Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Web
    Move Over Browser, Here Comes The Web on IE9

    I went to use Firefox the other day after months of loyal Chrome use, and I was astounded - what had formerly been my favorite browser suddenly felt like it was getting in the way, with multiple bars of menus and icons. It was eating up all of my precious...

  • Mobile
    Nokia’s New CEO Stephen Elop Says “Developers, Developers, Developers!”

    Nokia's newly appointed CEO Stephen Elop, the former head of Microsoft's Business Division, made a surprise appearance at today's Nokia World 2010 event in London. He presented the award to the finalists of Nokia's "Growth Economy Venture Challenge," a developer contest that came with a $1 million dollar prize. He...

  • Web
    Why Your Startup Should Be Involved in Open Source

    Oftentimes, when you hear the arguments for "Why open source?", they are aimed at convincing companies to use open source software. But the other piece of the argument is, of course, an argument for why your company should build open source - why it should develop its technology in a...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Launches Check-ins on Ovi Maps, Takes Location and Privacy Seriously

    Nokia debuted a new feature for its Ovi Maps service at this week's Nokia World 2010 event in London: check-ins. But, thankfully, the company isn't hopping on the bandwagon of location-based social sharing with its own self-branded service (also known as "yet another social network I have to sign up...

  • Web
    Parallels Desktop 6 Lets You Run Windows on Your iPad

    Have you ever been using your iPad and thought, "man, I could really use Microsoft Word on this thing, right now!" No? Well, some users - particularly Mac fans whose business systems live in Windows environments - have been itching for this ability, and thanks to Parallels it is now...

  • Social
    Live Blog: Twitter Launches Redesign of

    As we mentioned this morning, Twitter is holding an event at its headquarters this afternoon at 4 pm PT, but so far the company is keeping mum on why we're all attending. But attending we are and we have a few hypotheses as to what could be coming, from the...

  • Social
    Twitter is NOT a Social Network, Says Twitter Exec

    Kevin Thau, Twitter's VP for business and corporate development, announced during a presentation at Nokia World 2010 today that everyone's favorite micro-blogging network is not actually a social network. It's not, you say? No, says Thau: Twitter is for news. Twitter is for content. Twitter is for information. To those...

  • Hack
    Preview: Intel AppUp Elements 2010

    What do you get when you fill a room with developers, retro and modern gaming, Wil Wheaton (@wilw), and beverages? If you guessed a time portal to another dimension replete with plasma spewing monsters, adult language, adult situations, deep gamer sub-references and a barely PG-13 rating from the MPAA.... you...

  • Social
    Three Things Twitter Might Announce This Afternoon

    There's a meeting at Twitter headquarters this afternoon, and all the cool kids (see: us) are going to be there, but Twitter hasn't told us why. There are a number of features we've been expecting and a few more that we've been hoping for, so we thought we'd take a...

  • Web
    Turn Emails Into Action Items With Liaise (Now Out of Beta)

    When Liase launched into public beta about a year ago, we hailed it as "possibly the coolest email add-on ever," and we stand by that bold declaration as the product peels back the beta label and becomes commercially available today. Liaise is an add-on for Microsoft Outlook that detects actionable...

  • Mobile
    Nokia to Developers: Consumers are Hungry for Java Apps and are Willing to Pay

    At this week's Nokia World 2010 event in London, Purnima Kochikar, Nokia's developer chief, announced to the audience during her keynote speech that there is a real "hunger for Java applications" out there in the world, and people are willing to pay for them.Although the Silicon Valley tech press is...

  • Web
    Ron Conway’s 7 Tech Megatrends

    Techcrunch has obtained a copy of SV Angel's list of "Tech Megatrends." The document lists the 7 trends that SV Angel, led by investor Ron Conway, is eyeing.Having your service on this trend list doesn't guarantee funding; nor does being absent from the list mean you necessarily have a bad...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Announces to World: “We’re Back!” (Nokia World 2010)

    This morning at the Nokia World 2010 event in London, Niklas Savander, executive VP of markets for Nokia shouted to a crowd of international media, developers and mobile enthusiasts at the company's annual summit: "NOKIA IS BACK!" But had it ever really gone away? After all, the company's Symbian mobile...

  • Web
    Businesses to Benefit As Location-Aware Ads Get More Sophisticated

    Location Labs, which provides tools for developers building and monetizing location-based services, is announcing a partnership that will add another dimension to what advertisers know about mobile users. By tapping into the database of 15 million carefully categorized businesses maintained by Citysearch and other CityGrid Media properties, Location Labs plans...

  • Work
    Interview with Forrester’s Josh Bernoff on His New Book Empowered

    Forrester analysts Josh Bernoff and Ted Schadler's new book Empowered: Unleash Your Employees, Energize Your Customers, and Transform Your Business, a follow-up to Bernoff's and Charlene Li's 2008 Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies, was released today. Empowered takes a look at several trends we've been following...

  • Web
    A Faster Web – It’s Not about the Network Anymore

    The Velocity conference took place earlier this year - and some of the best and brightest in Web performance assembled in Santa Clara to chart a course of innovation in performance and operations for the next year.One of the obvious themes this year was mobile, but it was the overarching...

  • Social
    Twitter Aims to Duplicate YouTube’s Success

    Yesterday Twitter announced a major redesign of its homepage. The new is designed to make it easier for mainstream people to consume content on Twitter. "You don't have to tweet," said Twitter co-founder Evan Williams at the press gathering yesterday, "any more than you have to make a webpage...

  • Social
    Social TV App Makers Disagree On Why Viewers Should Check In

    Users who want to advertise what they're watching and share recommendations for TV shows and movies with friends have plenty of choices. Apps and mobile sites including GetGlue, Relay, Philo, Miso, etc. all hope to siphon conversation about TV, movies and even books and music from social networks like...

  • Mobile
    Google Research Carves Space-Time to Optimize Video for Any Size Screen

    Videos come in different sizes, resolutions and aspect ratios; the problem is, so do screens. Try to watch a video shot in a boxy 4:3 width to heighth ratio on your 16:9 HDTV, and things are going to look a little stretched out. Alternatively, you can have your 4:3 image...

  • Social
    LinkedIn Competitor Has 100 Million Profiles, Wants You to Claim Yours is a database of dynamic, information-rich user profiles that can be accessed via the Web or inside your email or other communication-management tool, or on your mobile device. The database is populated with the people who have signed up for Gist's public beta and their contacts. There are 100...

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