Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Social
    How to Hack Nike+ for Automatic Foursquare Check-ins

    Have you ever wanted to walk into a building and be automatically checked into Foursquare, without any action on your part? That's the promise of an intriguing DIY project from electronic engineering hobbyist, Casey Halverson. He has come up with a low-cost solution that involves a Nike+ sensor, a $25...

  • Mobile
    Check Out This Awesome RSS Reader for Windows Phone 7

    Windows Phone 7 will be available in time for the Holiday Season, Microsoft says, and today the company unveiled a beautiful new RSS reading app built by an award winning team of Microsoft 2010 interns.Called Headliner, the app adheres to the design standards of the rest of the OS (delightfully...

  • Mobile
    Texting: It’s Not Just for Teenagers Anymore

    Lately, the discussion about texting has mostly focused on teenagers, who now often send hundreds of text messages per day. While voice calling is still the primary use of cell phones for adults, almost three quarters of all adults in the U.S. now send and receive text messages. According to...

  • Mobile
    Tablet Computers Will Thrive Because They Are Shareable

    "...a tablet is, crucially, a more shareable computer. A laptop, with its fragile hinge-ware and space-gobbling keyboard, is just not comfy to share. A tablet is easier to bring to the café, easier to hand across the table or along the sofa, easier to seize in the heat of the...

  • Web
    10 Things You Need to Know About Apple’s New Social Network, Ping

    Ping, Apple's new social network, is the standout feature in iTunes 10, the most recent update to Apple's music management application. Within Ping, you can find and follow your favorite bands and your friends as well as recommend or leave notes about the music you listen to. Ping adds a...

  • Web
    Google and AOL Renew Search Agreement for Another 5 Years

    Google and AOL just announced that they have renewed their global search alliance for another five years. Google will continue to power search on all of AOLs properties. For the most part, the new agreement just reinforces the existing contract, but the two companies also plan to expand their current...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Paris

    If you're capable of seeing past the old stones of Paris and the picturesque rural villages, you'll realize that France is every bit as technologically advanced as any other Western country - more so in some areas. Not only does the country have a higher percentage of homes with high-speed...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone 7 Ships; Phones Coming Before the Holidays

    Microsoft's new mobile OS has shipped to handset makers and will be appearing on phones in time for the holiday season, the company announced today.The stage is set for Microsoft to either rock the mobile world with a mainstream alternative to the iPhone and Android platforms, rebounding after a string...

  • Entertainment
    Billboard Magazine, Est. 1894, Tries to Boost Its Digital Cred

    Billboard is best known for charts that rank the most popular music and musicians, which the weekly industry magazine started publishing in 1913 as a list of the most popular sheet music. Since then, topping the Billboard Hot 100 has become a coveted milestone for musicians, but the Billboard brand...

  • Web
    World Economic Forum Honors 31 Startups as “Technology Pioneers”

    As I argued earlier this week, words like "disruptive," "innovative," and "transformational" can lose their punch when applied to every new company, every new product, every new feature. But there are undoubtedly plenty of areas in which innovation and transformation are not just happening and warranted, but absolutely crucial. It...

  • Social
    Cops Not Sure How to Use Twitter, Study Shows

    A study of 1,089 official and unofficial law enforcement Twitter accounts shows about 21 percent don't tweet, nine percent tweet personal opinions about crime or criminal justice, and three percent have tweeted in a way that could be interpreted as racist or sexist. Furthermore, the vast majority of agencies did...

  • Web
    Intel and the Cloud – Federated, Automated and Intelligent

    Is a cloud utopia possible? The idea being that someday everything will be elastic. Services scale up and down based on usage. You would never have to worry about updating an application on your laptop. Security would be taken care of and devices would be smart enough to know what...

  • Web
    Apple Event Announcements Rundown: iOS 4.1, New iPods, iTunes 10, Ping and Apple TV

    It was a busy day at the YBCA Theater in San Francisco today as Apple unveiled a slew of new products and services to its crowd, and to those watching live on the Web. We saw upgrades to the iOS software for all iOS devices (even the iPad), a new...

  • Mobile
    Skyfire Submits Flash Video Enabled Browser to App Store

    Steve Jobs doesn't like Flash. He says it has poor security, kills your battery and performs poorly on mobile devices. For those reasons and more, Apple doesn't allow Flash applications or video to run on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Today, Skyfire will try to break through Apple's Flash...

  • Mobile
    WebOS 2.0 Pushed to Developers

    It looks like HP's investment in Palm is starting to pay off. Today, Palm's mobile operating system has been updated to a new version: webOS 2.0. The refreshed OS, now released to the Palm developer community via a beta version of the webOS 2.0 SDK (software development kit), includes a...

  • Web
    Why Only Mac Users Can Watch Apple’s Event Tomorrow

    You can watch a live stream of Apple's fall event tomorrow, the company has announced - but only if you're using an Apple device.Apple will broadcast the event using its internally-developed HTTP Live Streaming Protocol, which requires either a Mac running Safari on Mac OS X version 10.6, an iPhone...

  • Web
    iTunes Features Location Apps with New “On the Grid” Section

    When social networking behemoth Facebook launched its foray into the location game with Places, some declared that apps like Foursquare and Gowalla would be rendered obsolete. The result, so far, has been quite the contrary, as the megaphone of Facebook has helped spread the word about location apps to the...

  • Entertainment
    American Game Devs Can Make Four Times as Much in Japan, Company Says

    Japanese social gaming giant DeNA is offering support for American game developers who want to bring their games to the Japanese market, where it says the amount of money to be made is "astronomical."DeNA and Yahoo! Japan partnered in April to launch a social gaming platform, Yahoo Mobage. Now the...

  • Social
    TweetPhoto Becomes Plixi, Presents New Vision for Location-Based Services

    TweetPhoto is the kind of service you probably interact with every week, without even realizing it, if you don't actually use it yourself. The social photo-sharing platform is integrated into 250 third-party applications, including Seesmic, TweetDeck, Echofon and others. While media darling Foursquare makes headlines for reaching 3 million active...

  • Web
    SublimeVideo Launches HTML5-Video-Player-as-a-Service

    SublimeVideo, an HTML5-based video player from Switzerland-based development and design firm Jilion, has launched, an HTML5 Video-Player-as-a-Service. The goal of the new site is to provide tools for Web publishers that will allow for the easy deployment of zero-maintenance HTML5 video on a website in a matter of seconds,...

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