Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s bombshell that the huddled masses “aren’t ready” for the questions that new technology raises was one of several bon mots he dropped in this week’s top story. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Wood gets smart on the Internet of Things; augmented reality can now be found at the museum of natural history; and the Kenyan elections were a real-time revolution. Read on for more.

Top Stories of the Week

- Google CEO Schmidt: “People Aren’t Ready for the Technology Revolution”
- Google Wave is Dead
- Why Developers Did Not Adopt Google Wave
- Why You Have to Jailbreak the iPhone 4 (or iOS 4)
- Microsoft Cut IE8 Privacy Features to Sell Ads
More coverage and analysis from ReadWriteWeb
The Future of the Cloud: Our Newest Research Report – Free
We’re delighted to announce ReadWriteWeb’s fourth premium report, The Future of the Cloud: Cloud Platform APIs are the Business of Cloud Computing. Thanks to the generosity of our partners VMWare and Intel, we’re providing this report at no cost to you. The Future of the Cloud highlights cloud computing’s impact on IT organizations, and explores both its disruptive nature and the new markets and opportunities it’s creating. It also covers the impact of the transition on IT organizations in areas such as security, data, the new fundamentals of service provision, network architecture and the need to make the cloud part of a long-term systems and technology strategic plan. For more information or to download the report, visit here.
Augmented Reality
More Augmented Reality coverage
Internet of Things
More Internet of Things coverage
Real-Time Web
Mobile Web
- NASA Sends Android Phone to Space
- Report: More Than 60% of Phones Web Capable by 2015
- Amazing Innovation: Mobile Apps for the Disabled
Check Out The ReadWriteWeb iPhone App
We recently launched the official ReadWriteWeb iPhone app. As well as enabling you to read ReadWriteWeb while on the go or lying on the couch, we’ve made it easy to share ReadWriteWeb posts directly from your iPhone, on Twitter and Facebook. You can also follow the RWW team on Twitter, directly from the app. We invite you to download it now from iTunes.
Our channel ReadWriteStart, sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark, is dedicated to profiling startups and entrepreneurs.
- Why Entrepreneurs Should Write
- Why We Shouldn’t Get Too Excited About Early Adopters
- Venture Capital Human Capital Report Examines Who Gets Funded
Our channel ReadWriteCloud, sponsored by VMware and Intel, is dedicated to Virtualization and Cloud Computing.
- Why Developers Did Not Adopt Google Wave
- Apple Launches Cloud Music Service in Uncharacteristic Fashion
- Playfish Shows How “Games-as-a-Service” Scale in the Cloud
Our channel ReadWriteEnterprise is devoted to enterprise 2.0 and using social software inside organizations.
- Highlights from Black Hat and Defcon
- Top 20 Apps for Business: Have You Heard of These Services?
- How to Secure the iPhone and iPad for the Enterprise
Our channel ReadWriteBiz is a resource and guide for small to medium businesses.
- So Intense! How to Create an Effective 404 Error Page
- 3 Must-Subscribe Sources For Useful SEO Tips
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Enjoy your weekend everyone.
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