Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    SugarSync: 2 Petabytes and Counting – Welcome to the Personal Cloud

    SugarSync is one of several companies competing these days to benefit from the disruptions in the market created by the new ways that people organize and share information from the any number of devices they use in their day.That's a fundamental shift that is happening as people move beyond the...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 24 April 2010

    Time is running out to register for the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010! It's going to be the premier place to explore the latest mobile development trends - both the technology and the emerging business applications. And since it's an unconference, you'll be able to analyze, think and create the future...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Deleting FB Apps, Open Web vs. FB Connect, Adobe Gives up on Apple, And More…

    It took Sarah Perez's post How to Delete Facebook Applications (and Why You Should) a little more than 24 hours to become to the top-viewed post of this week. In a week filled with Facebook news, it certainly hit a nerve. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet...

  • Social
    Twitter Acquires Cloudhopper, Looks To Become Highest Volume SMS Program Worldwide

    Twitter announced this morning its acquisition of Cloudhopper, a startup it hopes will help it "become one of the highest volume SMS programs in the world."As Twitter notes in its blog post, the service was originally born on the back of SMS and the move looks to further emphasize this...

  • Web
    Stats: iPad Users Consume 3X Videos As Other Users

    Despite the now-infamous absence of Adobe's Flash, video aggregator MeFeedia says that video on the iPad is a flourishing and growing trend according to the data the company has collected over the past three weeks.The company offers a few stats and postulates that, among other reasons, the "lack of distractions...

  • Web
    Google’s Eric Schmidt Gushes About HTML 5

    Forrester Research is recommending developers continue developing rich Internet applications and take long pause before embracing HTML 5. For Forrester, HTML 5 is still many years away from becoming a standard in the market and fully functional across multiple platforms.The analyst recommendation reflects on Google's mobile strategy, which CEO Eric...

  • Mobile
    Two-Thirds of iPhone Users Now Use Location-Based Services at Least Once a Week

    While services like Gowalla and Foursquare still haven't become household names outside of the early adopter market yet, the technology behind these apps is now solidly mainstream. According to a new survey by the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), about two thirds of iPhone owners now user location services at least...

  • Entertainment
    Budding AR Developer? Put Your Creativity to Use and Win $5,000

    If you've been following our posts about augmented reality (AR) in the last few months, you've noticed that we speak often about practicality and its importance for the proliferation of the technology. Sure, gimmicky applications can be fun and new, but it's my opinion that the more practical and useful...

  • Social
    Facebook Consolidates Its Virtual Currency with Facebook Credits

    One of the many announcements at Facebook's f8 conference today included an expansion of the Facebook Credits program, the social network's official virtual currency. Expansion of the Credits program could have a huge impact on how and how much revenue Facebook applications will generate.Already in beta testing with over 100...

  • Web
    Is Apple Booting iAd’s Competition from the iPhone?

    At the most recent Apple keynote, Steve Jobs announced Apple's upcoming advertising platform called iAd. Included as a part of the OS 4.0 update, the mobile operating system upgrade due out for iPhone this summer and iPad later this fall, the iAd system aims, in its very Apple-ly way, to...

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    Adobe Gives up on Apple, Welcomes Android

    Adobe is officially giving up on Apple. Or rather, Apple gave up on Adobe and Adobe is just now admitting it. In any event, the news is that Adobe's "Packager for iPhone," the bundled tool in Flash Professional that lets Flash developers leverage their existing skills to produce iPhone apps,...

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    Internet of Things Can Make Us Human Again

    We've entered an era where the cost of sensors, processors and transmitters are so low that it's fast becoming cost effective to put them inside everything, even the clothes we wear. Even our own toothbrush may soon sense and communicate socially about where it is and how it's being used...

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    Tech vs. the Volcano

    When the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull erupted and subsequently spread its ash across European flight paths the industry it had the most effect on was travel. But it has had an effect on the tech sector as well, even if it has been under-reported. That tech industry mainstay, the conference, was...

  • Social
    500 Billion Impressions: 16% of Users Generate Majority of Brand Impressions on Social Media Sites

    Today, about 145 million Internet users in the U.S. use social web applications. In total, all of these users generate close to 500 billion online impressions on each other. According to a new report from Forrester Research, a mere 16% of online consumers generate a grand total of 80% of...

  • Social
    Facebook Shutters Facebook Lite

    Facebook just announced via its Facebook profile that the ultra-lightweight version of its website, Facebook Lite, is no more. The site, which many (including us) called yet another Twitter imitation, had only been live since last September but now redirects to the main Facebook homepage.Facebook's status update announcing the closure...

  • Web
    Do You Deliver Out Here? Google Places Says So

    When you're hungry, don't feel like cooking and have some cash in your pocket, what's the first thing you do? Likely type "pizza delivery" into Google's search bar and see what comes up. But sometimes, this hunt for a pizza place can turn into an annoying goose chase for both...

  • Web
    Peppermint: A New Linux OS for the Cloud

    Peppermint, a new Linux-based operating system with a focus on cloud computing and Web applications, is launching into a private beta this week to a limited number of participants, and will open up later next month to even more. The OS is a fork of Lubuntu and uses some of...

  • Web
    If Location Apps are Games, How’s the Gameplay?

    One of the motifs you keep coming across when reading about Foursquare and Gowalla, the mobile location apps, is that they are games, and the games are fun.The most important thing when it comes to gaming is the most subjective, whether the players are having fun. But it's not the...

  • Web
    YouTube Streams IPL Cricket Live In U.S.

    When YouTube first started streaming Indian Premier League cricket at the beginning of March, it did so on a time delay for matches shown in the United States. Today, the streaming video service has announced that the matches have become so popular in the U.S. that there's no longer a...

  • Web
    Op-Ed: Objects Aren’t Social

    I first began writing regularly about the Internet of Things about a year ago. Now it's bubbling up in the mainstream press and we're also beginning to see web apps that are attempting to reach, if not quite a mainstream audience yet, then certainly the iPhone and Android-toting geek community....

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