Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: You’re Not Ready For the Future, Death of a Wave, IE Privacy vs. Ads, And More…

    Google CEO Eric Schmidt's bombshell that the huddled masses "aren't ready" for the questions that new technology raises was one of several bon mots he dropped in this week's top story. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Wood gets smart on the Internet of...

  • Web
    Poligraft Tracks Influence on Government

    This is so cool it makes me a little sick to my stomach with excitement. Well, first I should explain. I came across this service called Poligraft in our Tips folder. Tech-->government? Seemed right up my alley. So I'm checking it out. Think of this post as a kind of...

  • Mobile
    MisoTrendy Helps Find Hot Spots With Foursquare

    Say you're sitting at a bar in Brooklyn but you're thinking about what's happening tonight in Greenwich Village. You look at Foursquare to see if any friends are checked-in anywhere interesting, but come up empty handed and the trending topics only show the hot spots around you. Looks like you're...

  • Mobile
    PayPal on Android Lets You Bump Phones to Send Money

    PayPal's mobile application for Android was updated this week with support for a new feature: bump technology. Actually, Bump Technologies. Bump is a startup that lets you share information between two smartphones by tapping the phones together. The company already has its own mobile application, which lets you share contact...

  • Web
    Microsoft Introduces Social Lightbox from Live Labs and Silverlight

    Microsoft Live Labs has released an early version of a free tool for easy sharing of high-resolution Web- images. Enter a URL at and it will spit out a short link and embed code for a basic but sleek image viewer that lets you zoom around an image or...

  • Web
    Apple Opens “Try Before You Buy” Section in the App Store

    Apple added a new section for free apps to the App Store today titled "Try Before You Buy," reminiscent of the excuse made by those who pirate apps.App developers figured out a lot time ago that offering free or "lite" versions of apps could drive more users to the paid...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Paying Customers Create Validation Creates Valuation

    This week's roundtable had some very interesting businesses. Three out of the five that presented are going to be featured on the 1M/1M Incubation Radar shortly, and a fourth will be featured on Deal Radar. Here's a brief recap, before we do comprehensive profiles on them.First up was Avinash Gavande...

  • Web
    Blackberry Banned in UAE & KSA: This Week in Online Tyranny

    The United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have both elected to ban the Blackberry, More specifically, it is a pseudo-crime to use Blackberry's messaging and other services. 18-year-old Emirati Badr Ali Saiwad Al-Dhohori has been imprisoned since the 15th of July. I suppose it might still be...

  • Web
    Google, Verizon Look to Sabotage Net Neutrality with Deal [UPDATE: Google Denial]

    Google and Verizon are said to be "nearing an agreement that could allow Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content's creators are willing to pay for the privilege," according to an article yesterday in the New York Times. The move would allow companies...

  • Mobile
    Android Gets True Caller ID via New App

    First Orion, maker of a popular call-blocking and caller identification app for BlackBerry smartphones, is today revealing a new Android application which promises similar features. The app called PrivacyStar lets Android users block calls, report violators of the Do Not Call law and utilize the real Caller ID services. Although...

  • Web
    The Native Web: The Line Should Be There

    Every new people that come upon a technology and engage it provide another set of eyes on how that tech develops and is used. "Diversity" (for lack of a much better word) provides something practical, a multiplication of available solution sets. For that reason, having a "Native Web" as part...

  • Entertainment
    Augmented Museum of Natural History

    The charm of small museums is a visitor's ability to apprehend a total, if limited, picture of, say the history of dolls, or the life of the town of Brownsville. The charm of large museums is in the branching multiplicity of their offerings, the ability to enter a metropolis of...

  • Web
    Elon Musk, Jason Calacanis Speak at Founder Showcase Pitch Event

    Last night the Founder Showcase held its quarterly event in Mountain View, featuring pitches by ten seed-stage startups, as well as talks by Maholo CEO Jason Calacanis and Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. The Founder Showcase is an open start-up pitch and networking event, hosted by TheFunded, a community...

  • Work
    European Commission Rejects BlackBerry in Favor of iPhones and HTC Phones

    Today CNET reports that the European Commission has selected iPhones and HTC phones over BlackBerrys, striking another blow to Reasearch in Motion. This follows Saudi Arabia announcing it will ban BlackBerry service starting Friday. The United Arab Emirates and other countries are threatening to ban BlackBerry services as well.The EC...

  • Mobile
    Why You Have to Jailbreak the iPhone 4 (or iOS 4)

    Over a year ago, we wrote an article detailing the many reasons you should jailbreak the iPhone. We listed things like the ability to record video, zoom in on photos, upload videos to YouTube and customize your iPhone's background with themes, among other things. With the release of the iPhone...

  • Web
    Apple Launches Cloud Music Service in Uncharacteristic Fashion

    Michae Robertson of, the new functionality lets people stream music to their Apple devices by using the online storage service that comes with iDisk, a service similar to Google Docs.The move is interesting for several reasons:Apple is feeling the heat. Google is reported to be prepping to launch a...

  • Work
    iPhone and Android Both See “Meteoric” Enterprise Growth, According to Good Technology

    In December of 2009 mobile device management vendor Good Technology began supporting iPhones and Android devices. Since then the companies says 1,500 enterprises have deployed iPhones and Android devices using Good for Enterprise, around 43% of Good's overall deployments. Good has described the monthly growth of both platforms as "meteoric."...

  • Web
    The New Hotmail Looks Great – And It’s 3X as Popular as Twitter

    As of tonight, every one of Microsoft Hotmail's 350 million users now has access to the newest version of the webmail service. And you know what? It looks great. Early adopter snobs have long mocked anyone still using Hotmail, but the service has three times as many people using it...

  • Social
    Twitter Posts Wes Anderson-Inspired Recruiting Video

    Twitter released this cute recruiting video last week, "Meet the Class of Twitter HQ," which features Twitter employees engaging in exciting things like "mobile," "research," "infrastructure," and "twideokinetics," while wearing semi-serious faces in the style of a scene from the classic Wes Anderson-directed movie Rushmore.The video also contains numerous references...

  • Work
    BlackBerry Torch 9800 Officially Announced – Too Little Too Late?

    After months of speculation, Research in Motion has official announced the BlackBerry Torch 9800 will be available on August 12. There are no surprises in the announcement, as the BlackBerry OS6 based slider has been extensively covered in the run-up to the announcement. The phone is expected to compete with...

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