey (right) sets up his new product, the Square mobile payment system, on an iPad at Sightglass coffee in San Francisco. Dorsey is also an investor in Sightglass.Availability on the iPad represented Square's official public launch (our initial review). Some people see big potential in iPad Point...

  • Mobile
    E-Books on the iPad: iBooks vs. Kindle for iPad

    Ever since Steve Jobs first announced iBooks for the iPad, pundits have been wondering about the future of the Kindle and similar e-book readers in the face of this new competition. Now that we actually have access to an iPad, we had a chance to take a closer look at...

  • Web
    iPad: Citrix Brings Windows 7 Back to the Future

    When will the iPad deliver in the enterprise? We first asked this question on Feb 11th when we interviewed the Citrix team. At the time, we gave it a thumbs-up as the Citrix team had good answers for all of our questions. Today, with the launch of the iPad, Citrix...

  • Mobile
    Is the iPad Magical? Our First Impressions

    After a surprisingly short wait in line at our local Apple Store, where about 100 people lined up for their reserved iPads - and another 100 who didn't have a reservations - we finally took possession of our very own Apple tablet. We will take a closer look at all...

  • Web
    Blogging the Liveblogging of the iPad Launch

    Discontented with the notion of merely reading about the iPad launch and perusing reviews thereof? Time to stop worrying and learn to love the liveblog. Marvel at our semi-comprehensive list of people in line bruising their thumbs in the service of moment-by-moment documentation of line speeds. New York Times Bits...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 3 April 2010

    April may bring spring showers here in the U.S., but it's also bringing nine different conferenced scattered across the country. Drupal, the future of money and technology, the future of tech in the Midwest, social media, the cloud - pick a topic, get a ticket, and feed your brain.How do...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Gmail OAuth, Twitter Homepage, iPads Galore, And More…

    Our top story this week was about Gmail becoming an app platform. Oh right, and some other thing called the iPad. Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of Things.Note: We've...

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