Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 17 April 2010

    Here's a little taste of the events coming up in the next few weeks here at the ReadWriteWeb events guide: Seven on Seven, eCommAmerica, DrupalCon, The Real Time Web: Imperative or Insanity?, Big Data Workshop, Future of Money and Technology Summit, and Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco. And of course,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Twitter in the Library, iPhone Gets Multitasking, Goodbye Google Gears, And More…

    Our number one post this week was that Twitter's archives will soon be housed in the hallowed halls of the Library of Congress. There's got to be joke about librarians shushing tweets in there somewhere. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010. We wrote about...

  • Web
    Coming Soon: Multi-Tasking on the iPad with Many-Device Apps

    Virtualization is a star - at least in the big stage of the iPad. Since the device launched, Citrix Receiver has been one of the top ranked business apps in the store.Chris Fleck, mobility leader on the Citrix team shares this demonstration showing a Citrix Receiver application enabled with four...

  • Web
    Is the Freemium Model (Still) Viable for Startups?

    In an email to staff yesterday, new Ning CEO Jason Rosenthal wrote that "When I became CEO 30 days ago, I told you I would take a hard look at our business. This process has brought real clarity to what's working, what's not, and what we need to do now...

  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: Early Stage Business Building

    As part of my ongoing Online Strategy Roundtables, I met yesterday with four new entrepreneurs, all at the early stage of validating who their customers are and building their businesses. Entrepreneurs who are just starting out need to ask themselves some hard questions in order to develop a crisp go...

  • Mobile
    Where Does Android Register on Google’s “Evil” Meter?

    As we mentioned briefly last night, Google is going to attempt to reintegrate Android into the main Linux kernel - the code had been booted in December because it was "no longer being cared for," according to Greg Kroah-Hartman, the Novell developer who maintains the staging, USB and driver core...

  • Web
    Pro-Actively Engage Lingering Visitors with Live Chat, Just Don’t Be “Clippy”

    Earlier in the week, we profiled Concept Feedback, a community that helps site designers and developers get quick constructive criticism on their various projects, and in the article we stressed the importance for young companies to collect and analyze user feedback. Another part of this type of site analysis is...

  • Social
    Glympse: Real-Time, Private Location-Tracking May be the Winning Formula

    A Redmond-based startup is introducing a location-based social sharing service called Glympse. With a mobile application that works on iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile devices, users share their location (aka a "Glympse"), allowing their friends to see that location on another phone or on any other Internet-connected device. Senders can...

  • Web
    Google Sees 37% First-Quarter Growth

    Google defied analyst expectations today by announcing a 37% increase in revenue for the first quarter of 2010 and 23% year-over-year growth. Google's CFO Patrick Pichette told analysts on a call this morning that advertising was clearly waxing after a waning that almost looked like a permanent eclipse to many....

  • Mobile
    See Xtify’s New Geo-Notifications in Action on Android

    Xtify's recently launched geo-messaging platform is demonstrated in a new YouTube video created by Motorola, makers of popular Android devices like the Motorola Droid smartphone. The Xtify geo-location platform and its associated SDK (software development kit) was announced at February's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. With the SDK, developers can...

  • Mobile
    Intel Announces Android Ported to Atom Chips

    Apple sold over 500,000 iPads in its first week, but that trend doesn't have execs at Intel convinced that the iPad is at all ushering in a new era of tablet computing. Speaking to the Intel Developer Forum in Beijing, David Perlmutter, co-general manager of Intel's Architecture Group, seemed a...

  • Web
    10 Ideas For Web of Data Apps

    At the end of last week, we posted an open thread asking what application you'd build (or would like someone else to build) using linked data or open data. The thread was inspired by Georgi Kobilarov. In this post, we list 10 of the best ideas we received.A number of...

  • Web
    Opera Tops iTunes Apps

    We wrote on Monday that Apple had accepted Opera's mobile browser into its app store. A day after it debuted it has topped the list of free apps in all of Apple's online stores. Opera is now #1 from Australia to the United States.

  • Web
    Goodbye, Gears – Google Docs Boots Plugin for HTML5 on May 3rd

    Uh-oh, Google Doc's offline mode is going...well...offline. Starting May 3rd, offline access for Google Docs, the Internet search giant's web office suite, home to an online document editor, spreadsheet editor and slideshow creator, will be disabled. Previously, users had been able to take advantage of the offline functionality provided by...

  • Social
    What Websites Do You Like? New Twitter Tool Will Tell You

    The Website Taste Predictor is a new Twitter tool that analyzes your Twitter account in order to recommend websites you would like. The project uses Twitter's OAuth authentication protocol to access your Twitter account so you don't have to enter in your username and password in order to try it...

  • Work
    SugarCRM: Speed, Search and the Data Deluge

    Sugar CRM is launching a new user interface as part of Sugar 6. It comes with a focus on what is becoming a prerequisite: an emphasis on speed, search and deeper integration with third party applications and mobile devices.The speed issue is one that SaaS providers always seek to mitigate...

  • Mobile
    Opera Takes a Back Seat to Safari on the iPhone

    Last night, Opera announced that its mobile browser, Opera Mini, had been accepted into the iTunes AppStore after being submitted just under three weeks ago. So, now that the iPhone finally has a browser alternative, how does it fare in comparison? Is it worth running out and getting or should...

  • Mobile
    Opera in iTunes

    Norway-based browser company Opera has announced it will be available at the iTunes app store for download into Apple products. "Opera Mini has been approved for iPhone and iPod touch on the App Store," the company announced. "Opera Mini will be available as a free download within 24 hours, depending...

  • Web
    Google’s Schmidt to Bloggers: Drop Dead!

    Google's CEO Eric Schmidt addressed the American Society of News Editors yesterday in D.C. As part of an apparent strategy of mollifying the media, he insulted the integrity and professionalism of bloggers and the quality of blogs. You know. Like this one."There is an art to what you do," he...

  • Web
    What Can Startups Learn from Last Week’s Twitter Announcements?

    Last week brought two major announcements from Twitter. On Thursday, the company announced an official application for BlackBerry. On Friday, Twitter announced that it had purchased Atebits, the makers of the iPhone app Tweetie. Over the weekend, there was substantial discussion and a fair amount of hand-wringing by third-party developers,...

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