Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Web
    Less Than 1 Year Until The Internet Runs Out of Addresses

    The Internet will run out of Internet addresses in about 1 year's time, we were told today by John Curran, President and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN). The same thing was also stated recently by Vint Cerf, Google's Chief Internet Evangelist. The main reason for the...

  • Entertainment
    Manage Staff Scheduling Online With “When I Work’

    With so many cloud-based productivity and project management suites out there, it's a wonder there aren't more that drill down and focus on one of the most universally common aspects of work: scheduling it. Sure, project management suites like BaseCamp and Zoho Projects feature calendars, tasks lists and collaboration tools,...

  • Mobile
    Gowalla Goes to Comic-Con with Blackberry Beta

    Location based check-in app Gowalla will be joining the the throngs of furries, Star Wars superfans, comic book aficianados and Joss Whedon devotees at Comic-Con 2010, the yearly mecca of all things drawn, digitized and generally geeky. As many of us found at this year's SXSW in Austin, services like...

  • Social
    Rise of the Event-Based Social Networks

    With interest in location-based social networks (LBSN) hitting an all-time high with Foursquare's recent funding announcement valuing the company at $115 million, a new type of social networking has emerged that borrows some of the mechanics and incentives from location-based services: event-based social networks (EBSNs).While LBSN users notify their personal...

  • Web
    Google Invests $4.25M in Crowdsourced Online Ad Marketplace Trada

    Back in May, we mentioned that Boulder startup Trada - a crowdsourced solution for creating keyword-based pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns - had introduced support for Microsoft's Bing search engine. Today, Trada is getting a huge leg-up from Bing's competition as Google Ventures has invested over $4 million, leading the company's...

  • Mobile
    View Complete Contact and Conversation History with Silentale for iPhone

    Silentale, the searchable archive of all your email and Web-based communication, is now available as a mobile app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Like the desktop version of the service, the new app provides a "360 degree view of your contacts," explains the company, including conversation history with email...

  • Social
    Facebook Credits: The World’s First Global Currency?

    Facebook is standing at the foot of a virtual cash mountain. The social networking behemoth recently announced a plan to expand the Facebook Credits program beyond its beta confines. A network-wide rollout of the virtual currency application would streamline transactions online and, in effect, pave the path to the world's...

  • Web
    6 Brain Sensors You’ll Be Using Soon

    Brain Computer Interface (BCI) - a technology that creates a direct connection from our brains to our computers - is beginning to reach the market via toys and game controllers. In the process, these thought-controlled sensors are inspiring innovations that, for instance, allow you to call someone on your phone...

  • Work
    Enterprises Are Leading the Point-and-Click App Creation Revolution

    In the read/write era, enterprise technology has been playing catchup with the consumer sector, integrating social networking, wikis and activities streams into business-grade applications. But that hasn't always been the case - look at the evolution of e-mail, which was originally nurtured by enterprises. And there's at least one area...

  • Mobile
    Slacker News: Slacker Radio Gets Streaming News with ABC

    When we think "slacker", we think dirty jeans, video games, gas station food and couches. But now, a partnership between ABC News and streaming music service Slacker Radio is looking to redefine our knee-jerk association, bringing news to those who can't care enough to actively chose their music. (We jest.)The...

  • Entertainment
    MOG Brings 8 Million Streaming, Downloadable Songs to iPhone & Android

    It's been four months since we first got a preview of online music service MOG's mobile offerings for Android and iPhone and now the waiting is finally over. Like most any new app, it has a few bugs and a few features missing (like multitasking and fast app switching for...

  • Mobile
    HP Trademarks PalmPad – iPad Competitor in the Works

    Back in May we asked, "Is HP Launching a Tablet With Palm's webOS?" Now it looks like we can answer that question. Yes. Yes it is. On July 9, Hewlett-Packardregistered "PalmPad" as a trademark. It looks like HP's long-term plan of developing a tablet computer is proceeding apace. With a...

  • Web
    Beyond Foursquare: What Search Engines Could Do With Location Data

    Foursquare says it's in talks with all the major search engines to index the startup's location data. We're hearing that Google in particular may be in talks with all the major players in the location-based social networking market. What would a big search engine do with a little startup's check-ins...

  • Entertainment
    iPhone 4 Gyroscope Brings Silky Smooth Augmented Reality

    When the iPhone 4 was unveiled in early June of this year, many were surprised by things like the antennae design or the high-resolution Retina Display. Augmented reality fans, however, were excited to see the inclusion of a gyroscope, but until today no iPhone AR apps had included the technology....

  • Mobile
    iSuppli: GPS on Four Out of Five Phones By End of 2011

    When will we see the battle of the location-based services really come to a head? Will it be when Facebook finally comes out with its much anticipated entry into the LBS market? Or will it happen with Foursquare inking deals with major search engines? Perhaps it will happen when GPS...

  • Social
    Beyond Social: Read/Write in The Era of Internet of Things

    This blog was founded in 2003 on the philosophy of a read/write Web - a Web in which people can create content as easily as they consume it. This trend eventually came to be known as Web 2.0 - although others preferred Social Web - and was popularized by activities...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 17 July 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Old Spice Videos, TED Talks for Startups, the New Digg, And More…

    Old Spice's social media campaign exploded late this week and, unsurprisingly, what readers really wanted to know about was how the videos were being made. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: the Internet of Things swaddles you in cloth that listens; I scream, you...

  • Entertainment
    Augmented Reality Becoming More Like the Read/Write Web

    When content management systems (CMS) like WordPress and Blogger hit the Web several years ago, the Internet entered a new age where it became quick and easy for anyone with a computer to contribute content. This week, augmented reality (AR) took a significant step toward becoming more like the read/write...

  • Web
    Mozilla Ups Security Bug Bounty to $3,000

    Mozilla, the organization behind the popular Firefox browser, just announced a major refresh of its security bounty program. When Mozilla instituted this program in 2004, the organization paid security researchers $500 for discovering eligible security bugs. For new bugs, Mozilla will now pay $3,000. The organization cites the fact that...

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