Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Microsoft’s New Phone Gets the Social/App Balance Wrong

    Microsoft announced a new phone this morning called the Kin. It's all about being social: putting the stream of updates from your friends on Facebook and Twitter at the center of the experience, dragging photos to share them on the web, etc. It's a Zune phone, it will be on...

  • Work
    New Google Docs Features: Added Co-Editing Capabilities, Similar To Google Wave

    Google Docs now includes co-editing features, similar to Google Wave. The feature is one of several new updates to Google Docs that includes faster online access to documents and better formatting.The new features provide capabilities that enhance Google Docs on platforms such as the desktop or laptop. But the stark...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Expands its Geolocation Plans with Location Services Buy

    Nokia acquired location-based services company MetaCarta on Friday, a service with two distinct focuses: geosearch and geotagging. With MetaCarta's geosearch technology, the service finds content, data and information about a place and then presents it in a single mapped-based view using any map server, whether one from Google, Microsoft, Yahoo,...

  • Mobile
    DASH7: Bringing Sensor Networking to Smartphones

    Think your smartphone is cool now? Wait till it gets RFID chips, then it'll truly be 'smart.' That's the promise of two emerging RFID-based mobile technologies called NFC and DASH7. We've already looked at NFC (Near Field Communication), which holds great promise as an enabler of mobile payments. Today we...

  • Web
    Flash Now Importable to HTML5 Canvas

    Adobe will soon introduce its Creative Suite 5 to the public. A tool in the new suite will allow for easy import of Flash animations into HTML5 Canvas code. Once IE9 launches, all major browsers will support Canvas. At that point, any Flash creation can be viewable by just about...

  • Web
    Apple’s Game Center: More Opportunities for Social Games Developers

    Most of the initial buzz surrounding Apple's announcement on Thursday of its new operating system, iPhone OS 4, centered on the support for multitasking. While this feature has been long anticipated by users and developers alike, another important but less discussed aspect of the update involves Apple's Game Center -...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 10 April 2010

    There are seven new events on the calendar this week: Head over to Stanford University to learn whether the real-time Web is an imperative or insanity. Check out the Net Prophet conference in Cape Town, South Africa. There's also the Digital Sport Summit in Melbourne, Australia. And don't forget to...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: 3D Street View, the Case Against Web 2.0, iPad Problems, And More…

    While most of our top stories this week were about the iPad, our number one post was about how Google Street View is now, no joke, available in 3D. Go get your glasses and check it out. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Verizon,...

  • Web
    Why Twitter Buying Tweetie is Great News

    Before tonight there were probably 30 to 50 teams making a serious play to build the best mobile client for Twitter. Tonight one of those teams was annointed the official selection of Twitter itself and its leader at least is now a millionaire.People are saying that the acquisition of Tweetie...

  • Social
    Twitter Acquires Tweetie, Offers Free as “Twitter For iPhone”

    In a move foreshadowed by Twitter board member Fred Wilson's blog post earlier this week, Twitter has announced that it bought third-party Twitter client Tweetie. According to the company, Twitter has entered into an agreement with Atebits and will be renaming the app "Twitter for iPhone", which will be available...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s Tightening Grip: This Could Be Android’s Big Chance

    The long-closed nature of Apple's iPhone OS ecosystem is coming to a head with the addition of major new restrictions on developers. If there ever was a time when the Android world had a chance to out-innovate Apple, this could be it.Each day this week, developers have pointed out another...

  • Mobile
    Why iAds Could be Bigger Than iPads

    Apple unveiled the 4.0 version of the iPhone operating system yesterday and a big part of the announcement was about a new advertising platform called iAd. Apple will soon provide an easy way for app developers to put advertisements in their mobile apps and keep 60% of the revenue.Tech financial...

  • Web
    Fun Blogs: Where We Post For the Love of It

    Link blogs, light blogs, blogs on the side; found treasures and half-formed thoughts - it turns out that many members of the ReadWriteWeb team are also publishing on Posterous, Tumblr and other casual blogging platforms. These are the places you can learn about the people behind the news and analysis...

  • Web
    What Background Location Brings to the iPhone

    In the midst of the SXSW festival last month, we reviewed a mobile social network called LoKast. Our one lingering question about the app's utility, at the time, was were we really going to run around town staring at our phone to see if someone else nearby was running the...

  • Work
    Is the iPhone Now as Enterprise Ready as the Android?

    The enterprise may now have what they have wanted for the iPhone. But now they have to decide if such a locked down device is control they want secede to AppleWe expect that Apple's tight control over its hardware, software and content will not stop an enterprise from purchasing the...

  • Web
    Twitter for Blackberry Debuts

    When things change, especially if they change dramatically, we often yield to the temptation to hail this alteration as permanent. That change is particularly obvious when we regard our technology. But things that change, sometimes change back, or at least alter further, in ways we can't anticipate. So, although Blackberry...

  • Mobile
    Apple Announces iPhone OS 4 with Support for Multitasking

    During a presentation on Apple's Cupertino campus this morning, the company's CEO, Steve Jobs, announced the next version of the iPhone operating system: iPhone OS 4. Apple will release a preview version to developers today and plans to release the OS to consumers in the summer. Among the new features...

  • Web
    Can the iPad Go to College?

    Should college students consider buying an iPad to use in place of netbook or notebook computer? Since the release of the new Apple slate device a week ago, this question has weighed on the minds of students, parents, teachers and school administrators alike. On the surface, the iPad seems like...

  • Mobile
    Skobbler Heads for the New World

    German navigation company Skobbler is bringing their turn-by-turn, OSM iPhone streetmap application to the United States. Skobbler describes itself as "an Internet community with a free mobile phone navigation system."Skobbler has been testing the application in several states in the last few weeks and has reportedly found the OpenStreetMap data...

  • Mobile
    CauseWorld: Checking in for Charity

    The current generation of check-in based location apps like Foursquare and Gowalla are more or less focused on the gaming aspects of location-based social networking. CauseWorld for the iPhone and Android, however, wants to use location based check-ins for two things: connect you to the stores around you and allow...

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