Results for "mobile"

We found 14376 results for your search.
  • Web
    Crowd Smarts – It’s Not What They Choose, But How

    Companies have been trying different ways to use crowdsourcing even before the word was first used in 2006. Last year saw the rise of it as a marketing tool, with some spectacular failures. Two memorable examples were Kraft, which was ridiculed when it changed the name of one of its...

  • Mobile
    Who Needs iAd? Medialets Does Ads for Both iPhone and Android

    One of the problems advertisers face when looking to launch a campaign on mobile devices is choosing which platforms to go after. Many have flocked to the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch ecosystem because of the sheer number of devices and the uniformity of hardware across the platform. Android devices, on the other...

  • Mobile
    Android Steals Market Share from iPhone

    Online tracking firm Quantcast has just released new data that shows mobile operating systems' current market share in North America, with the newly renamed "iOS" (originally called "iPhone OS" - the OS powering the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) in the miles. The Apple mobile OS dominates its competitors...

  • Web
    What’s a “Twitter Wedding”? Funny You Should Ask…

    Paul and Sara are getting married. On Twitter. Sort of. They're technical sorts with a long-standing relationship with social media, so when they decided to legitimize their personal relationship, they figured they wouldn't divorce their daily life from their personal lives while they did it. "A purple dress. A kilt....

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 12 June 2010

    If you're a regular ReadWriteWeb reader, you probably think the semantic Web is as important as we do. Which means you may want to check out the upcoming SemTech 2010, which bills itself as "the world's largest, most authoritative conference on semantic technology," and is taking place in San Francisco...

  • Web
    Majority of Tech Experts Think Work Will Be Cloud-Based by 2020, Finds Pew Research Center

    The majority of technology experts responding to a recent Pew Research Center survey believe that cloud computing will be more dominant than the desktop by the end of the decade. Undertaken by the Pew Research Center and Elon University as part of the Future of the Internet survey, the report...

  • Web
    Google Wants You to Share Drawings in the Docs Template Gallery

    Back in April, Google announced the ability to create drawings from within its Google Docs Web-based document collaboration tools. The drawings that came from this added functionality included seating charts, flow charts, maps, data visualizations and other illustrations. Today, Google has announced that users can now share their drawings with...

  • Web
    Real-Time Web Summit: Speed Geeking Live

    For abut the next hour, we will present short speed geeking demos from 14 real-time Web companies at our ReadWriteWeb Real-Time Web Summit. These companies range from real-time search engines, to location-based apps and social-media monitoring services. Our friends at will provide a live stream of these demos.Watch the...

  • Web
    RWW Real-Time Web Summit: Watch the Keynote Live at 9:30AM ET

    Our ReadWriteWeb Real-Time Web Summit at the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York City will kick off with a keynote by our own co-editor and VP of content development Marshall Kirkpatrick this morning. Marshall plans to address some of the myths that surround the real-time Web and share his thoughts about...

  • Work
    Enterprise 2.0 Conference: What Services are Companies Using and Why?

    For the Enterprise 2.0 conference next week we will take a look specifically how the enterprise is adopting enterprise technologies. What services are companies using and why?Dachis Group is one of the fastest growing consulting organizations in the Enterprise 2.0 space. In the past several months they've made a series...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Geeky Devices, iPhone Letdown, Disappearing Apps, And More…

    The top story this week was about tools, like software developer kits and sensors, that let you hook things up to the Internet. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Tattoos are now a part of the Internet of Things; iPhone 4 is going to...

  • Mobile
    How iPhone 4 Could Change Augmented Reality

    When Apple announced iOS 4.0 earlier this year, some additions to the SDK (software development kit) caught the attention of augmented reality (AR) developers - specifically, open access to the phone's camera APIs. But with the introduction of the new hardware in the iPhone 4 made this past Monday, the...

  • Web
    What Does the iPad Mean For Online Video?

    Within two years, the number of hours people spend viewing online video will easily surpass the time they spend watching television. There's no doubt that online video has enjoyed stratospheric growth of late, but despite that success, the technical underpinning by which video is delivered into your browser hasn't really...

  • Mobile
    Sick of Useless Badges and Mayorships? Topguest Makes Check-ins Meaningful

    If you're an early adopter, you've not doubt heard of (and probably even use) mobile "check-in" applications. Popular location-based services like Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite, Whrrl, TriOut, Loopt and others are all the rage these days, even earning magazine cover stories about the so-called "check-in wars," as different companies fight to...

  • Entertainment
    Second Life Parent to Lay Off 30%

    According to an announcement issued today by Linden Lab, the company that controls the Second Life virtual environment, changes are afoot. Thirty percent of the company's employees will be laid off as the company consolidates and closes its bureaus outside North America. Linden Lab intends to move the Second Life...

  • Entertainment
    Augmented Reality’s Next Steps: Sitting Down with the Titans of AR

    Last week in Santa Clara, California, luminaries from the augmented reality industry gathered for Augmented Reality Event 2010 - a conference focused on the business of AR. The two-day event was a great success filled with eye-opening sessions about AR and its possibilities for the future. Fortunately I had the...

  • Work
    IBM Supports Enterprise iPad Adoption with Lotus Notes Traveler for iPad

    IBM released this week the iPad version of Lotus Notes Traveler, featuring two-way encrypted synchronization of e-mail, calendar and contacts with IBM Lotus Domino servers. The app also features per-message e-mail encryption.IBM is betting on wide enterprise adoption of the iPad. The company's press release quotes John Roling, IT director...

  • Web
    Paid Hulu in 2 Months (or Less)?

    The Hulu rumors resurface once again. This time, two sources have been cited by a Reuters report confirming, for what seems like the thousandth time, that indeed Hulu is poised to roll out a subscription service. And like the sources quoted last month by the L.A. Times, this will start...

  • Mobile
    Sprint Says EVO Sales Figures Were Wrong (Still Good, Though)

    Sprint made a big miscalculation when it initially released the first-day sales numbers for the new HTC EVO 4G smartphone, the highly anticipated Android device that has been positioned by many as the first real competitor to Apple's iPhone. Originally, Sprint announced that the total number of devices sold on...

  • Social
    How Twitpic Face Tagging Does & Does Not Work (Yet)

    Any of Facebook's over 400 million users will immediately recognize some new features on popular Twitter photo-sharing service Twitpic today as users can now tag people in their photos. In a blog post this morning, the two-year-old company announced it had passed the 10 million user mark and that it...

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