Results for "mobile"

We found 14376 results for your search.
  • Web
    Apple to Microsoft: “Eat My Dust!”

    Yesterday Apple passed Microsoft to become, for the first time, the "world's most valuable technology company," according to the New York Times. Apple gained a stock-based valuation of $222.12 billion while Microsoft's was $219.18 billion.Does this make Steve Jobs the Bill Gates of technology? Although Microsoft is still a powerful...

  • Mobile
    Kids More Likely to Own a Cellphone Than a Book, Study Finds

    As technology becomes more a part of our day-to-day lives, some are worried that it is stunting the education of children by taking away time from activities like reading. A startling discovery from the London-based National Literacy Trust finds that children are more likely these days to own a cell...

  • Social
    Foursquare with Cash Rewards? WeReward Wants to Pay you for Check-ins

    New from IZEA, the company that wants to monetize everything from blog posts to tweets, is WeReward, a mobile social networking application that promises to pay you for checking in to local businesses via your mobile phone. Launching today at TechCrunch Disrupt, the startup already supports 15 million U.S. businesses...

  • Web Recommendation Engine for TV and Film

    From shopping to music, the overload of information on the Web has been shaped and ordered by recommendation engines. There are even tools like the browser extension GetGlue that purport to sail the entire recommendations ocean. But one very important aspect of the online experience has been overshadowed: video. Milan-...

  • Web
    Move Over Real World, The Founders 2010 is Here

    Forget MTV's reality show "The Real World" - if you're considering getting into the startup game but want to get a glimpse of what's in store, then The Founders 2010 is for you. The weekly video series is in its second incarnation and follows three startup companies - content crowdsourcing...

  • Web
    Bloomberg Announces Funding, Calls For Startups in NYC

    "Small businesses are the future of America," said New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg this morning at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in NYC. Bloomberg described New York City as "the place to come" for entrepreneurs and startups, announcing that the city-sponsored NYC Entrepreneurial Fund had made its first investment in...

  • Web
    An Open API from MasterCard to Develop Applications? Priceless

    In a press release this morning, MasterCard has announced that desktop and mobile developers will have access to an API from the credit card giant later this year. The company hopes that by opening its technology to developers, new and innovative e-commerce applications that leverage the MasterCard network will be...

  • Web
    Wal-Mart Dropping iPhone to $97

    On Tuesday, retailer Wal-Mart plans to cut the price of the popular iPhone 16GB 3GS to $97. Currently this iPhone model is selling for $199. The $97 deal requires a two-year service contract with AT&T. The dip in price could represent a hope to clear inventory and preserve sales in...

  • Entertainment
    Code-Free Augmented Reality in Under 5 Minutes [VIDEO]

    Augmented reality guru Bruce Sterling shared a fascinating video on his blog Beyond the Beyond today that shows a developer building an AR application without any programming language in just shy of five minutes. Using the Mac-based visual design app Quartz Composer and few additional plugins, the developer (apparently...

  • Web
    Only 3 Days Left to Save $100 on Real-Time Web Summit

    ReadWriteWeb's first East Coast event - the Real-Time Web Summit - will be taking place on June 11 at the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York City. Be sure to register now as we are extending the $395 ticket price until Wednesday, May 26.The Real-Time Web is a set of technologies...

  • Web
    Google Reveals AdSense Revenue Shares for Content, Search-based Ads

    Google finally revealed this morning just how much it takes as its share when advertisers buy ads on content and search inside AdSense. According to a release this morning on the AdSense blog, all publishers pocket 68% revenue for content ads and 51% for search ads, except for high profile...

  • Mobile
    Yahoo Acquires Koprol, a Location-Based Social Network

    Yahoo announced last night it has acquired Koprol, an Indonesian mobile location-based service. With Koprol, which launched last year, users are able to see where their friends are and what they're doing in real-time. Like Foursquare here in the U.S., Koprol lets people check in when they arrive at a...

  • Mobile
    Sensor & RFID Apps of the Future, Part 2: Buildings & Environment

    In Part 1 of this series on mobile applications of the future, we looked at apps for food and supply chains, retail, and social networking. In Part 2, we check out ideas and early prototypes for mobile apps that literally interact with the world around you: buildings, objects and the...

  • Web
    ReadWriteStart Weekly Wrapup

    The news this week was dominated by announcements coming from Google's two-day I/O event, some of which was highly applicable to startups. The most popular story by far this week was the Big G's introduction of their big data APIs, which may make the process of sophisticated computations easily attainable...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 22 May 2010

    There are lots of interesting events on the horizon (including the ReadWriteWeb Real-Time Web Summit), but one taking place this week that's worth noting is Glue, "the only conference devoted solely to exploring the problem-sets facing architects, developers and IT professionals in a "post-cloud" world." Can't make it to Denver...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Google’s Real-Time Feeds, Your Browser’s Fingerprint, Google TV, And More…

    Google made a lot of news this week at its I/O developer conference, but none of it was quite as important to our readers as the story about how the company will be pushing real-time feeds to browsers. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010:...

  • Web
    Market for Location-Based Services is Heating Up for Startups

    Sure, it may be obvious to point out that location-based services (LBS) are growing in popularity and may be a great gravy train for young entrepreneurs to hop on, but the recent evolution of the platform has broadened the opportunities for startups. With the opening of Google Latitude's API earlier...

  • Web
    FTC Clears Google’s Acquisition of AdMob

    The Federal Trade Commission just cleared Google's acquisition of mobile advertising network AdMob. According to the FTC, the acquisition raised "serious antitrust issues," but these were ultimately overshadowed by Apple's move to start its own mobile advertising network and the fact that Google has numerous other competitors in the mobile...

  • Web
    How to Design a Web App for Google TV

    Google has released a preliminary developer's guide to aid those interested in porting their Web or mobile applications to Google TV, the newly announced platform built on top of Google Chrome technology. With Google TV, "television is no longer confined to showing just video" explains Salahuddin Choudhary, Google TV product...

  • Web
    Mozilla Ponders an “Open” Web App Store (Implying that Google Chrome’s Store Isn’t?)

    A post on the Mozilla blog yesterday has the company, makers of the Firefox Web browser, pondering the creation of an "open" Web application store and imagining what such a store should look like. Although the musings come across as a bit "me-too"-ish considering that Google just announced its own...

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