Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    U.S. Government on Your Smartphone? There’s an App Store for That

    On Friday, the Obama administration re-launched, the online portal that connects citizens to government agencies, departments and resources. The newly re-launched site features cosmetic and navigational improvements, including an improved search tool and a continually updated home page graphic that highlights some of the most requested items.But one of...

  • Web
    Publisha Promotes Apptop Publishing

    UK company Publisha has created a platform for doing what people are already doing but with less labor and more standardization: publishing across platforms that include mobile. The platform is currently in beta. From one dashboard, a user can publish to a website (provided by Publisha), to iPhone/iPad and to...

  • Web
    EMC Buys Greenplum and Analytics is the New Hot Trend

    The data boom is making analytics companies some of the hottest properties in the market. That's evident from today's news that EMC is buying Greenplum, a data warehouse, big data and analytics company used by Skype, T-Mobile and a host of companies including NASDAQ and Fox Interactive Media.Terms of the...

  • Entertainment
    Are We Entering the Age of Augmented Trademark Infringement?

    The use of logos or insignias to symbolize a product, service or company is one of the oldest ways for a brand to stand out from competitors and similar products. These days, laws protect the misuse or copying of trademarked brand logos, but as technology evolves and companies find new...

  • Mobile
    5 Key Trends of 2010: Half-Year Report for The Web

    It's now a little over 6 months into 2010, so a good time to reflect on the highlights of the year so far. At the beginning of the year, we identified some key trends to track: (in alphabetical order) Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, Mobile, Real-Time Web, Structured Data.Mobile and...

  • Entertainment
    Chrome OS Gets Ready for Gaming

    When Google's new Web-based operating system Chrome OS launches later this year, it may be ready to serve not only as a simple netbook and tablet OS, but also as an interface for playing casual games like those currently found on Apple's iPhone and iPad. On Apple mobile gadgets like...

  • Social
    TweetUp Acquires Twidroid & Popurls

    Twitter-based advertising platform TweetUp has announced this morning that it has acquired all of Tomatic's current projects, which include both popurls and twidroyd.The acquisition will provide TweetUp with both a new platform to distribute its sponsored search results as well as a new source of relevant search results.TweetUp (not to...

  • Mobile
    Ashes Brings Slick RSS Reader Fever to iPad

    Fever, a gorgeous RSS reader we dubbed one of the top syndication technologies of 2009, is now available in iPad format by way of a new mobile application called "Ashes." Like its desktop sibling, the Ashes RSS reader offers the same ranking features that make Fever so much fun to...

  • Web
    An ISP Offers A Cloud for India – More Like AOL, Less Like the Open Web

    We are winding down the long holiday weekend here in the United States but on the other side of the world, the news cycle is in full gear.And so the story about a new cloud service in India caught our attention as it demonstrates how the cloud is reaching millions...

  • Web
    Hewlett-Packard Banks on Alliances as Web 2.0 Meets the World of Unified Communications

    Hewlett-Packard is banking on alliances as the unified communications market hits its stride and Web 2.0 technologies become ingrained into voice services and other data networks within the enterprise.Unified communications is the convergence of voice, data, instant messaging and presence technologies. It is one of the broadest terms that we...

  • Entertainment
    Real-Time Image Tracking & Recognition Comes to the iPhone

    When the iPhone 4 was introduced to the world earlier this month, we discussed how various additions might improve the user experience for mobile augmented reality (AR), including the forward-facing camera, the gyroscope and the high-resolution screen. The most important improvement, however, is the addition of live camera access, and...

  • Mobile
    The Future of Location Services: Recommendation

    Last month, I decided to take to the road with my blogging. Armed with a 12-inch netbook, an iPhone and a 1995 Chevy Astro Van, I've hit the paved pathways with many intentions to see just how mobile technology can or cannot determine how we approach and experience the world....

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 3 July 2010

    You don't often see sports here on ReadWriteWeb, but next week there's an interesting event happening in Melbourne, Australia: the Digital Sport Summit. It's going to look at how "social media and mobile technology is taking fan engagement to a whole new level," with topics ranging from iPhone app development...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Antivirus Testing, Why We Use LBSs, “Facebook Killer,” And More…

    Tired of iPhone news? Then you'll like this week's top-stories list: None of them are about an Apple product. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Watch out for an Orange Cone on the Internet of Things; augmented reality from Qualcomm is coming to Android...

  • Web
    InDinero Launch Gives Small Businesses Real-Time Financial Tool

    A new Web application launching today promises to be the small business answer to InDinero, a four-person startup funded in part by venture firm YCombinator, offers a real-time financial dashboard that hooks into a company's existing bank accounts and displays key business metrics like cash balance, income, spending and...

  • Web
    Desktop Virtualization with MokaFive

    As we become more and more accustomed to storing and accessing information via the cloud, it's likely that we'll see increased pressures on IT departments to help manage, control and facilitate employees' access to information - not just on their work stations, but on any number of personal and company...

  • Mobile
    Half Past a Freckle: The Software That Could Make You Wear a Watch Again

    Wristwatch and apparel maker Fossil is developing a new watch with an open software development kit (SDK) to allow any kind of notifications to be pushed by bluetooth from your mobile phone to a watch display. The company believes it could win the hearts of geeks by combining programability, real-time...

  • Mobile
    Footfeed Jumps into the Check-in Aggregation Game

    With a number of location-based social networking applications currently available, and no clear winner as of yet, a micro-industry for universal check-in applications has sprung up, with several mobile apps available for the early adopter set. We've looked at a couple of these in the past, including the mobile Web...

  • Entertainment
    Qualcomm Launching SDK for Vision-Based AR on Android this Fall

    This week in San Diego is Qualcomm's Uplinq 2010 conference, which is focused on the business and technology behind mobile development. During the opening keynote, company CEO Paul Jacobs announced that Qualcomm would be releasing a free vison-based augmented reality (AR) software development kit (SDK) - potentially enabling developers to...

  • Mobile
    The Mouse Has Laid Its Mitts on Tapulous

    Disneyhas purchased iPhone gaming company Tapulous. They are now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Disney Interactive Media Group. Tapulous builds mobile games for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Tapulous founders, Bart Decrem and Andrew Lacy, as well as their development team in Palo Alto, Calif. will be joining DIMG's mobile...

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