Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    ScanLife Provides Free Barcode Scanning SDK for Android Developers

    As smartphone manufacturers improve on the hardware included in their devices, the possibilities for mobile app developers continue to expand. With the speedy new mobile processors and the high resolution cameras, image recognition apps have become very popular on smartphones, and companies like Occipital, makers of RedLaser on the iPhone,...

  • Mobile
    Healthcare Wi-Fi Adoption Growth at 60%

    Earlier this month, we looked at what the real-time Web meant for your health. A major trend we discussed in the medical field was real-time monitoring of patients, a technology that relies on professionals in the field being equipped with smartphones and other mobile technology.A report this week from ABI...

  • Mobile
    Developers Betting on Android for Long-Term Success, Says Survey

    A recent survey of 2,733 mobile application developers has shed new light on the so-called Apple vs. Google battle that's taking place in the smartphone industry, pitting Apple's dominant iPhone/iPad operating system (iOS) against Google's mobile operating system, Android. The survey, conducted by mobile app development company Appcelerator, asked a...

  • Mobile
    20% of Android Apps Seize Private Data

    According to a report by SMobile Systems, entitled "Threat Analysis of the Android Market," Google allows one-fifth of its Android applications to access private data that could be used for malicious purposes. Surveying 48,694 Android applications, or 68% of currently available apps, 29 were additionally found to request information from...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s IP Ventures Program Opens Microsoft IP to Entrepreneurs

    Today marks the fifth anniversary of IP Ventures, Microsoft's program that opens up technologies developed internally at Microsoft to entrepreneurs and new businesses. The IP Ventures team within Microsoft identifies technology not being used by the company - or that could be used in a different way - and treats...

  • Web
    Google Maps for Android Adds Public Transit Times, Quick Business Reviews

    With the launch of iOS 4.0 on the iPhone yesterday, Apple fans were treated to several new features, like multitasking and custom backgrounds. Unfortunately for iPhone users, Apple (which develops the iPhone version of Google Maps in house) didn't provide iOS 4.0 users with any new mapping features with which...

  • Web
    Yahoo Continues its March into the Location Game with PlaceFinder

    Maybe now we can see why Yahoo wanted to buy location-based check-in service Foursquare last April - it's sinking its teeth deeper into the geolocation arena. The search engine and content aggregator announced this morning the release of Yahoo PlaceFinder, an expansion of their mapping and location capabilities that take...

  • Web
    Skype Opens Platform with SkypeKit SDK for Developers and Manufacturers

    For many years, unified chat clients like Digsby or Adium have provided users with a single app with which to manage several chat protocols at once. Whether your friends are on AIM, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, or Facebook Chat, chances are there's an app that will aggregate your various buddy lists...

  • Web
    Google Voice Is Now Open for Everyone (in the U.S.)

    It's been a long time coming, but Google just announced that Google Voice is now open for everyone. Until today, Google Voice was an invite-only service, though Google slowly opened up the doors to more users over the last few months and the service already has over one million users....

  • Entertainment
    CDs, Radio Still Reign Supreme in Music: Who Are These People?

    Some surveys come out and my first response is the people asking the questions obviously weren't talking to me or my friends. A perfect example of this is the latest survey by mobile entertainment company Myxer, which tells us that the CD still reigns supreme, the radio is the top...

  • Web
    Online Language Learning Company Babbel Adds Voice Recognition Tool

    As important as memorizing vocabulary, conjugating verbs, and declining nouns are, nothing beats speaking practice when it comes to learning a foreign language. The German company Babbel helps make that a lot less intimidating for online learners today with integration of a speech recognition tool into its language learning system.The...

  • Web
    Mapping the Oil Spill in Real Time

    In the wake of the BP oil disaster, real-time mapping technologies have been recruited to improve communication and promote collaboration between people in local communities, as well as federal, state and local responders. Last week NOAA released to provide near-real-time mapping data to those connected to the crisis.The site...

  • Mobile
    Facebook Videos Now Viewable on iPhone

    When the popular iPhone application for Facebook got a dramatic refresh last summer, lead designer Joe Hewitt said that the inability to view Facebook videos was a real disappointment. This weekend that changed, and Facebook iPhone users now have a very nice experience viewing videos on their mobile devices.A quiet...

  • Entertainment
    Face-Tracking Kiosk Trades Ice Cream for Smiles [VIDEO]

    As seen in the doodle on the Google homepage this morning, today is the first day of summer - a time when families pack up their cars and get away from the real world for a few days. One of the staples of the quintessential summer experience - the beloved...

  • Work
    JackBe Bringing Internal App Stores to Enterprises

    JackBe is releasing technology to allow enterprises to to create their own internal "app stores" on June 30. Complementing JackBe's existing line of mashup and app making tools, the JackBe App Store will enable users to share the AJAX apps they've created with other uses within the enterprise. The apps...

  • Web
    Newspass: Google’s Micropayment System to Save Mainstream Media?

    One of the biggest dilemmas for print and mainstream media today is how to transition from a free-for-all model to one where users actually pay for the content they consume. Should each site enact its own paywall, forcing users to purchase a subscription to just that site? How about a...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone Software Arrives Today – Can You Run it?

    Ahead of Thursday's release of the new and improved iPhone 4, Apple is today launching a series of software improvements collectively known as iOS 4 to owners of older generation iPhones and iPod Touch devices. iOS 4, the updated form of the iPhone operating system, brings over 100 new features,...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 19 June 2010

    For those of you with your head in the cloud, we've got two big events for you in the next few weeks. is holding Cloudforce 2010, which will have "more than 35 Cloud Leaders on the tradeshow floor and 18 expert-led breakout sessions." A few days later, the Cloud...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Android Steals Market Share, Starbucks Goes Free, Google Earth on iPad, And More…

    This week's top story was about that escalating battle we love to watch: Android and iPhone's fight for market share. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Parliament loves the Internet of Things; augmented reality leader Layar turns 1; and there's a dream team quietly...

  • Mobile
    Jack Dorsey: Square Preparing for Credit Risks

    Ever since the announcement last December that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey was launching Square - a platform for accepting credit card payments on mobile devices - a debate has raged on over the security risks the app may or may not create. The application has since launched on the iPhone...

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