Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Apple Acknowledges, Prepares to Patch iPad Wi-Fi Bug

    It's never easy being an early adopter of first generation hardware, but for a select group of iPad owners, an irritating Wi-Fi bug has put a damper on the fun of using the latest touch-based mobile computing gadget from Apple. Shortly after its official launch, a number of iPad owners...

  • Mobile
    Even The Babysitter Takes Credit Cards With Square

    Small businesses, mobile vendors and yard sale junkies across the world unite - credit and debit cards have come to the street-side, the festival ground and the front yard with today's release of Square.Square is an app for both iPhones and Android devices that allows its users to accept both...

  • Web
    10 Internet of Things Blogs To Keep An Eye On

    Everyday objects with their own IP addresses may soon be the norm. This communication of objects with the Web is the latest version of a still-idyllic new vision of technology that claims it will improve our lives. Yet we're at such an early stage of development of the Internet of...

  • Web
    No Funding? No Problem! How Occipital Shifted Gears to Success

    Last week during my stint at Boulder Startup Week, Occipital co-founder Vikas Reddy was gracious enough to let me stay with him rather than in a hotel. Oddly enough it wasn't until one of the late night mixers a few days into the event that I got a chance to...

  • Web
    Announcing The Real-Time Web Summit, New York City

    Today we are announcing our third event and our first on the East Coast: the ReadWriteWeb Real-Time Web Summit, on June 11th at the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York City. As you all know, last Friday we held the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit, in Mountain View, California. The Real-Time Web Summit...

  • Web
    Skype “Seriously Considering” Ads

    According to Skype's CEO Josh Silverman, Skype wants to be the "fabric of real-time communications on the Web." To get there, Skype is "seriously considering" to create a new revenue stream by running third-party ads on the service. In an interview with the Telegraph, Silverman noted that adding ads will...

  • Mobile
    Why You Should Jailbreak the iPad

    Prior to the iPad's release, we posed a question to the readers: "why jailbreak an iPad?" Jailbreaking, the act of hacking an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to install unapproved, third-party applications, is a popular pastime for many Apple mobile device owners. It provides more control over the hardware and...

  • Mobile
    Is HP Launching a Tablet With Palm’s webOS?

    Several sources have reported that Palm has ditched its Windows 7 tablet, Slate, and is now tuning up a new tablet that will run the Palm webOS. The new tablet, to be possibly introduced in Q3, is code-named Hurricane and will run on Palm's mobile operating system. HP bought Palm...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 8 May 2010

    A few weeks ago was the Events Guide's one-year birthday - and while we don't know how many thousands of conferences, unconferences, seminars, summits and meetings we wrote about over the last year, we can say this: It was a heck of a lot. Year two of calendar goodness, coming...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Deactivating Facebook, Social Oversharing, iPad vs. Netbooks, And More…

    This week, Marshall Kirkpatrick answered a simple question - "What Happens When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account" - and it quickly became the top story of the week. It turns out it's all about manipulating emotions. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: The Internet...

  • Entertainment
    The Augmented Reality Industry’s Jan Brady Complex

    I'm starting to think that the Augmented Reality industry is very close to developing a Jan Brady complex. If you know what a "Jan Brady complex" is, then skip to the next paragraph. For those who didn't grown up with the 1970s-era television show The Brady Bunch, a Jan Brady...

  • Entertainment
    Tagwhat Leaves Read-Only Augmented Reality Browsers Behind

    Tagwhat, an augmented reality creation and distribution system, publicly launched this week bringing the world of augmented reality into the realm of Web 2.0.While other augmented realtiy browsers, such as Wikitude and Layar, provide the user with information overlays over live video, Tagwhat allows users to create these overlays.According to...

  • Mobile
    iPad Gets its First Spyware

    A surveillance firm is now selling a spyware application for Apple's new slate computer, the iPad. With this software installed, users can secretly track activity including emails sent and received, web sites visited and contacts added to the iPad's address book. The information is surreptitiously recorded to a log file...

  • Entertainment
    Layar Introduces Layar Stream to Help You Find Popular Nearby AR Content

    Amsterdam-based mobile augmented reality developers Layar are announcing today the launch a new service that will make it easy for users to discover the most popular local AR content from their iPhones or Android devices. Layar, a mobile AR browser that serves 1.2 million augmented objects each day, will now...

  • Entertainment
    Live Video Access for iPhone OS 4.0 Has AR Developers Excited

    When Steve Jobs and Apple announced some of the new features and APIs that would be available in the upcoming iPhone OS 4.0 upgrade, they managed to sneak in a feature that has gone largely unnoticed. On a slide showing a smattering of new APIs, "Full access to still and...

  • Entertainment
    Google Goggles Gets Translation

    Google has released a new version of Google Goggles with an exciting new feature: translation.According to the company's blog, the new feature will be able to read five different, Latin-based languages and translate to many more, all using a smartphone's camera.The new version of Google Goggles will help translate text...

  • Web
    Sharing iPhone & iPad Apps is About to Get Cooler

    There are so many iPhone apps available (and perhaps so few iPad apps yet) that few geeky things can bring people together like sharing their favorites. My favorite way to do that is through Appsfire, a service that lets me select any number of apps on my phone and send...

  • Web
    Requires a Village: A Quest for Payment Data Portability

    In this post, we'll explore the tug-of-war landscape of the payments industry through the lens of payment gateway Braintree. The company has initiated a Credit Card Data Portability Standard, starting with a small group for merchants and payment processors that intend to "meet in the middle" and provide both security...

  • Web
    8coupons Geolocates Your Savings

    For an average Joe, one of the short-comings of coupons, and of coupon sites, is the motivation necessary to page through, search, burrow and worry your way through large offerings to find something of use to you. 8coupons is trying to address this concern by marrying its offerings to geolocation....

  • Mobile
    Dailyplaces: Location-Based Microblogging

    We are no longer restricted by the ball and chain of desktop computers and ethernet cables. We create content from wherever we please, making location an ever increasing part of that content, and applications like Dailyplaces are helping to bring time and place to the forefront of content creation. Dailyplaces...

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