Results for "mobile"

We found 14376 results for your search.
  • Web
    Intellectual Property and Innovation: Who’s Got It Right?

    Companies that rely on fair use generated $4.7 trillion in revenues and $2.2 billion in value added - roughly 16.2 percent of U.S. GDP in 2007. This is among the findings of a report released yesterday by the Computer and Communications Industry Assocation. The report based its findings on what...

  • Mobile
    3 Ways Internet Of Things Works On Your Phone

    When we write about Internet of Things we explain the latest in futuristic "sense and share" devices for your clothes, homes and cars. Yet when it comes to modern mobile, we don't need to focus so much on what can be done in the future as much as what can...

  • Entertainment
    Layar Launches Its Augmented Reality Content Marketplace

    Dutch mobile augmented reality (AR) developers Layar announced today the launch of the world's first mobile marketplace for AR content, bringing a new model for the monetization of mobile AR to the Android and iPhone platforms. Anyone looking to take advantage of the excitement behind AR experiences can now create...

  • Mobile
    The Smartest Tweets About HP/Palm

    HP bought Palm today, as you no doubt have heard, for more than $1 billion. What does it mean when a company among the most venerable in Silicon Valley but outside the consumer tech limelight of the day, acquires another company that created the handheld computing market and continues to...

  • Entertainment
    MP3tunes Launches Free 10GB Music Lockers with iPhone Streaming (Exclusive Invites)

    MP3tunes, which was launched by tech entrepreneur Michael Robertson in 2005, allows its users to store their own music in the cloud. Until today, however, the amount of free storage on MP3tunes was limited to a relatively meager 2GB. Now, however, the company has decided to up the ante and...

  • Mobile
    iPhone #1 Device for Opera Mini in U.S.? Not Really.

    Opera is claiming this morning that iPhone users were just clamoring away for an alternative browser and when Opera Mini hit the app store this month, the iPhone vaulted to the number one spot, surpassing long-time holder of the number one spot, Blackberry.While we can't argue with the fact that...

  • Mobile
    It’s Here! Fennec for Android

    Fennec (aka Firefox Mobile) is now available for phones running Google's Android OS. This highly-anticipated web browser is a mobile-ready port of its desktop cousin, Mozilla Firefox. Like its predecessor, Fennec offers tabbed browsing and add-ons. It also offers an optional add-on called "Weave" which allows you to sync your...

  • Web
    AdMob Shows Android Traffic Passing iPhone

    ad network AdMob has released its March report. Surprisingly, perhaps, the report notes that advertising traffic on the Android phone has surpassed that on the iPhone. Android ad traffic in the U.S. was 46% in March of this year versus iPhone's 32%.Android's ad traffic has grown 32% per month, rising...

  • Mobile
    Millions of People Now Get Live Streaming Video Sent to Their Phones

    Live video, from around the world, streaming right through the phone in your hand: that's pretty incredible. It's not science fiction anymore, it's now something that millions of people have experienced.San Francisco's announced today that almost one and a half million people have downloaded the company's live-video-stream-viewing app to...

  • Mobile
    One Third of iPhone 2Gs Sold Still In Use, Will Be Unsupported

    A couple weeks ago, we reported that Steve Jobs had quietly stepped out from behind the shadows to send one of his brief, seemingly random email responses to a customer inquiry about whether or not the company would continue "supporting/updating the iPhone 2G in the Future".Jobs' answer, in case you...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify Adds Facebook Integration, Library Management

    Spotify, our favorite streaming music browser to talk about that we can't even (legally) use in the U.S., has just announced that it is releasing version 0.4.3, "which includes the largest feature upgrade since our launch in 2008". Are we finally going to (legally) get Spotify here in the U.S.?...

  • Social
    Facebook Testing HTML5 Video for iPad? Apparently Not [UPDATED]

    A numberofbloggers are today reporting a noticeable change to Facebook's website when viewed from the built-in Safari web browser on the Apple iPad: videos now work. Previously, videos appearing in a user's News Feed wouldn't play on the iPad due to Facebook's use of Adobe Flash technology, which is not...

  • Web
    Android Keeps on Growing – But Most Users Still Stuck on Old Versions

    Just over six months ago, two Android handsets, the HTC Dream and HTC Magic, accounted for almost all of the Android traffic on mobile advertising service AdMob's network. As the Android market has grown, so has the diversity of devices. Today, 11 different device make up 96% of AdMob's Android...

  • Web
    Bringing Google, Facebook, Twitter Together: Third Party Login Grows Rapidly in 2010

    This March has been a busy time for the leading architects of the social web. Twitter announced its @Anywhere at Chirp. Meanwhile, Facebook brought the Open Graph protocol to light the path of social sharing and separately announced support for OAuth 2.0 at F8.Personal information sharing across the web is...

  • Web
    Akamai’s State of the Internet Report

    Digital platform company Akamai has released its latest State of the Internet Report. The report covers the last quarter of 2009. Among the findings are the persistence of Russia as the top location for attack traffic and of South Korea for speed of web connections.The number of unique ports attacked...

  • Web
    WSJ Experiments With Location-Based News

    Checking-in at a venue around town with the Foursquare mobile location app could now come with a thought provoking payload: a news link related to the place you're at. The Wall St. Journal announced today that as a part of its new focus on covering New York City, links to...

  • Mobile
    Android: Motorola Replaces Google’s Location Engine With Skyhook

    Tomorrow, Motorola will announce that it plans to replace Google's location services on its Android phones with Skyhook's location engine. By default, all Android devices currently use Google's own location services to determine a phone's location based on GPS data from the phone and the location of nearby Wi-Fi access...

  • Web
    EveryBlock Going Government 2.0 With SeeClickFix

    Hyperlocal news aggregator EveryBlock is set to announce a new content partnership with government 2.0 mobile app and website SeeClickFix later today, according to an article by PaidContent.Everyblock aggregates public records, blog posts and other content about very specific geographic locations, automatically. SeeClickFix acts on a similarly hyperlocal basis, giving...

  • Social
    Giving in to Facebook: A Weekend on the New “Instantly Personalized” Web (Op-Ed)

    At last week's F8 developers' conference, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled plans to offer "instant personalization" all over the Web - a way for websites to become instantly more social. Without even signing in, sites gain access to publicly available Facebook information like your name, profile picture, friend list and...

  • Web
    5 Ways That Cars Are Getting Smarter

    In the emerging Internet of Things, everyday objects are becoming networked. Recently we looked at smart clothing, today we explore the world of smart cars. From Formula One to cheap family cars, all kinds of vehicles are utilizing sensors and advanced technology nowadays. While some of the features we discuss...

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