Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Social
    I Can Stalk U: New Site Posts Exact Locations of Twitter Users Posting Geotagged Photos

    Remember The website, which warned of the dangers in sharing your physical location online, now has a successor called I Can Stalk U. While PleaseRobMe (now shuttered) focused on how publicly broadcasting your location could alert criminals to an empty house nearby, ideal for burglarizing, the new site aims...

  • Web
    Google Earth for Android Update Lets You Explore the Deep Blue

    Google has announced the latest version of Google Earth for Android with a list of new features, including the ability to dive beneath the surface and explore the ocean depths.Google announced back in April that it would begin offering the ocean view as a default, after it had started mapping...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 21 Aug. 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Your Permanent Google Record, Teaching Kids Code, API Provider Mistakes, And More…

    Our top story this week is brought to you by Google's silver-tongued CEO, Eric Schmidt, who suggests that you may want to change your name to escape his permanent record. This week we also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: The Internet of Things lets you...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Niche E-commerce is Great For Bootstrapping

    This week's roundtable had entrepreneurs ranging from e-commerce to mobile apps to video collaboration, some of which are already doing significant revenue. First up was Judy Schmitz presenting FabulousYarn, an e-commerce company focusing on luxury yarns. Fabulous Yarn is already doing $500,000 in revenue, and has positioned itself as a...

  • Web
    How to Prepare Your Startup for Platform Expansion and Rapid Growth

    When taking a Web app to the mobile space, it's important for a startup to realize the tools and best practices available to make the transition smooth and easy. Earlier this week, social check-in startup GetGlue launched its mobile app on the Android platform after seeing unexpected growth from its...

  • Web
    Virtualizing the University Computer Lab

    We are beginning to hear announcements fairlyfrequently about the states, school districts, and universities that are moving to the cloud for their email and productivity tools. As schools and universities adopt cloud technologies, what will become of the school computer lab?Computer labs have been important locations on campus for students...

  • Entertainment
    Turn Your Home Computer Into a Music Server with Audiogalaxy

    Somewhere between Napster and Kazaa on the historical timeline of online music sharing, there was Audiogalaxy. It was a great Web-based service that offered tons of high-quality and rare MP3s before it ran into some legal trouble and was shut down. We've missed it, sure, but now it's back, and...

  • Work
    Securing the Internet of Things: Intel Buys McAfee

    Citing the need to provide security for the growing Internet of Things, chip maker Intel has entered an agreement to purchase cyber security company McAfee for $7.68 billion. According to the press release issued by Intel: "Today's security approach does not fully address the billions of new Internet-ready devices connecting,...

  • Web
    Parental Spyware: Is Remotely Monitoring Your Kids the Right Way to Parent?

    WebWatcher, a company whose business is enabling parents to spy on their child's online activity, including email, instant messaging and website visits, has today launched a new tool for spying on SMS text messages too. WebWatcher Mobile currently only works on BlackBerry smartphones, but Android, Windows Mobile and iPhone versions...

  • Web
    4 Tools for Teaching Kids to Code

    In a recent PC Pro article, Professor Steven Furber, developer of the ARM microprocessor, laments the sharp decline in interest in computer science classes in the UK. And although the U.S. hasn't seen that same drop in enrollment, a recent survey of some 14,000 U.S. high school teachers by the...

  • Mobile
    The Web is Undead

    Over-reaction is endemic to discussions of the Web. Over-enthusiastic proponents - Millennialists - seem to be convinced that every burp in online tech, every new tool, every momentary trend, every relocation of a dialog box on a popular site, hails the onset of a Brave New World. On the other...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Publicly Available Data: A Big Strategic Risk

    My name is Pete Warden, and a few months ago I created visualization based on crawling 210 million public Facebook profiles that raised a lot of questions about how openly available that information should be. While I've seen a lot of discussion of the impact on users, I've seen little...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: 5 Simple Ways Your Business Can Leverage Foursquare

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Work
    Manage and Support Employee Owned Smart Phones with Zenprise

    Zenprise, a mobile device management software vendor, has released some new features in its flagship MobileManage product that aim to be of particular value to the growing number of enterprises supporting employee owned devices. MobileManage enables IT to manage iOS, BlackBerry, Android and Windows Mobile devices from a single interface.Zenprise...

  • Mobile
    Google Bike Maps Adds Lanes, Trails for 80 Cities

    Earlier this year, Google added bicycle paths and directions to Google Maps, a feature users had been requesting for some time. The feature launched in beta, with bike lane and trail information for 150 cities, but the Google Maps team knew even then that it was far from complete. Now,...

  • Web
    Skype Founders’ Experience Helps Music Startup Top the Charts

    Startups flourish when entrepreneurs find new ways to disrupt existing markets and industries. One of the oldest businesses that has been in dire need of innovation is the music industry, and startups have begun to crowd the industry, rethinking the way people share, buy and experience music. Billboard Magazine recently...

  • Web
    How the Cloud Changes TV and Why Hollywood Should Not Be Scared

    Google TV is the first major test to determine how cloud computing changes television.For years we have seen the dichotomy between television and the Internet. In the earlier years, television had scale. The Internet did not. But now we are in a different era. The massive scale of the cloud...

  • Mobile
    Dot Obits: Ted Stevens + John New

    This is the latest in an occasional series on people who have passed away, folks who have contributed in some way to the development of, or the way we look at, the Internet and Web.Ted Stevens, Senator, Internet PhilosopherA powerful GOP senator, Stevens died last week in a plane crash...

  • Mobile
    5M Monthly Check-Ins Later, GetGlue Comes to Android

    Check-in apps are all the rage in the mobile space, but these days users aren't just checking into business and landmarks. Apps like Miso and Facebook's recent acquisition Hot Potato, which allow users to check-in to movies, TV shows, books and other activities, have been part of the fuel behind...

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