Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Web
    Rethinking Some of Those Funding Success Stories

    Have a great team. Pick a huge market. Build an awesome product. And boom, the financing will be yours, just like that. Except, not really. Perhaps we do tend to glamorize those sorts of amazing funding success stories, something that can paint a rather lopsided picture of the ease with...

  • Entertainment
    Grooveshark App Now Available For iPhone

    Lately, it feels like you can't turn around without hearing about another streaming music app for the iPhone, and today's no exception. Grooveshark, the streaming repository of user-submitted music, has finally made it through the gauntlet known as Apple's App Store submission process and is available for the iPhone. The...

  • Web
    Browser War? Top Three Web Browsers Launching New Betas

    Your choice in Web browser is about to get more interesting as all three of the top browsers on the market today - Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome - prepare and launch updated beta versions, each offering compelling, and in some cases unique, new features. Although IE's...

  • Web
    Gartner: Smartphone Sales Up 50%, Android Overtakes Apple Worldwide

    In a report examining quarterly mobile device sales, research firm Gartner found that sales of mobile devices have increased by nearly 14% since the same period in 2009, with smartphone sales accounting for 19% of worldwide devices sales. According to the report, certain factors such as components shortages restricted smartphone...

  • Web
    Inside the Mind of an Early Stage Venture Capitalist

    Ever wondered what goes on inside the brain of a venture capitalist? What kinds of companies do they look for? What most impresses them about entrepreneurs? Where do they see the industry heading? Certainly these are all things that any early stage startup or first time entrepreneur would find value...

  • Mobile
    iPhone Users Now Click on More Ads – Blackberry Users Still Ignore Them

    Blackberry users in the U.S. barely click on mobile ads, while those who own a Symbian-powered phone click on more ads than anybody else. According to the latest data from mobile advertising optimization platform Smaato, the most interesting development with regards to mobile ads in the U.S. over the last...

  • Mobile
    Groupon + Foursquare = GroupTabs, Group Deals for Check-Ins

    GroupTabs, a new New York City-based startup, is offering yet another twist on location-based social networking services. Like media darling Foursquare, the mobile application incorporates the idea of checking in to a local business or venue, but uses those check-ins specifically to offer special deals.However, unlike Foursquare's own partnerships with...

  • Entertainment
    MOG Multi-tasks!

    MOG, the online demand music service whose accompanying mobile applications are among the best of the breed for streaming tunes to your handset, has just released its highly anticipated iPhone app upgrade. With the now iOS 4 compatible app, MOG addresses one its users' top complaints: no multi-tasking support. Now...

  • Web
    Google TV Gets A New Logo – What Do You Think?

    Google TV unveiled its logo this week. We're more than a little curious how a cloud-based, high-definition, mobile network will fare.Google TV holds lots of promise but the first days out of the gate will be instrumental in how people view the service. The logo does matter. It won't make...

  • Social
    Twitter Rolls Out Easy SMS Following, No Account Needed

    Everyone's favorite micro-blogging service Twitter just announced a fascinating new way for mobile users (even those without a Twitter account) to quickly and easily start following the short message bursts of the Twitterverse. With the new "Fast Follow" feature (say that three times fast), anyone can text "Follow @rww" (or...

  • Web
    Objects Outpace New Human Subscribers to AT&T, Verizon

    Remember this day. Today was the day you read that non-human objects, internet connected devices like digital picture frames, web-connected GPS devices and broadband TVs, came online with AT&T and Verizon in greater numbers last quarter than new human subscribers did. In the race to the mobile internet, the machines...

  • Web
    Google Tweaks Gmail Interface – Launches Updated Contacts Manager

    Google just launched a revamped interface for Gmail and a major upgrade to the Gmail Contacts application. The updated Gmail interface now features three separate links for Mail, Contacts and Tasks at the top of the left sidebar, while the "compose mail" and "add contact" buttons have moved underneath these...

  • Entertainment
    Augmented Architecture from archINFORM Wins AR Developer Contest

    Back in April we told you about an augmented reality (AR) developer challenge that was launched by mobile AR platform junaio that promised $5,000 to the creator of the most interesting and unique junaio content channel. Last week, a handful of judges (including myself) determined the winner from a group...

  • Entertainment
    New App Makes iTunes Social, Publishes Music Library to Facebook

    Mobile media company ParkVu is today introducing a new Facebook application called Music WithMe which publishes your iTunes music library to Facebook where the tracks it contains can be shared, liked, commented on and discussed among your friends. The app, which also requires a desktop software download (currently Windows-only, Mac...

  • Mobile
    First Trojan for Android Phones Goes Wild [UPDATE]

    Google Android phones must be popular - they've just been targeted with their first Trojan. An SMS Trojan called Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a has already infected a number of mobile devices, according to security firm Kaspersky Lab. Purporting to be a harmless media player application, the Trojan, once installed, actually sends out SMS...

  • Mobile
    Citing Facebook App Developer Shortage, Webtrends Acquires Transpond

    Facebook is one of the most popular communication mediums in the history of the world, but according to web analytics firm Webtrends, there's not enough developers who know how to build applications for it. The company says that's why it has acquired turnkey application development creator Transpond.Transpond is an application...

  • Web
    Ushahidi Tries to Makes Crisis-Mapping Easy with Crowdmap (UPDATED)

    Even blogging, often done on supported platforms and with reasonably intuitive interfaces, can throw up apoplexy-inducing technical obstacles on occasion. If that's the case with a blog, how much more so with something like the Ushahidi platform? Ushahidi deployed its crisis-mapping platform in the violent aftermath of the 2007 Kenyan...

  • Mobile
    Radiation Measurement App Tawkon Says “Death Grip” Affects More Than Reception

    Tawkon, the smartphone app that claims to measure the amount of radiation emitted from your phone, has taken a look at the so-called "death grip" on Apple's iPhone 4 and determined that it does more than just hurt reception levels - it might be hurting you.According to a video released...

  • Web
    Skype Files for Initial Public Offering

    According to a blog post on the Skype blog this morning, the company has begun taking the first steps to going public, filing a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The filing is the first step in paving the way for the company to make an initial public...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 7 Aug. 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

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