Say you’re sitting at a bar in Brooklyn but you’re thinking about what’s happening tonight in Greenwich Village. You look at Foursquare to see if any friends are checked-in anywhere interesting, but come up empty handed and the trending topics only show the hot spots around you. Looks like you’re out of luck.

A new mobile website, called MisoTrendy, wants to help with that problem by showing you the trending places wherever you want to go, not just where you are.

According to Andrew Ferenci and Rakshith, the site’s creators, the problem with the Foursquare iPhone app is that it only shows trending locations withing a 1-mile radius of your location and most of the time people want to find trending locations away from them before traveling there. Rakshith described how MisoTrendy solves this in an email:

MisoTrendy solves this problem by letting you choose any city/address and find venues with foursquare checked-in users. The app lets you find popular locations, list of people checked-in, number of men/women checked-in, tips and stats about the venues. The app also lets you filter out location like coffee, bars or parks and find checked-in users and tips from foursquare.
Clicking on a location shows historical details, such as total number of check-ins, number of tips and how many people are currently checked-in there, and also offers a full list of people currently checked-in. Clicking on a user brings up links to both their Foursquare and Twitter accounts. The mobile website mimics the full browser functionality quite well and can pull up your current location as well as allowing you to search by city name and zip code.