Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Discover by Cooliris: Wikipedia Never Looked This Good

    Wikipedia is one of the most popular sites on the Internet, but the sparse design of the service isn't likely to win awards. On the iPad, on the other hand, we are now seeing a trend towards beautiful apps like Flipboard, which combines design and functionality. With Discover, Cooliris is...

  • Social
    5 Big Questions About Twitter’s Move to Multimedia

    Twitter slipped a new option into users' settings earlier today that hinted the service may soon display images and video inline with users' 140-character updates, much like Facebook does in its News Feed. Moments after it was seen and reported on, it was gone again.With Twitter keeping mum, questions abound:...

  • Work
    Can Google Solve the Cloud Security Problem for Enterprises?

    Last week we wrote about Google's long term strategy to win over enterprise customers. But MarketWatch reported Friday on a short-term setback for Google enterprise ambitions: the company missed the deadline to deploy Google Apps to Los Angeles municipal employees. The delay revolves around security, that ever-present cloud computing concern....

  • Mobile
    Developers: Where Are Your Voice Network Apps?

    The interactive voice response (IVR) app was notably absent from the agenda at ReadWriteWeb's Mobile Summit in Mountain View, California. This is part of a larger trend: In the race toward capitalizing on the smartphone boom, application developers are focused on creating apps for smartphones, but very little attention is...

  • Web
    Bump 2.0 Is Live, Adds Social Networks, Wireless Photo Transfer

    Bump, the innovative mobile app that lets you exchange contact information by bumping your phone together with someone else's, just announced the availability of version 2.0 in the iTunes app store. The app is newly redesigned and has added some features that are simply awesome.The app uses your phone's location...

  • Mobile
    Google Makes Finding Places Easier on Android’s Google Maps App

    With nearly 1.5 billion mobile users estimated to be using location-based search and information services by 2014, it's no secret that the race is on to take the lead in serving up local search results on mobile platforms. To that end, search engine giant Google has made efforts on multiple...

  • Web
    Why Fair Use is Not Just Acceptable, It’s Essential for the Future

    The Library of Congress added a number of ambitious new exceptions to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act's prohibition of breaking copyright technologies today, most notably concerning iPhone jailbreaking and unlocking. The Library adds and renews exceptions every 3 years and as Sarah Perez argued this morning, these ones go well...

  • Mobile
    Android Market to Get Carrier Billing

    Get ready, all you Android phone owners, for money to fly out of your pockets even easier. If you've always looked to your iPhone brethren with envy, secretly coveting the ease with which they can buy and pay for iPhone apps, then covet no more - a change to the...

  • Web
    Fair Use Legalized, Says EFF

    New exemptions have been added to the the Digital Millenimum Copyright Act (DMCA), a U.S. copyright law that criminalized attempts to bypass copyright, access control technologies or digital rights management (DRM) measures. The exemptions now provide protections for "fair use" in several different circumstances, the most notable of which is...

  • Entertainment
    Who Needs “Cloud iTunes?” AudioBox Delivers Today, an online streaming service which lets you access your music collection via the cloud, has today released its highly anticipated native iPhone application. With the new app, you can organize your files by playlist, artist, genre or album and stream them directly to your mobile device. You can also...

  • Web
    Security-as-a-Service Firm Introduces “Complete” Suite

    Today Webroot, the security-as-a-service company, launched a new, more comprehensive security suite. Called Webroot Internet Security Complete, the new product focuses on four elements: Faster new threat response due to Web-based platform, device synch and web portal access, multiple layers of ID protection and a more agreeable UI. With the...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 24 July 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: No More IP Addresses, 70,000 Blogs Shut Down, Bye-Bye Nexus One, And More…

    Richard MacManus' story on how the Internet is running out of addresses was our top post this week. (Isn't Al Gore responsible for making more?) We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: There are at least 100 things you can do with RFID on the...

  • Web
    Not Good Enough: Dissecting the New Facebook iPad App From Sobees

    There's a big opportunity for someone to make a killer Facebook app for the iPad. Facebook doesn't have a native iPad app yet, and the mobile Safari version of it is decent at best. The much-hyped app Flipboard is still clogged up and doesn't display your full Facebook experience. Enter...

  • Web
    You Be The Judge: Apple Rejects iPhone App for “Obscene, Pornographic” Screenshots

    Earlier this week, we reported on the removal of iChatr, the iPhone version of the popular randomized video chat service ChatRoulette, noting that we thought Apple had gone too far in its action. Because users were exposing themselves, Apple removed the app as part of the company's anti-porn stance.Now we...

  • Mobile
    iPhone 4 Antenna Issues? There’s a Free Bumper App for That

    Apple has just released a new mobile application for owners of iPhone 4 devices who are affected by the widely-reported antenna issues with the newly redesigned handsets. The app, called the iPhone 4 Case Program, will allow qualified customers to apply for a free rubber bumper case directly from their...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Bootstrap Using Services

    This week's roundtable had several interesting discussions around techniques for bootstrapping, both during the entrepreneur pitches, as well as during the Q&A. One of the most effective mechanics that I know for bootstrapping the early phases of a startup venture is by using services – consulting services, contact development work...

  • Mobile
    Your New Superpower: See Heat Maps Where People Are Gathered on City Streets

    Imagine being able to look blocks or miles away from where you are and see how many people are hanging out at an intersection - in real time. Add a layer of precisely located Twitter messages, Foursquare check-ins, Flickr photos and other social data and what have you got? That...

  • Mobile
    Researchers Warn of Geotagging Dangers – Are You Concerned?

    The International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), a non profit research organization in Berkeley, California, is due to present new findings next month regarding "cybercasing," a word researchers coined to refer to how geotagged text, photos and videos (those that include location information) can be used by criminals and other dangerous...

  • Entertainment
    More Touchscreen Innovation: ABC News for iPad Launches

    Launched this week, ABC News for iPad is a notable free application which continues the trend of companies developing innovative and creative interfaces designed specifically for tablet-sized touch screens. The new app, which includes photos, videos and various news stories, presents the content in a 3D spinning globe which users...

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