Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Web
    Google Says It “Overestimated” Complete Block of Web Search in China [UPDATED]

    A Google Web site that monitors access in China is reporting that Google Web search, which was fully or mostly accessible yesterday in mainland China is being completely blocked. But the company is now saying that service is fine.The company's stock had slipped nearly 2% in after-hours trading as of...

  • Web
    The Truth About Legacy Technology

    We labor under two major misperceptions about technology: Technology from one point in time is better than one further in the past and anything new displaces what came before. When we actively think about these ideas, we may dismiss them. But it's my contention that these are in fact our...

  • Work
    Android Spyware: Millions Downloaded Thievish Wallpaper App (Updated)

    Update 2: Please see our follow-up - the developer of the app in question has denied malicious intent. Mobile security firm Lookout announced today at the Black Hat security conference that millions of Android users had downloaded a wallpaper app that sends user information to a unknown site in China,...

  • Web
    Apple Investigating Issues With iOS 4 on iPhone 3G, Users Have Few Options

    When we looked at adoption of the latest iPhone operating system, iOS 4, last week, we suggested that one reason 49% of users had yet to update might be "that some of the iPhones running iOS 3 are doing so because iOS 4 would slow their phone down."After seeing site...

  • Work
    RIM Buys, Readies New BlackBerry Slider – But Can It Still Compete?

    MobileCrunch reports that Research in Motion has purchased the domain name, fueling speculation that RIM's long rumored enterprise tablet will be called the BlackPad. Others suggest it is merely a codename. One commenter at MobileCrunch notes the domain name was on sale at BuyDomains for $1,788. The domain

  • Mobile
    U.S. Congress Comes to Android

    A mobile application which connects Android phone owners to their representatives in the U.S. Congress has just been released by the non-profit, non-partisan organization Sunlight Labs, a group dedicated to government transparency. After months of public beta testing, the newly finished application is now a comprehensive toolset that helps you...

  • Social
    Analysis: What are the Web’s Top Sources of Referral Traffic?

    If there's one thing we know about Web authors it's that they are constantly seeking new sources of traffic for their content. It doesn't matter if you're a blogger, a marketing manager or a small business owner, there is simply no reason to invest time with content creation and Web...

  • Web
    Google Docs Adds Translation for 53 Languages

    From Wikipedia articles to visual recognition and translation with Google Goggles, Google is constantly working to rebuild the Tower of Babel and enable frictionless multi-lingual communication.Its latest effort brings translation to Google Docs, making translation even simpler. Rather than cutting and pasting text from Google Docs into Google Translate, users...

  • Entertainment
    Hands On with Golfscape AR Rangefinder for iPhone

    As the popularity of augmented reality (AR) grows and the technology becomes increasingly easier to develop, it is hard to find an area of our every day lives that is not being augmented. Sports have played a large role in the proliferation of AR - you can thank the technology...

  • Mobile
    Verizon Smartphones (Droids?) Use More Data than iPhones

    A study from wireless billing vendor Validas has revealed that Verizon Wireless smartphone owners are now exceeding the data usage of iPhone owners, who are currently restricted to AT&T. According to the study, average data consumption on Verizon smartphones is 421 MB as opposed to 338 MB on the iPhone....

  • Web
    How Location Services Could Impact Health Care

    Imagine a hospital that could respond to medical emergencies armed with real-time information about exactly where all its doctors were located. Inside the hospital, which cardio specialist is closest to the 4th floor? Outside the hospital - if an on-call physician is racing to get to a patient's side, how...

  • Web
    Under New Rules, Newspapers Increase Circulation by 400% Without Gaining Any Readers

    Newspaper circulation could soon jump wildly, thanks to new standards the industry recommended for itself. The Audit Bureau of Circulations announced major changes to the way it counts digital readership today that will likely affect media that still rely on print very favorably. The new rules will allow newspapers to...

  • Web
    E-Readers Bring The World’s Library to Rural Africa has just finished a proof of concept for e-reader use in the African country of Ghana. Verdict? Yeah, it works. It helps increase literacy. So they're going to do a lot more of it. "Books to All" is the motto of this non-profit spearheaded by David Risher, who led...

  • Work
    Augment Reality for the Enterprise – SAP Employee Unveils Prototype

    SAP employee Timo Elliott has unveiled a prototype for an augmented reality business intelligence iPhone app. He emphasizes that it's a prototype, not a supported product. It's not available for download yet, but Elliott gives us a look at what an augmented enterprise could look like.Elliot released some proof-of-concept mock-ups...

  • Web
    Apple’s Last Ditch Effort: iPhone Jailbreaking Will Void Warranty

    Yesterday, new exemptions were added to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and much of the Web and the blogosphere went a bit wild over the new legality of jailbreaking the iPhone.Today, Apple wants to reinforce that, while no longer a potential breach of the DMCA, jailbreaking your phone will...

  • Mobile
    Are Location-Based Services All Hype?

    Are location-based mobile applications like Foursquare, Loopt and Gowalla just hype? That's the potential, at-a-glance takeaway from a new study released today by Forrester Research. Only 4% of U.S. online adults have ever used location-based apps such as these, and only 1% out of those that use them do so...

  • Web
    The Decline of Startpages Like Netvibes & iGoogle (POLL)

    2-3 years ago, so-called "startpages" were all the rage - online dashboards where users could store links and quickly scan important news feeds. Startpages were also an evolving platform for "widgets," mini web apps inside of a web page. The big Internet companies had startpages: iGoogle, My Yahoo!, Microsoft's

  • Web
    A Computational Knowledge Engine on Your Site: Wolfram Alpha Launches Widget Builder

    Until now, Wolfram Alpha's computational knowledge engine was mostly tied to the project's website. Starting today, however, users will also be able to use the Wolfram Alpha Widget Builder to bring some of Wolfram Alpha's power to their own sites. The service, which is launching as a public beta today,...

  • Mobile
    Check In While Checking Out: CardStar Adds Foursquare Integration

    Mobile loyalty card application CardStar is today announcing integration with popular location-based service Foursquare in its newly updated iPhone application, CardStar 3.0. Now, as CardStar users present their mobile phones to merchants for scanning, they can also be automatically "checked in" to that business on Foursquare. The CardStar mobile application,...

  • Web Gets Back to Its Roots: Launches Q&A Service launched in 1996 and even though the site went through a number of changes through the years (remember Jeeves?), it is still one of the first services many Internet users think of when looking for a site where they can get their questions answered. Today, after trying to compete...

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